Order Edits allow you to make financial changes to the purchase agreement after the Order has been placed.
Order Edits are entities which can hold one or more proposed financial changes to an Order. Before being applied, the Order Edit can be previewed to understand how the changes will affect an Order.
If no financial aspect of an Order should be changed, you can directly update the Order using update actions and the Update Order endpoint.
If the Order contains no deliveries or payments, you can alternatively replicate the Order as a new Cart.
For more information, see Update an Order.
A maximum of 100 000
OrderEdits can exist per Project. Learn more about this limit.
Representations are JSON objects submitted or received as payload to API requests or responses.
id ​String​ | Unique identifier of the Order Edit. |
version ​Int​ | Current version of the Order Edit. |
key ​String​ | User-defined unique identifier of the Order Edit. MinLength:Â2 ​MaxLength: 256 ​Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$ ​ |
resource ​ | Reference to the Order updated with this edit. |
stagedActions ​Array of StagedOrderUpdateAction​ | Update actions applied to the Order referenced by |
result ​ | For applied edits, it's a summary of the changes on the Order. For unapplied edits, it's a preview of the changes. |
comment ​String​ | User-defined information regarding the Order Edit. |
custom ​CustomFields​ | Custom Fields of the Order Edit. |
createdAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Order Edit was initially created. |
createdBy ​BETACreatedBy​ | IDs and references that created the OrderEdit. |
lastModifiedAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Order Edit was last updated. |
lastModifiedBy ​BETA | IDs and references that last modified the OrderEdit. |
key ​String​ | User-defined unique identifier for the Order Edit. MinLength:Â2 ​MaxLength: 256 ​Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$ ​ |
resource ​ | Reference to the Order updated with this edit. |
stagedActions ​Array of StagedOrderUpdateAction​ | Update actions to apply to the Order referenced in |
comment ​String​ | User-defined description regarding the Order Edit. |
dryRun ​Boolean​ | Set to Order API Extensions, if any, are also called in dry runs. |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the Order Edit. |
PagedQueryResult with results
containing an array of OrderEdit.
limit ​Int​ | Number of results requested. Default:Â20 ​Minimum: 0 ​Maximum: 500 ​ |
offset ​Int​ | Number of elements skipped. Default:Â0 ​Maximum: 10000 ​ |
count ​Int​ | Actual number of results returned. |
total ​Int​ | Total number of results matching the query.
This number is an estimation that is not strongly consistent.
This field is returned by default.
For improved performance, calculating this field can be deactivated by using the query parameter |
results ​Array of OrderEdit​ | OrderEdits matching the query. |
Indicates the current state of an Order Edit. The result
field cannot be queried when the state is PreviewSuccess or PreviewFailure as these results are dynamically generated.
OrderEdit NotProcessed
Indicates that the edit has not been applied or processed in any way.
type ​String​ | "NotProcessed" This field is queryable. |
OrderEdit PreviewSuccess
The data is not persisted but is dynamically pulled by dry-running the update actions from stagedActions
on the current version of the related Order, not from the Order version at the time the OrderEdit was created. Therefore, it cannot be queried.
type ​String​ | "PreviewSuccess" |
preview ​StagedOrder​ | A preview of the edited Order as it will be after all |
messagePayloads ​Array of MessagePayload​ | Messages that will be generated if the edit is applied. |
If Reference Expansion is used on the resource
field, a race condition can occur if the Order is updated after the preview is calculated but before resource
is expanded. In that case, the preview is based on an older version of the Order.
This rare case can be detected when the messagePayloads
contains an OrderEditApplied Message with a different Order version than the expanded Order in excerptBeforeEdit
OrderEdit PreviewFailure
Result of a failed application of stagedActions
to the Order. The data is calculated on the fly and is not queryable.
type ​String​ | "PreviewFailure" |
errors ​Array of ErrorObject​ | Errors returned. |
OrderEdit Applied
Result of a successful application of stagedActions
to the Order.
type ​String​ | "Applied" This field is queryable. |
appliedAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Order was edited. |
excerptBeforeEdit ​OrderExcerpt​ | Prices of the Order before the edit. |
excerptAfterEdit ​OrderExcerpt​ | Prices of the Order after the edit. |
Excerpt of the Order extracting the total and the taxed price.
