3 August 2022
In our June 14, 2022 release we incorrectly labeled some closed beta features as available in public beta and introduced them in our GraphQL schema file.
We made a correction to the schema file and the original release note to remove the closed beta features listed below. This does not change the availability of the features. They remain discoverable through introspection and are intended for selected customers taking part in closed beta programs.
If you are interested in evaluating a closed beta feature, please reach out to your contact at commercetools.
- [GraphQL API] Removed the following types from the GraphQL schema:
. - [GraphQL API] Changed the
type:- Removed the
field from theMutation
type. - Removed the
field from theMutation
type. - Removed the
field from theMutation
- Removed the
- [GraphQL API] Changed the
type:- Removed the
field from theQuery
type. - Removed the
field from theQuery
- Removed the
- [GraphQL API] Changed the
type:- Enum value
was removed from enumCartOrigin
- Enum value
The following changes were removed in terms of GraphQL SDL:
extend type Query {
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String): AttributeGroup
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
attributeGroups(where: String, sort: [String!], limit: Int, offset: Int): AttributeGroupQueryResult!
extend type Mutation {
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
createAttributeGroup(draft: AttributeGroupDraft!): AttributeGroup
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
deleteAttributeGroup(version: Long!,
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String): AttributeGroup
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
updateAttributeGroup(version: Long!, actions: [AttributeGroupUpdateAction!]!,
"Queries with specified ID"
id: String,
"Queries with specified key"
key: String): AttributeGroup
input AddAttributeGroupAttribute {
attribute: String!
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
type AttributeGroup implements Versioned {
id: String!
version: Long!
createdAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
"String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
locale: Locale,
"List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
nameAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]!
"String is defined for different locales. This argument specifies the desired locale."
locale: Locale,
"List of languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred."
acceptLanguage: [Locale!]): String
descriptionAllLocales: [LocalizedString!]
key: String
attributes: [String!]!
createdBy: Initiator
lastModifiedBy: Initiator
input AttributeGroupDraft {
name: [LocalizedStringItemInputType!]!
description: [LocalizedStringItemInputType!]
key: String
attributes: [String!]!
type AttributeGroupQueryResult {
offset: Int!
count: Int!
total: Long!
"BETA: This feature can be subject to change and should be used carefully in production. https://docs.commercetools.com/api/contract#public-beta"
exists: Boolean!
results: [AttributeGroup!]!
input AttributeGroupUpdateAction {
addAttribute: AddAttributeGroupAttribute
changeName: ChangeAttributeGroupName
removeAttribute: RemoveAttributeGroupAttribute
setDescription: SetAttributeGroupDescription
setKey: SetAttributeGroupKey
setAttributes: SetAttributeGroupAttributes
input ChangeAttributeGroupName {
name: [LocalizedStringItemInputType!]!
input RemoveAttributeGroupAttribute {
attribute: String!
input SetAttributeGroupAttributes {
attributes: [String!]!
input SetAttributeGroupDescription {
description: [LocalizedStringItemInputType!]
input SetAttributeGroupKey {
key: String
change enum from CartOrigin {
"The cart was created by our platform and belongs to a Quote"