21 October 2020
Composable Commerce

Messages can now be queried using the GraphQL API.

  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: CategoryCreated, CategorySlugChanged, CustomLineItemStateTransition, CustomerAddressAdded, CustomerAddressChanged, CustomerAddressRemoved, CustomerCompanyNameSet, CustomerCreated, CustomerDateOfBirthSet, CustomerEmailChanged, CustomerEmailVerified, CustomerGroupSet, CustomerPasswordUpdated, DeliveryAdded, DeliveryAddressSet, DeliveryItemsUpdated, DeliveryRemoved, DummyLocalizedString, InventoryEntryCreated, InventoryEntryCreatedContent, InventoryEntryDeleted, InventoryEntryQuantitySet, LineItemStateTransition, Message, MessageId, MessagePayload, MessageQueryResult, OrderBillingAddressSet, OrderCreated, OrderCustomLineItemAdded, OrderCustomLineItemDiscountSet, OrderCustomLineItemQuantityChanged, OrderCustomLineItemRemoved, OrderCustomerEmailSet, OrderCustomerGroupSet, OrderCustomerSet, OrderDeleted, OrderDiscountCodeAdded, OrderDiscountCodeRemoved, OrderDiscountCodeStateSet, OrderEditApplied, OrderImported, OrderLineItemAdded, OrderLineItemDiscountSet, OrderLineItemDistributionChannelSet, OrderLineItemRemoved, OrderPaymentStateChanged, OrderReturnShipmentStateChanged, OrderShipmentStateChanged, OrderShippingAddressSet, OrderShippingInfoSet, OrderShippingRateInputSet, OrderStateChanged, OrderStateTransition, OrderStoreSet, ParcelAddedToDelivery, ParcelItemsUpdated, ParcelMeasurementsUpdated, ParcelRemovedFromDelivery, ParcelTrackingDataUpdated, PaymentCreated, PaymentInteractionAdded, PaymentStatusInterfaceCodeSet, PaymentStatusStateTransition, PaymentTransactionAdded, PaymentTransactionStateChanged, ProductAddedToCategory, ProductCreated, ProductDeleted, ProductImageAdded, ProductPriceDiscountUpdateMessagePayload, ProductPriceDiscountsSet, ProductPriceExternalDiscountSet, ProductProjectionMessagePayload, ProductPublished, ProductRemovedFromCategory, ProductRevertedStagedChanges, ProductSlugChanged, ProductStateTransition, ProductUnpublished, ProductVariantAdded, ProductVariantDeleted, ReferenceId, ReturnInfoAdded, ReviewCreated, ReviewRatingSet, ReviewStateTransition, UserProvidedIdentifiers.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the Query type:
    • Added the message field to the Query type.
    • Added the messages field to the Query type.

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend type Query {
    "Queries with specified ID"
    id: String,

    "Queries with specified key"
    key: String): Message
  messages(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): MessageQueryResult!

type CategoryCreated implements MessagePayload {
  category: Category!
  type: String!

type CategorySlugChanged implements MessagePayload {
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  slugAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
  type: String!

type CustomLineItemStateTransition implements MessagePayload {
  customLineItemId: String!
  transitionDate: DateTime!
  quantity: Long!
  fromState: State
  toState: State
  fromStateRef: Reference!
  toStateRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type CustomerAddressAdded implements MessagePayload {
  address: Address!
  type: String!

type CustomerAddressChanged implements MessagePayload {
  address: Address!
  type: String!

type CustomerAddressRemoved implements MessagePayload {
  address: Address!
  type: String!

type CustomerCompanyNameSet implements MessagePayload {
  companyName: String
  type: String!

type CustomerCreated implements MessagePayload {
  customer: Customer!
  type: String!

type CustomerDateOfBirthSet implements MessagePayload {
  dateOfBirth: Date
  type: String!

type CustomerEmailChanged implements MessagePayload {
  email: String!
  type: String!

type CustomerEmailVerified implements MessagePayload {
  type: String!

