All Release Notes

Added Subscription GraphQL query and mutation schema

8 April 2020

Subscriptions can now be queried, created, updated, and deleted using the GraphQL API.

  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: AzureServiceBusDestination, AzureServiceBusDestinationInput, ChangeSubscription, ChangeSubscriptionDestination, ChangeSubscriptionInput, CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormat, CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormatInput, Destination, DestinationInput, EventGridDestination, EventGridDestinationInput, GoogleCloudPubSubDestination, GoogleCloudPubSubDestinationInput, MessageSubscription, MessageSubscriptionInput, NotificationFormat, PlatformFormat, PlatformFormatInput, SNSDestination, SNSDestinationInput, SQSDestination, SQSDestinationInput, SetSubscriptionChanges, SetSubscriptionKey, SetSubscriptionMessages, Subscription, SubscriptionDraft, SubscriptionFormatInput, SubscriptionHealthStatus, SubscriptionQueryResult, SubscriptionUpdateAction.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the Query type:
    • Added the subscription field to the Query type.
    • Added the subscriptions field to the Query type.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the Mutation type:
    • Added the updateSubscription field to the Mutation type.
    • Added the deleteSubscription field to the Mutation type.
    • Added the createSubscription field to the Mutation type.

Introduced the following changes to the GraphQL schema (in SDL format):

extend type Query {
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String): Subscription
subscriptions(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): SubscriptionQueryResult!
extend type Mutation {
createSubscription(draft: SubscriptionDraft!): Subscription
deleteSubscription(version: Long!,
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String): Subscription
updateSubscription(version: Long!, actions: [SubscriptionUpdateAction!]!,
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String): Subscription
type AzureServiceBusDestination implements Destination {
connectionString: String!
type: String!
input AzureServiceBusDestinationInput {
connectionString: String!
type ChangeSubscription {
resourceTypeId: String!
input ChangeSubscriptionDestination {
destination: DestinationInput!
input ChangeSubscriptionInput {
resourceTypeId: String!
type CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormat implements NotificationFormat {
type: String!
cloudEventsVersion: String!
input CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormatInput {
cloudEventsVersion: String!
interface Destination {
type: String!
input DestinationInput {
SQS: SQSDestinationInput
SNS: SNSDestinationInput
AzureServiceBus: AzureServiceBusDestinationInput
EventGrid: EventGridDestinationInput
GoogleCloudPubSub: GoogleCloudPubSubDestinationInput
type EventGridDestination implements Destination {
uri: String!
accessKey: String!
type: String!
input EventGridDestinationInput {
uri: String!
accessKey: String!
type GoogleCloudPubSubDestination implements Destination {
projectId: String!
topic: String!
type: String!
input GoogleCloudPubSubDestinationInput {
projectId: String!
topic: String!
type MessageSubscription {
resourceTypeId: String!
types: [String!]!
input MessageSubscriptionInput {
resourceTypeId: String!
types: [String!]
interface NotificationFormat {
type: String!
type PlatformFormat implements NotificationFormat {
type: String!
input PlatformFormatInput {
dummy: String
type SNSDestination implements Destination {
topicArn: String!
accessKey: String!
accessSecret: String!
type: String!
input SNSDestinationInput {
topicArn: String!
accessKey: String!
accessSecret: String!
type SQSDestination implements Destination {
queueUrl: String!
accessKey: String!
accessSecret: String!
region: String!
type: String!
input SQSDestinationInput {
queueUrl: String!
accessKey: String!
accessSecret: String!
region: String!
input SetSubscriptionChanges {
changes: [ChangeSubscriptionInput!]!
input SetSubscriptionKey {
key: String
input SetSubscriptionMessages {
messages: [MessageSubscriptionInput!]!
type Subscription implements Versioned {
key: String
destination: Destination!
messages: [MessageSubscription!]!
changes: [ChangeSubscription!]!
format: NotificationFormat!
status: SubscriptionHealthStatus!
id: String!
version: Long!
createdAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
createdBy: Initiator
lastModifiedBy: Initiator
input SubscriptionDraft {
key: String
destination: DestinationInput!
messages: [MessageSubscriptionInput!]
changes: [ChangeSubscriptionInput!]
format: SubscriptionFormatInput
input SubscriptionFormatInput {
Platform: PlatformFormatInput
CloudEvents: CloudEventsSubscriptionsFormatInput
enum SubscriptionHealthStatus {
type SubscriptionQueryResult {
offset: Int!
count: Int!
total: Long!
results: [Subscription!]!
input SubscriptionUpdateAction {
changeDestination: ChangeSubscriptionDestination
setChanges: SetSubscriptionChanges
setKey: SetSubscriptionKey
setMessages: SetSubscriptionMessages