version ​Int​ | Current version of the Order. |
totalPrice ​TypedMoney​ | Total price of the Order. |
taxedPrice ​TaxedPrice​ | Taxed price of the Order. |
An Order Message payload without the common Message fields apart from the Message type
Get OrderEdit
Get OrderEdit by ID
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"id": "df20c5ea-b114-4aab-b330-740b0e9f3099",
"version": 1,
"resource": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "ed454f4e-c43a-485f-a86f-046c691b1363"
"key": "order-edit-key",
"createdAt": "2018-10-04T15:22:31.639Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-04T15:22:31.639Z",
"stagedActions": [
"action": "setCustomerEmail",
"email": "user@localhost"
"result": {
"preview": {
"type": "Order",
"id": "ed454f4e-c43a-485f-a86f-046c691b1363",
"version": 3,
"customerId": "bf5d96ce-4704-45b2-8842-d409dd34cdfc",
"customerEmail": "user@localhost",
"createdAt": "2018-05-15T12:40:17.301Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2018-05-15T12:40:17.301Z",
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"country": "DE",
"orderState": "Open",
"syncInfo": [],
"returnInfo": [],
"refusedGifts": [],
"shippingInfo": {
"shippingMethodName": "DHL",
"price": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 570,
"fractionDigits": 2
"shippingRate": {
"price": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 570,
"fractionDigits": 2
"tiers": []
"taxRate": {
"name": "19% MwSt",
"amount": 0.19,
"includedInPrice": true,
"country": "DE",
"id": "rrsT1Jbw",
"subRates": []
"taxCategory": {
"typeId": "tax-category",
"id": "fdeb9625-10f8-476c-a549-5d5c6d1bd412"
"deliveries": [],
"shippingMethod": {
"typeId": "shipping-method",
"id": "d18b3f77-92de-4893-b6e3-b5c9c8c1eb96"
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 479,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 570,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.1,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "Bla"
"shippingMethodState": "MatchesCart"
"taxMode": "Platform",
"inventoryMode": "None",
"taxRoundingMode": "HalfEven",
"taxCalculationMode": "LineItemLevel",
"origin": "Customer",
"lineItems": [
"id": "31099128-dba8-40a7-bb6c-d12857149ff8",
"productId": "d6d0c517-572e-4d26-b80e-ffce825334a4",
"name": {
"en": "GIRLS CREW"
"productType": {
"typeId": "product-type",
"id": "6dc75271-b0e5-4ae9-9158-faa1fff65f7b",
"version": 2
"productSlug": {
"en": "girls-crew1522841378290"
"variant": {
"id": 1,
"sku": "sku_GIRLS_CREW_variant1_1522841378290",
"prices": [
"value": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"id": "b5595b13-bbb8-44ab-a2e2-89c18edf1b22"
"images": [
"url": "https://www.commercetools.com/cli/data/253234387_1.jpg",
"dimensions": {
"w": 1400,
"h": 1400
"attributes": [],
"assets": []
"price": {
"value": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"id": "b5595b13-bbb8-44ab-a2e2-89c18edf1b22"
"quantity": 1,
"discountedPricePerQuantity": [],
"taxRate": {
"name": "19% MwSt",
"amount": 0.19,
"includedInPrice": true,
"country": "DE",
"id": "rrsT1Jbw",
"subRates": []
"state": [
"quantity": 1,
"state": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "60a64e06-b4e8-4205-a0f3-94bc203e2d6d"
"priceMode": "Platform",
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 2857,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.1,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "Bla"
"lineItemMode": "Standard",
"perMethodTaxRate": [],
"taxedPricePortions": []
"customLineItems": [],
"transactionFee": true,
"discountCodes": [],
"cart": {
"typeId": "cart",
"id": "6c97e772-9769-4419-8adc-501c7c5b6088"
"shippingAddress": {
"id": "51RkSh-E",
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "lastname",
"streetName": "streetname",
"streetNumber": "2",
"postalCode": "101256",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"building": "34",
"pOBox": "12344",
"email": "user@example.com"
"billingAddress": {
"id": "51RkSh-E",
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "lastname",
"streetName": "streetname",
"streetNumber": "2",
"postalCode": "101256",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"building": "34",
"pOBox": "12344",
"email": "user@example.com"
"itemShippingAddresses": [],
"shipping": [],
"shippingMode": "Single"
"messagePayloads": [
"email": "user@localhost",
"type": "OrderCustomerEmailSet"
"edit": {
"typeId": "order-edit",
"id": "df20c5ea-b114-4aab-b330-740b0e9f3099"
"result": {
"type": "Applied",
"appliedAt": "2018-10-04T15:29:14.091Z",
"excerptBeforeEdit": {
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"version": 1
"excerptAfterEdit": {
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"version": 3
"type": "OrderEditApplied"
"type": "PreviewSuccess"
"comment": "sample-comment"
Get OrderEdit by Key
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
key String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"id": "df20c5ea-b114-4aab-b330-740b0e9f3099",
"version": 1,
"resource": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "ed454f4e-c43a-485f-a86f-046c691b1363"
"key": "order-edit-key",