type CustomerGroupSet implements MessagePayload {
  customerGroup: CustomerGroup
  customerGroupRef: Reference
  type: String!

type CustomerPasswordUpdated implements MessagePayload {
  reset: Boolean!
  type: String!

type DeliveryAdded implements MessagePayload {
  delivery: Delivery!
  type: String!

type DeliveryAddressSet implements MessagePayload {
  deliveryId: String!
  address: Address
  oldAddress: Address
  type: String!

type DeliveryItemsUpdated implements MessagePayload {
  deliveryId: String!
  items: [DeliveryItem!]!
  oldItems: [DeliveryItem!]!
  type: String!

type DeliveryRemoved implements MessagePayload {
  delivery: Delivery!
  type: String!

interface DummyLocalizedString {
  dummy: String!

type InventoryEntryCreated implements MessagePayload {
  inventoryEntry: InventoryEntryCreatedContent!
  type: String!

type InventoryEntryCreatedContent {
  inventoryEntryId: String!
  sku: String!
  quantityOnStock: Long!
  restockableInDays: Int
  expectedDelivery: DateTime
  messageId: MessageId
  supplyChannel: Channel
  supplyChannelRef: Reference
  custom: CustomFieldsType

type InventoryEntryDeleted implements MessagePayload {
  sku: String!
  supplyChannel: Channel
  supplyChannelRef: Reference
  type: String!

type InventoryEntryQuantitySet implements MessagePayload {
  oldQuantityOnStock: Long!
  newQuantityOnStock: Long!
  oldAvailableQuantity: Long!
  newAvailableQuantity: Long!
  type: String!

type LineItemStateTransition implements MessagePayload {
  lineItemId: String!
  transitionDate: DateTime!
  quantity: Long!
  fromState: State
  toState: State
  fromStateRef: Reference!
  toStateRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type Message implements Versioned {
  id: String!
  type: String!
  sequenceNumber: Long!
  resourceRef: Reference!
  resourceVersion: Long!
  userProvidedIdentifiers: UserProvidedIdentifiers
  payload: MessagePayload!
  version: Long!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
  createdBy: Initiator
  lastModifiedBy: Initiator

type MessageId {
  id: String!
  sequenceNumber: Long!

interface MessagePayload {
  type: String!

type MessageQueryResult {
  offset: Int!
  count: Int!
  total: Long!
  results: [Message!]!

type OrderBillingAddressSet implements MessagePayload {
  address: Address
  oldAddress: Address
  type: String!

type OrderCreated implements MessagePayload {
  order: Order!
  type: String!

type OrderCustomLineItemAdded implements MessagePayload {
  customLineItem: CustomLineItem!
  type: String!

type OrderCustomLineItemDiscountSet implements MessagePayload {
  customLineItemId: String!
  discountedPricePerQuantity: [DiscountedLineItemPriceForQuantity!]!
  taxedPrice: TaxedItemPrice
  type: String!

type OrderCustomLineItemQuantityChanged implements MessagePayload {
  customLineItemId: String!
  quantity: Long!
  oldQuantity: Long
  type: String!

type OrderCustomLineItemRemoved implements MessagePayload {
  customLineItemId: String!
  customLineItem: CustomLineItem
  type: String!

type OrderCustomerEmailSet implements MessagePayload {
  email: String
  oldEmail: String
  type: String!

type OrderCustomerGroupSet implements MessagePayload {
  customerGroup: CustomerGroup
  oldCustomerGroup: CustomerGroup
  customerGroupRef: Reference
  oldCustomerGroupRef: Reference
  type: String!

type OrderCustomerSet implements MessagePayload {
  customer: Customer
  oldCustomer: Customer
  customerGroup: CustomerGroup
  oldCustomerGroup: CustomerGroup
  customerRef: Reference
  oldCustomerRef: Reference
  customerGroupRef: Reference
  oldCustomerGroupRef: Reference
  type: String!

type OrderDeleted implements MessagePayload {
  order: Order
  type: String!

