25 August 2020
Composable Commerce

You can now use a new action setLineItemDistributionChannel on OrderEdit, Cart and My Cart to change the Distribution Channel.

  • [API] Added the SetLineItemDistributionChannel action for order edits
  • [API] Added the SetLineItemDistributionChannel action for carts
  • [API] Added the SetLineItemDistributionChannel action for my carts
  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: SetCartLineItemDistributionChannel, SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannel, SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannelOutput.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the CartUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setLineItemDistributionChannel was added to CartUpdateAction type
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the StagedOrderUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setLineItemDistributionChannel was added to StagedOrderUpdateAction type
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the MyCartUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setLineItemDistributionChannel was added to MyCartUpdateAction type

Introduced the following changes to the GraphQL schema (in SDL format):

extend input CartUpdateAction {
  setLineItemDistributionChannel: SetCartLineItemDistributionChannel

extend input StagedOrderUpdateAction {
  setLineItemDistributionChannel: SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannel

extend input MyCartUpdateAction {
  setLineItemDistributionChannel: SetCartLineItemDistributionChannel

input SetCartLineItemDistributionChannel {
  lineItemId: String!
  distributionChannel: ResourceIdentifierInput

input SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannel {
  lineItemId: String!
  distributionChannel: ResourceIdentifierInput

type SetStagedOrderLineItemDistributionChannelOutput implements StagedOrderUpdateActionOutput {
  type: String!
  lineItemId: String!
  distributionChannelResId: ChannelReferenceIdentifier