27 April 2018
Composable Commerce
  • [GraphQL API] Added new field DiscountCode.applicationCount.
  • [GraphQL API] Product variant info now includes availability information. Since the list of availability per sales channel can get quite big there is a support for pagination and inclusion and exclusion of sales channels.

We extended the GraphQL schema:

extend type DiscountCode {

  How many times this discount code was applied
  (only applications that were part of a successful checkout are considered)
  applicationCount: Long!

extend type ProductVariant {
  availability: ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannels

type ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannels {
  noChannel: ProductVariantAvailability
    The IDs of channels to include.

    If neither `includeChannelIds` nor `excludeChannelIds` are provided, then all channels are returned.
    includeChannelIds: [String!],

    The IDs of channels to exclude.

    If neither `includeChannelIds` nor `excludeChannelIds` are provided, then all channels are returned.
    excludeChannelIds: [String!],
    limit: Int,
    offset: Int): ProductVariantAvailabilitiesResult

type ProductVariantAvailability {
  isOnStock: Boolean!
  restockableInDays: Int
  availableQuantity: Long

type ProductVariantAvailabilitiesResult {
  limit: Int
  offset: Int
  total: Int!
  results: [ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannel!]!

type ProductVariantAvailabilityWithChannel {
  channelRef: Reference!
  channel: Channel!
  availability: ProductVariantAvailability!