type OrderDiscountCodeAdded implements MessagePayload {
  discountCode: DiscountCode
  discountCodeRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type OrderDiscountCodeRemoved implements MessagePayload {
  discountCode: DiscountCode
  discountCodeRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type OrderDiscountCodeStateSet implements MessagePayload {
  state: DiscountCodeState!
  oldState: DiscountCodeState
  discountCode: DiscountCode
  discountCodeRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type OrderEditApplied implements MessagePayload {
  result: Applied!
  edit: OrderEdit
  editRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type OrderImported implements MessagePayload {
  order: Order!
  type: String!

type OrderLineItemAdded implements MessagePayload {
  lineItem: LineItem!
  addedQuantity: Long!
  type: String!

type OrderLineItemDiscountSet implements MessagePayload {
  lineItemId: String!
  discountedPricePerQuantity: [DiscountedLineItemPriceForQuantity!]!
  totalPrice: Money!
  taxedPrice: TaxedItemPrice
  type: String!

type OrderLineItemDistributionChannelSet implements MessagePayload {
  lineItemId: String!
  distributionChannel: Channel
  distributionChannelRef: Reference
  type: String!

type OrderLineItemRemoved implements MessagePayload {
  lineItemId: String!
  removedQuantity: Long!
  newQuantity: Long!
  newState: Set!
  newTotalPrice: Money!
  newTaxedPrice: TaxedItemPrice
  newPrice: ProductPrice
  newShippingDetails: ItemShippingDetails
  type: String!

type OrderPaymentStateChanged implements MessagePayload {
  paymentState: PaymentState!
  oldPaymentState: PaymentState
  type: String!

type OrderReturnShipmentStateChanged implements MessagePayload {
  returnItemId: String!
  returnShipmentState: ReturnShipmentState!
  type: String!

type OrderShipmentStateChanged implements MessagePayload {
  shipmentState: ShipmentState!
  oldShipmentState: ShipmentState
  type: String!

type OrderShippingAddressSet implements MessagePayload {
  address: Address
  oldAddress: Address
  type: String!

type OrderShippingInfoSet implements MessagePayload {
  shippingInfo: ShippingInfo
  oldShippingInfo: ShippingInfo
  type: String!

type OrderShippingRateInputSet implements MessagePayload {
  shippingRateInput: ShippingRateInput
  oldShippingRateInput: ShippingRateInput
  type: String!

type OrderStateChanged implements MessagePayload {
  orderId: String!
  orderState: OrderState!
  oldOrderState: OrderState
  type: String!

type OrderStateTransition implements MessagePayload {
  force: Boolean!
  state: State
  oldState: State
  stateRef: Reference!
  oldStateRef: Reference
  type: String!

type OrderStoreSet implements MessagePayload {
  store: Store
  oldStore: Store
  storeRef: KeyReference
  oldStoreRef: KeyReference
  type: String!

type ParcelAddedToDelivery implements MessagePayload {
  delivery: Delivery!
  parcel: Parcel!
  type: String!

type ParcelItemsUpdated implements MessagePayload {
  deliveryId: String!
  parcelId: String!
  items: [DeliveryItem!]!
  oldItems: [DeliveryItem!]!
  type: String!

type ParcelMeasurementsUpdated implements MessagePayload {
  deliveryId: String!
  parcelId: String!
  measurements: ParcelMeasurements
  type: String!

type ParcelRemovedFromDelivery implements MessagePayload {
  deliveryId: String!
  parcel: Parcel!
  type: String!

type ParcelTrackingDataUpdated implements MessagePayload {
  deliveryId: String!
  parcelId: String!
  trackingData: TrackingData
  type: String!

type PaymentCreated implements MessagePayload {
  payment: Payment!
  type: String!

type PaymentInteractionAdded implements MessagePayload {
  interaction: CustomFieldsType!
  type: String!

type PaymentStatusInterfaceCodeSet implements MessagePayload {
  paymentId: String!
  interfaceCode: String
  type: String!

type PaymentStatusStateTransition implements MessagePayload {
  force: Boolean!
  state: State
  stateRef: Reference
  type: String!