"createdAt": "2018-10-04T15:22:31.639Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-04T15:22:31.639Z",
"stagedActions": [
"action": "setCustomerEmail",
"email": "user@localhost"
"result": {
"preview": {
"type": "Order",
"id": "ed454f4e-c43a-485f-a86f-046c691b1363",
"version": 3,
"customerId": "bf5d96ce-4704-45b2-8842-d409dd34cdfc",
"customerEmail": "user@localhost",
"createdAt": "2018-05-15T12:40:17.301Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2018-05-15T12:40:17.301Z",
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"country": "DE",
"orderState": "Open",
"syncInfo": [],
"returnInfo": [],
"refusedGifts": [],
"shippingInfo": {
"shippingMethodName": "DHL",
"price": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 570,
"fractionDigits": 2
"shippingRate": {
"price": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 570,
"fractionDigits": 2
"tiers": []
"taxRate": {
"name": "19% MwSt",
"amount": 0.19,
"includedInPrice": true,
"country": "DE",
"id": "rrsT1Jbw",
"subRates": []
"taxCategory": {
"typeId": "tax-category",
"id": "fdeb9625-10f8-476c-a549-5d5c6d1bd412"
"deliveries": [],
"shippingMethod": {
"typeId": "shipping-method",
"id": "d18b3f77-92de-4893-b6e3-b5c9c8c1eb96"
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 479,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 570,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.1,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "Bla"
"shippingMethodState": "MatchesCart"
"taxMode": "Platform",
"inventoryMode": "None",
"taxRoundingMode": "HalfEven",
"taxCalculationMode": "LineItemLevel",
"origin": "Customer",
"lineItems": [
"id": "31099128-dba8-40a7-bb6c-d12857149ff8",
"productId": "d6d0c517-572e-4d26-b80e-ffce825334a4",
"name": {
"en": "GIRLS CREW"
"productType": {
"typeId": "product-type",
"id": "6dc75271-b0e5-4ae9-9158-faa1fff65f7b",
"version": 2
"productSlug": {
"en": "girls-crew1522841378290"
"variant": {
"id": 1,
"sku": "sku_GIRLS_CREW_variant1_1522841378290",
"prices": [
"value": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"id": "b5595b13-bbb8-44ab-a2e2-89c18edf1b22"
"images": [
"url": "https://www.commercetools.com/cli/data/253234387_1.jpg",
"dimensions": {
"w": 1400,
"h": 1400
"attributes": [],
"assets": []
"price": {
"value": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"id": "b5595b13-bbb8-44ab-a2e2-89c18edf1b22"
"quantity": 1,
"discountedPricePerQuantity": [],
"taxRate": {
"name": "19% MwSt",
"amount": 0.19,
"includedInPrice": true,
"country": "DE",
"id": "rrsT1Jbw",
"subRates": []
"state": [
"quantity": 1,
"state": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "60a64e06-b4e8-4205-a0f3-94bc203e2d6d"
"priceMode": "Platform",
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 2857,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.1,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "Bla"
"lineItemMode": "Standard",
"perMethodTaxRate": [],
"taxedPricePortions": []
"customLineItems": [],
"transactionFee": true,
"discountCodes": [],
"cart": {
"typeId": "cart",
"id": "6c97e772-9769-4419-8adc-501c7c5b6088"
"shippingAddress": {
"id": "51RkSh-E",
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "lastname",
"streetName": "streetname",
"streetNumber": "2",
"postalCode": "101256",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"building": "34",
"pOBox": "12344",
"email": "user@example.com"
"billingAddress": {
"id": "51RkSh-E",
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "lastname",
"streetName": "streetname",
"streetNumber": "2",
"postalCode": "101256",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"building": "34",
"pOBox": "12344",
"email": "user@example.com"
"itemShippingAddresses": [],
"shipping": [],
"shippingMode": "Single"
"messagePayloads": [
"email": "user@localhost",
"type": "OrderCustomerEmailSet"
"edit": {
"typeId": "order-edit",
"id": "df20c5ea-b114-4aab-b330-740b0e9f3099"
"result": {
"type": "Applied",
"appliedAt": "2018-10-04T15:29:14.091Z",
"excerptBeforeEdit": {
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"version": 1
"excerptAfterEdit": {
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"version": 3
"type": "OrderEditApplied"
"type": "PreviewSuccess"
"comment": "sample-comment"
Query OrderEdits
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
where | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
sort | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
limit Int ​ | Number of results requested. Default: 20 ​ |
offset Int ​ | Number of elements skipped. Default: 0 ​ |
withTotal Boolean ​ | Controls the calculation of the total number of query results. Set to Default: true ​ |
var.<varName> String ​ | Predicate parameter values. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"id": "df20c5ea-b114-4aab-b330-740b0e9f3099",
"version": 1,
"resource": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "ed454f4e-c43a-485f-a86f-046c691b1363"
"key": "order-edit-key",
"createdAt": "2018-10-04T15:22:31.639Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2018-10-04T15:22:31.639Z",
"stagedActions": [
"action": "setCustomerEmail",
"email": "user@localhost"
"result": {
"type": "NotProcessed"
