All Release Notes

Introducing consistent button sizes in the UI Kit

20 March 2023
Composable Commerce
Merchant Center Customizations
New feature
Merchant CenterDevelopment

The size prop on the UI Kit button components lets you set the size. However, the size values across different button components were inconsistent. For example, the PrimaryButton supported the small and big sizes while the SecondaryButton only had the big size.

Starting from UI Kit version 15.14.0, the button components accept consistent values for the size prop, as described below.


  • Default size: big.
  • Available sizes: medium, big.
  • Changes: Replaced the small size with medium for consistency. The small size will continue to work until the deprecation notice.


  • Default size: big.
  • Available sizes: medium, big.
  • Changes: Added the medium size.


  • Default size: big.
  • Available sizes: small, medium, big.
  • Changes: No changes.


  • Default size: big.
  • Available sizes: small, medium, and big.
  • Changes: Added two new size options—small and medium.

As always, if you have questions or feedback, you can open a GitHub Discussion or a GitHub Issue.