type PaymentTransactionAdded implements MessagePayload {
  transaction: Transaction!
  type: String!

type PaymentTransactionStateChanged implements MessagePayload {
  transactionId: String!
  state: TransactionState!
  type: String!

type ProductAddedToCategory implements MessagePayload {
  category: ReferenceId!
  staged: Boolean!
  type: String!

type ProductCreated implements MessagePayload {
  productProjection: ProductProjectionMessagePayload!
  type: String!

type ProductDeleted implements MessagePayload {
  removedImageUrls: Set!
  currentProjection: ProductProjectionMessagePayload
  type: String!

type ProductImageAdded implements MessagePayload {
  variantId: Int!
  image: Image!
  staged: Boolean!
  type: String!

type ProductPriceDiscountUpdateMessagePayload {
  variantId: Int!
  variantKey: String
  sku: String
  priceId: String!
  discounted: DiscountedProductPriceValue
  staged: Boolean!

type ProductPriceDiscountsSet implements MessagePayload {
  updatedPrices: [ProductPriceDiscountUpdateMessagePayload!]!
  type: String!

type ProductPriceExternalDiscountSet implements MessagePayload {
  variantId: Int!
  variantKey: String
  sku: String
  priceId: String!
  discounted: DiscountedProductPriceValue
  staged: Boolean!
  type: String!

type ProductProjectionMessagePayload {
  id: String!
  version: Long!
  createdAt: DateTime!
  lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
  productTypeRef: Reference!
  productType: ProductTypeDefinition
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  nameAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  descriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  slugAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
  categoryOrderHints: [CategoryOrderHint!]!
  categoriesRef: [Reference!]!
  categories: [Category!]!
  searchKeywords: [SearchKeywords!]!
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  metaTitleAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  metaKeywordsAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  metaDescriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
  hasStagedChanges: Boolean!
  published: Boolean!
  masterData: ProductVariant!
  variants: [ProductVariant!]!
  taxCategoryRef: Reference
  taxCategory: TaxCategory
  stateRef: Reference
  state: State
  reviewRatingStatistics: ReviewRatingStatistics

type ProductPublished implements MessagePayload {
  productProjection: ProductProjectionMessagePayload!
  removedImageUrls: [String!]!
  scope: PublishScope!
  type: String!

type ProductRemovedFromCategory implements MessagePayload {
  category: ReferenceId!
  staged: Boolean!
  type: String!

type ProductRevertedStagedChanges implements MessagePayload {
  removedImageUrls: Set!
  type: String!

type ProductSlugChanged implements MessagePayload {
  slug: DummyLocalizedString!
  type: String!

type ProductStateTransition implements MessagePayload {
  force: Boolean!
  state: State
  stateRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type ProductUnpublished implements MessagePayload {
  type: String!

type ProductVariantAdded implements MessagePayload {
  variant: ProductVariant!
  staged: Boolean!
  type: String!

type ProductVariantDeleted implements MessagePayload {
  removedImageUrls: Set!
  variant: ProductVariant
  type: String!

type ReferenceId {
  typeId: String!
  id: String!

type ReturnInfoAdded implements MessagePayload {
  returnInfo: ReturnInfo!
  type: String!

type ReviewCreated implements MessagePayload {
  review: Review!
  type: String!

type ReviewRatingSet implements MessagePayload {
  oldRating: Int
  newRating: Int
  includedInStatistics: Boolean!
  target: ReviewTarget
  targetRef: Reference
  type: String!

type ReviewStateTransition implements MessagePayload {
  oldIncludedInStatistics: Boolean!
  newIncludedInStatistics: Boolean!
  force: Boolean!
  target: ReviewTarget
  oldState: State
  newState: State
  targetRef: Reference
  oldStateRef: Reference
  newStateRef: Reference!
  type: String!

type UserProvidedIdentifiers {
  key: String
  orderNumber: String
  customerNumber: String
  externalId: String
  sku: String
    "String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
    locale: Locale,

    "List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
    acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
  slugAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]