"comment": "sample-comment"
Check if OrderEdit exists
Check if OrderEdit exists by ID
Checks if an OrderEdit exists for a given id
. Returns a 200 OK
status if the OrderEdit exists or a 404 Not Found
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Check if OrderEdit exists by Key
Checks if an OrderEdit exists for a given key
. Returns a 200 OK
status if the OrderEdit exists or a 404 Not Found
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
key String ​ |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Check if OrderEdit exists by Query Predicate
Checks if an OrderEdit exists for a given Query Predicate. Returns a 200 OK
status if any OrderEdits match the Query Predicate or a 404 Not Found
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
where | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Create OrderEdit
You can either create multiple Order Edits for an Order and apply them sequentially to an Order, or create multiple Order Edits parallelly (as alternatives to each other) and apply one of them to the Order.
You can only create an Order Edit if the InventoryMode of the Order and its LineItems is None
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << DATA
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Update OrderEdit
The stagedActions
field cannot be updated if the Order Edit result
is OrderEdit Applied.
Update OrderEdit by ID
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
version ​Int​ | Expected version of the Order Edit on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a ConcurrentModification error will be returned. |
actions ​Array of OrderEditUpdateAction​ | Update actions to be performed on the Order Edit. |
dryRun ​Boolean​ | If set to |
curl https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << DATA
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Update OrderEdit by Key
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
key String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
version ​Int​ | Expected version of the Order Edit on which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a ConcurrentModification error will be returned. |
actions ​Array of OrderEditUpdateAction​ | Update actions to be performed on the Order Edit. |
dryRun ​Boolean​ | If set to |
curl https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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"quantity": 1,
"state": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "60a64e06-b4e8-4205-a0f3-94bc203e2d6d"
"priceMode": "Platform",
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 2857,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3400,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.1,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "Bla"
"lineItemMode": "Standard",
"perMethodTaxRate": [],
"taxedPricePortions": []
"customLineItems": [],
"transactionFee": true,
"discountCodes": [],
"cart": {
"typeId": "cart",
"id": "6c97e772-9769-4419-8adc-501c7c5b6088"
"shippingAddress": {
"id": "51RkSh-E",
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "lastname",
"streetName": "streetname",
"streetNumber": "2",
"postalCode": "101256",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"building": "34",
"pOBox": "12344",
"email": "user@example.com"
"billingAddress": {
"id": "51RkSh-E",
"salutation": "Mr",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "lastname",
"streetName": "streetname",
"streetNumber": "2",
"postalCode": "101256",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"building": "34",
"pOBox": "12344",
"email": "user@example.com"
"itemShippingAddresses": [],
"shipping": [],
"shippingMode": "Single"
"messagePayloads": [
"email": "user@localhost",
"type": "OrderCustomerEmailSet"
"edit": {
"typeId": "order-edit",
"id": "df20c5ea-b114-4aab-b330-740b0e9f3099"
"result": {
"type": "Applied",
"appliedAt": "2018-10-04T15:29:14.091Z",
"excerptBeforeEdit": {
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"version": 1
"excerptAfterEdit": {
"totalPrice": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxedPrice": {
"totalNet": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3336,
"fractionDigits": 2
"totalGross": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 3970,
"fractionDigits": 2
"taxPortions": [
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"type": "centPrecision",
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 634,
"fractionDigits": 2
"name": "19% MwSt"
"version": 3
"type": "OrderEditApplied"
"type": "PreviewSuccess"
"comment": "sample-comment"
Update actions
Set Key
action ​String​ | "setKey" |
key ​String​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setKey",
"key": "keyString"
Set StagedActions
The stagedActions
field cannot be updated if the Order Edit result
is OrderEdit Applied.
action ​String​ | "setStagedActions" |
stagedActions ​Array of StagedOrderUpdateAction​ | Value to replace the |
"action": "setStagedActions",
"stagedActions": [
"action": "setCountry",
"country": "DE"
Add StagedAction
The stagedActions
field cannot be updated if the Order Edit result
is OrderEdit Applied.
