9 August 2021
Composable Commerce

Effective from 6 September 2021, we will introduce a new Processing State. The new Processing State called Processing will be added as a default state. The Unresolved state will be reserved exclusively for unresolved references.

This will be a breaking change from the business logic perspective although we are only changing the meaning of an existing state without removing it. The processing of your import request itself should not be impacted by this change; however, if you have some sort of monitoring using Processing States, you will need to change the code. We apologize for the possible inconvenience.

Currently, the Unresolved state has the following meaning:

On 6 September 2021, we will introduce a new state called Processing and the following changes will take place:

  • Processing will be the new default Processing State assigned to Import Operations when they are created.
  • The Unresolved state will no longer be the initial state.
  • The Unresolved state continues to be used (but exclusively) as the state to indicate missing references. A user's action will be required in this state to fix the missing references.