29 October 2021
Composable Commerce
GraphQLProduct catalog

To support the marked matching Variants feature in the GraphQL API we have added the field isMatchingVariant to the Product Variants in the result of productProjectionSearch queries. This field will only have a value when the argument markMatchingVariants (that we also added) is set to true.


  • [GraphQL API] Changed the ProductSearchVariant type:
    • Added the isMatchingVariant field to the ProductSearchVariant type.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the Query type:
    • Added argument markMatchingVariants to Query.productProjectionSearch field to align with the REST API.
    • Deprecated argument Query.productProjectionSearch(markMatchingVariant) in favor of markMatchingVariants.

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend type ProductSearchVariant {
  isMatchingVariant: Boolean