action ​String​ | "addStagedAction" |
stagedAction ​ | Order update action to append to the |
"action": "addStagedAction",
"stagedAction": {
"action": "setCountry",
"country": "DE"
Set Comment
action ​String​ | "setComment" |
comment ​String​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setComment",
"comment": "commentString"
Set Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setCustomType" |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Order Edit with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Order Edit. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Order Edit. |
"action": "setCustomType",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set CustomField
action ​String​ | "setCustomField" |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setCustomField",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
If one or more Line Items do not contain an Embedded Price or Standalone Price that matches the Line Item price selection criteria of the Order, they are removed during Order Edit operations. This scenario can occur when:
- You use the Create Order by Import endpoint. This is because the endpoint does not validate prices during the Order creation process. When the Order is later modified using an Order Edit, the invalid prices are detected, and the corresponding Line Items are removed.
- The price used in the Order is deleted, and no other matching price exists.
You can stage the following update actions to an OrderEdit:
on Order
Set Order Number
action ​String​ | "setOrderNumber" |
orderNumber ​String​ | Value to set. Must be unique across a Project. Once set, the value cannot be changed. |
"action": "setOrderNumber",
"orderNumber": "orderNumberString"
Set Purchase Order Number
Produces the PurchaseOrderNumberSet Message.
action ​String​ | "setPurchaseOrderNumber" |
purchaseOrderNumber ​String​ | Value to set. |
"action": "setPurchaseOrderNumber",
"purchaseOrderNumber": "purchaseOrderNumberString"
Set Business Unit
Updates the Business Unit on the Order. Setting the Order's businessUnit
does not recalculate prices or discounts on the Order.
Produces the OrderBusinessUnitSet Message.
action ​String​ | "setBusinessUnit" |
businessUnit ​ | New Business Unit to assign to the Order. If empty, any existing value is removed. If the referenced Business Unit does not exist, a ReferencedResourceNotFound error is returned. |
"action": "setBusinessUnit",
"businessUnit": {
"key": "{{business-unit-key}}",
"typeId": "business-unit"
Set Customer ID
Setting the Order's customerId
does not recalculate prices or discounts on the Order.
If the Customer belongs to a Customer Group, customerGroup
on the Order is updated automatically.
Produces the OrderCustomerSet Message.
action ​String​ | "setCustomerId" |
customerId ​String​ |
"action": "setCustomerId",
"customerId": "{{customer-id}}"
Set Customer Email
This action updates the customerEmail
on the Order, but it does not change the Customer email on the Cart the Order has been created from.
Produces the Order Customer Email Set Message.
action ​String​ | "setCustomerEmail" |
email ​String​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setCustomerEmail",
"email": "mail@email.com"
Set Customer Group
This update action can only be used if a Customer is not assigned to a Cart. If a Customer is already assigned, the Cart uses the Customer Group of the assigned Customer.
To reflect the new Customer Group, this update action can result in updates to the Cart. When this occurs, the following errors can be returned: MatchingPriceNotFound and MissingTaxRateForCountry.
action ​String​ | "setCustomerGroup" |
customerGroup ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
"action": "setCustomerGroup",
"customerGroup": {
"typeId": "customer-group",
"id": "{{customer-group-id}}"
Add LineItem
If the Cart contains a LineItem for a Product Variant with the same LineItemMode, Custom Fields, supply and distribution channel, then only the quantity of the existing Line Item is increased.
If LineItem shippingDetails
is set, it is merged. All addresses will be present afterwards and, for address keys present in both shipping details, the quantity will be summed up.
A new Line Item is added when the externalPrice
or externalTotalPrice
is set in this update action.
The LineItem price is set as described in Line Item price selection.
If the Tax Rate is not set, a MissingTaxRateForCountry error is returned.
If the Line Items do not have a Price according to the Product priceMode
value for a selected currency and/or country, Customer Group, or Channel, a MatchingPriceNotFound error is returned.
action ​String​ | "addLineItem" |
key ​String​ | User-defined unique identifier of the LineItem. MinLength:Â2 ​MaxLength: 256 ​Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-] ​ |
productId ​String​ |
Either the |
variantId ​Int​ |
Either the |
sku ​String​ | SKU of the ProductVariant. Either the |
quantity ​Int​ | Quantity of the Product Variant to add to the Cart. Default:Â1 ​ |
addedAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Product Variant is added to the Cart. If not set, it defaults to the current date and time. Optional for backwards compatibility reasons. |
distributionChannel ​ | Used to select a Product Price.
