With this release, it is possible now to manage Product Types in the Merchant Center.
Under the Settings section, you will find a link called Product Types. Here you can get an overview of all existing Product Types within your project as well as a possibility to update or delete them from here or to create a new one.
To create a Product Type you have to click Add Product Type. Here you can:
- Set name
- Set description
- Set key
- Create attribute definitions
To delete a Product type you have to open the one you want to delete from the list of existing Product Types and click a trash bin icon. After confirming this action selected Product Type will be deleted.
To update a Product Type you have to open the one you want to update from the list of existing Product Types and from here you can:
- Change name
- Change description
- Change key
- Add attribute definition
- Remove attribute definition
- Update attribute definition
Update of an Attribute Definition supports the following options:
- Change attribute labels
- Change IsSearchable
- Update enums
In the same time, update of enums supports the following options:
- Change enum labels
- Change enum keys
- Remove enum values (if not used by any product)
Also, you can now sort the Attributes list within a Product Type by the following values:
- Name
- Required
- Constraint
- Type
- Set
- Searchable
Read a more extended documentation for Product Types