2 June 2023
Composable Commerce
CartsGraphQLProduct catalog

You can now change the InventoryMode of an existing LineItem by using the Set LineItem InventoryMode update action on the general endpoint. The InventoryMode could previously only be set when creating new Line Items.


  • [API] Added Set LineItem InventoryMode update action to the Carts API.
  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: SetCartLineItemInventoryMode.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the CartUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setLineItemInventoryMode was added to CartUpdateAction type

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend input CartUpdateAction {
  setLineItemInventoryMode: SetCartLineItemInventoryMode

input SetCartLineItemInventoryMode {
  lineItemId: String!
  inventoryMode: InventoryMode