The Channel must have the |
supplyChannel ​ | Used to identify Inventory entries that must be reserved.
The Channel must have the |
externalPrice ​Money​ | Sets the LineItem |
externalTotalPrice ​ | Sets the LineItem |
externalTaxRate ​ | Sets the external Tax Rate for the Line Item, if the Cart has the |
inventoryMode ​ | Inventory mode specific to the Line Item only, and valid for the entire |
shippingDetails ​ | Container for Line Item-specific addresses. |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the Line Item. |
"action": "addLineItem",
"sku": "productSKU",
"quantity": 42,
"supplyChannel": {
"typeId": "channel",
"id": "{{channel-id}}"
"distributionChannel": {
"typeId": "channel",
"id": "{{channel-id}}"
"externalTaxRate": {
"name": "StandardExternalTaxRate",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE",
"state": "Berlin"
"shippingDetails": {
"targets": [
"addressKey": "AddressKeyStringFromAddress",
"quantity": 2
Remove LineItem
The LineItem price is updated as described in Line Item price selection.
action ​String​ | "removeLineItem" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
quantity ​Int​ | New value to set.
If absent or 0 ​ |
externalPrice ​Money​ | Sets the LineItem |
externalTotalPrice ​ | Sets the LineItem |
shippingDetailsToRemove ​ | Container for Line Item-specific addresses to remove. |
"action": "removeLineItem",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 1
Add CustomLineItem
If the Cart already contains a CustomLineItem with the same slug
, name
, money
, taxCategory
, state
and Custom Fields, then only the quantity of the existing Custom Line Item is increased.
If CustomLineItem shippingDetails
are set, they are merged with the targets
that already exist on the
ItemShippingDetails of the Custom Line Item.
In case of overlapping address keys the ItemShippingTarget quantity
is summed up.
If the Cart already contains a Custom Line Item with the same slug that is otherwise not identical, an InvalidOperation error is returned.
If the Tax Rate is not set, a MissingTaxRateForCountry error is returned.
action ​String​ | "addCustomLineItem" |
key ​String​ | User-defined unique identifier of the Custom Line Item. MinLength:Â2 ​MaxLength: 256 ​Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-] ​ |
money ​Money​ | Money value of the Custom Line Item. The value can be negative. |
name ​ | Name of the Custom Line Item. |
quantity ​Int​ | Number of Custom Line Items to add to the Cart. Default:Â1 ​ |
slug ​String​ | User-defined identifier used in a deep-link URL for the Custom Line Item. It must match the pattern |
taxCategory ​ | |
externalTaxRate ​ | An external Tax Rate can be set if the Cart has the |
shippingDetails ​ | Container for Custom Line Item-specific addresses. |
priceMode ​ |
Standard ​ |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the Custom Line Item. |
"action": "addCustomLineItem",
"name": {
"en": "Name"
"quantity": 2,
"money": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"slug": "slugString",
"taxCategory": {
"typeId": "tax-category",
"id": "{{tax-category-id}}"
Remove CustomLineItem
This update action does not support specifying a quantity, unlike the Remove LineItem update action.
If shippingDetails
must be partially removed, use the Change CustomLineItem Quantity update action.
action ​String​ | "removeCustomLineItem" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
"action": "removeCustomLineItem",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}"
Add Shopping List
Adds all LineItems of a ShoppingList to the Cart.
action ​String​ | "addShoppingList" |
shoppingList ​ | Shopping List that contains the Line Items to be added. |
distributionChannel ​ |
supplyChannel ​ |
"action": "addShoppingList",
"shoppingList": {
"typeId": "shopping-list",
"id": "{{shopping-list-id}}"
Set Order Total Tax
Updates the total tax amount of the Order if it has the ExternalAmount
action ​String​ | "setOrderTotalTax" |
externalTotalGross ​Money​ | Total gross amount of the Order (totalNet + taxes). |
externalTaxPortions ​Array of TaxPortionDraft​ | Value to set. |
"action": "setOrderTotalTax",
"externalTotalGross": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"externalTaxPortions": [
"name": "Name",
"rate": 0.19,
"amount": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
Change TaxMode
- When
TaxMode is changed toPlatform
, all previously set external Tax Rates are removed. - When set to
, Line Items, Custom Line Items, and Shipping Method require a Tax Category with a Tax Rate for the Cart'sshippingAddress
action ​String​ | "changeTaxMode" |
taxMode ​TaxMode​ | The new TaxMode. |
"action": "changeTaxMode",
"taxMode": "Platform"
Change Tax RoundingMode
Changing the tax rounding mode leads to recalculation of taxes.
action ​String​ | "changeTaxRoundingMode" |
taxRoundingMode ​RoundingMode​ | New value to set. |
"action": "changeTaxRoundingMode",
"taxRoundingMode": "HalfUp"
Change TaxCalculationMode
Changing the tax calculation mode leads to recalculation of taxes.
action ​String​ | "changeTaxCalculationMode" |
taxCalculationMode ​ | New value to set. |
"action": "changeTaxCalculationMode",
"taxCalculationMode": "LineItemLevel"
Add DiscountCode
Adds a DiscountCode to the Cart to activate the related Cart Discounts. Adding a Discount Code is only possible if no DirectDiscount has been applied to the Order.
