12 July 2024
Composable Commerce

We've added the active field to ShippingMethod. With this addition, you can now activate or deactivate individual Shipping Methods, as needed. This change helps you to manage Shipping Methods more efficiently by allowing you to temporarily deactivate them when not in use. Previously, you had to remove the Shipping Methods and create them again.

For all existing Shipping Methods, the active field has been set to true. Now, when you create or update a Cart or Order, you can only use an active Shipping Method.


  • [API] Added the Change Active update action to Shipping Methods.
  • [API] Added active field to ShippingMethod and ShippingMethodDraft types.
  • [GraphQL API] Added ChangeShippingMethodActive type to the GraphQL schema.
  • [GraphQL API] Added changeActive input field to the ShippingMethodUpdateAction type.
  • [GraphQL API] Added active field to the ShippingMethod type.
  • [GraphQL API] Added active input field to the ShippingMethodDraft type.

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend type ShippingMethod {
  active: Boolean!

extend input ShippingMethodDraft {
  active: Boolean

extend input ShippingMethodUpdateAction {
  changeActive: ChangeShippingMethodActive

input ChangeShippingMethodActive {
  active: Boolean!