20 June 2023
Composable Commerce
Pricing and DiscountsGraphQL

You can now update Price tiers on existing Standalone Prices. Before, you had to delete and to recreate the Standalone Price with the new Price tier to achieve this.


The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend input StandalonePriceUpdateAction {
  addPriceTier: AddStandalonePriceTier
  removePriceTier: RemoveStandalonePriceTier
  setPriceTiers: SetStandalonePriceTiers

input AddStandalonePriceTier {
  tier: ProductPriceTierInput!

input RemoveStandalonePriceTier {
  minimumQuantity: Int!

input SetStandalonePriceTiers {
  tiers: [ProductPriceTierInput!]!

type StandalonePriceTierAdded implements MessagePayload {
  tier: ProductPriceTier!
  type: String!

type StandalonePriceTierRemoved implements MessagePayload {
  tier: ProductPriceTier!
  type: String!

type StandalonePriceTiersSet implements MessagePayload {
  tiers: [ProductPriceTier!]!
  previousTiers: [ProductPriceTier!]!
  type: String!