The maximum number of Discount Codes in a Cart is restricted by a limit.
Specific Error Code: MatchingPriceNotFound
action ​String​ | "addDiscountCode" |
code ​String​ |
"action": "addDiscountCode",
"code": "discountCodeString"
Remove DiscountCode
action ​String​ | "removeDiscountCode" |
discountCode ​ | Discount Code to remove from the Cart. |
"action": "removeDiscountCode",
"discountCode": {
"typeId": "discount-code",
"id": "{{discount-code-id}}"
Set DirectDiscounts
Adds a DirectDiscount, but only if no DiscountCode has been added to the Order. Either a Discount Code or a Direct Discount can exist on a Order at the same time.
action ​String​ | "setDirectDiscounts" |
discounts ​Array of DirectDiscountDraft​ |
"action": "setDirectDiscounts",
"discounts": [
"value": {
"type": "relative",
"permyriad": 1000
"target": {
"type": "lineItems",
"predicate": "1=1"
Add Payment
action ​String​ | "addPayment" |
payment ​ | Payment to add to the PaymentInfo. Must not be assigned to another Order or active Cart already. |
"action": "addPayment",
"payment": {
"typeId": "payment",
"id": "{{payment-id}}"
Remove Payment
action ​String​ | "removePayment" |
payment ​ | Payment to remove from the PaymentInfo. |
"action": "removePayment",
"payment": {
"typeId": "payment",
"id": "{{payment-id}}"
Change PaymentState
Produces the Order Payment State Changed Message.
action ​String​ | "changePaymentState" |
paymentState ​PaymentState​ | New payment status of the Order. |
"action": "changePaymentState",
"paymentState": "Paid"
Set Billing Address
This action updates the billingAddress
on the Order, but it does not change the billing address on the referenced Cart from which the Order is created.
Produces the Order Billing Address Set Message.
action ​String​ | "setBillingAddress" |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
"action": "setBillingAddress",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
Set Shipping Address
This action updates the shippingAddress
on the Order, but it does not change the shipping address on the referenced Cart from which the Order is created.
Also, it does not recalculate the Cart as taxes may not fit to the shipping address anymore.
Produces the Order Shipping Address Set Message.
action ​String​ | "setShippingAddress" |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
"action": "setShippingAddress",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
Add ItemShippingAddress
Adds an address to an Order when shipping to multiple addresses is desired.
action ​String​ | "addItemShippingAddress" |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Address to append to |
"action": "addItemShippingAddress",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
Remove ItemShippingAddress
An address can only be removed if it is not referenced in any ItemShippingTarget of the Cart.
action ​String​ | "removeItemShippingAddress" |
addressKey ​String​ |
"action": "removeItemShippingAddress",
"addressKey": "addressKey"
Update ItemShippingAddress
Updates an address in itemShippingAddresses
by keeping the Address key
action ​String​ | "updateItemShippingAddress" |
address ​BaseAddress​ | The new Address with the same |
"action": "updateItemShippingAddress",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
Set ShippingAddress and ShippingMethod
Sets the shipping address and Shipping Method together to prevent an inconsistent state.
action ​String​ | "setShippingAddressAndShippingMethod" |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Value to set for |
shippingMethod ​ | Value to set. |
externalTaxRate ​ | An external Tax Rate can be set if the Cart has the |
"action": "setShippingAddressAndShippingMethod",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
"shippingMethod": {
"typeId": "shipping-method",
"id": "shippingMethodId"
Set ShippingAddress and Custom ShippingMethod
Sets the shipping address and a custom Shipping Method together to prevent an inconsistent state.
action ​String​ | "setShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod" |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Value to set for |
shippingMethodName ​String​ | Value to set. |
shippingRate ​ | Value to set. |
taxCategory ​ | Used to select a Tax Rate when the Order has the |
externalTaxRate ​ | An external Tax Rate can be set if the Cart has the |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the custom Shipping Method. |
"action": "setShippingAddressAndCustomShippingMethod",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
"shippingMethodName": "shippingMethodName",
"shippingRate": {
"price": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"taxCategory": {
"typeId": "tax-category",
"id": "{{tax-category-id}}"
Set ShippingMethod
To set the Cart's Shipping Method, the Cart must have the Single
ShippingMode and a shippingAddress
action ​String​ | "setShippingMethod" |
shippingMethod ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. If the referenced Shipping Method has a predicate that does not match the Cart, an InvalidOperation error is returned. |
externalTaxRate ​ | An external Tax Rate can be set if the Cart has the |
"action": "setShippingMethod",
"shippingMethod": {
"typeId": "shipping-method",
"id": "shippingMethodId"
Set Custom ShippingMethod
To set the Cart's custom Shipping Method (independent of the ShippingMethods managed through the Shipping Methods API) the Cart must have the Single
ShippingMode and a shippingAddress
To unset a custom Shipping Method on a Cart, use the Set ShippingMethod update action without the shippingMethod
field instead.
action ​String​ | "setCustomShippingMethod" |
shippingMethodName ​String​ | Name of the custom Shipping Method. |
shippingRate ​ | Determines the shipping price. |
taxCategory ​ | Tax Category used to determine the Tax Rate when the Cart has the |
externalTaxRate ​ | External Tax Rate for the |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the custom Shipping Method. |
"action": "setCustomShippingMethod",
"shippingMethodName": "shippingMethodName",
"shippingRate": {
"price": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"taxCategory": {
"typeId": "tax-category",
"id": "{{tax-category-id}}"
"externalTaxRate": {
"name": "taxRateName",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE"
Set ShippingRateInput
Input used to select a ShippingRatePriceTier. If no matching tier can be found, or the input is not set, the default price for the shipping rate is used.
action ​String​ | "setShippingRateInput" |
shippingRateInput ​ | The data type of this field depends on the
"action": "setShippingRateInput",
"shippingRateInput": {
"type": "Classification",
"key": "key"
Add Delivery
A Delivery can only be added to an Order if
its shippingInfo
(for shippingMode
= Single
), or its shipping
(for shippingMode
= Multiple
) exists.
Produces the Delivery Added Message.
action ​String​ | "addDelivery" |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
shippingKey ​String​ |
items ​Array of DeliveryItem​ | Items to be included in the Delivery. |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Address the |
parcels ​Array of ParcelDraft​ | Parcels of the Delivery. If provided, this update action also produces the Parcel Added To Delivery Message. |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the Delivery. |
"action": "addDelivery",
"items": [
"id": "{{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2
"parcels": [
"measurements": {
"heightInMillimeter": 11,
"lengthInMillimeter": 11
"trackingData": {
"trackingId": "{{trackingId}}",
"carrier": "TNT",
"provider": "providerName",
"providerTransaction": "{{transactionId}}",
"isReturn": false
"items": {
"id": "{{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
Remove Delivery
Produces the DeliveryRemoved Message.
Change ShipmentState
Produces the Order Shipment State Changed Message.
action ​String​ | "changeShipmentState" |
shipmentState ​ | New shipment status of the Order. |
"action": "changeShipmentState",
"shipmentState": "Shipped"
Add ReturnInfo
Produces the Return Info Added Message.
action ​String​ | "addReturnInfo" |
returnTrackingId ​String​ | Value to set. |
items ​Array of ReturnItemDraft​ | Items to be returned. Must not be empty. MinItems:Â1 ​ |
returnDate ​DateTime​ | Value to set. If not set, it defaults to the current date and time. |
"action": "addReturnInfo",
"items": {
"quantity": 1,
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"shipmentState": "BackInStock"
"returnDate": "2018-10-12T14:00:00.000Z"
Set ReturnInfo
Produces the Return Info Set Message.
action ​String​ | "setReturnInfo" |
items ​Array of ReturnInfoDraft​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setReturnInfo",
"items": [
"items": [
"quantity": 1,
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"comment": "any comment",
"shipmentState": "Returned"
"returnTrackingId": "returnTrackingId-example",
"returnDate": "2021-04-30T09:21:15.003Z"
Set ReturnShipmentState
To set a ReturnShipmentState
, the Order returnInfo
must have at least one ReturnItem.
Produces the Order Return Shipment State Changed Message.
action ​String​ | "setReturnShipmentState" |
returnItemId ​String​ |
returnItemKey ​String​ |
shipmentState ​ | New shipment state of the ReturnItem. |
"action": "setReturnShipmentState",
"returnItemId": "{{returnItemId}}",
"shipmentState": "Returned"
Set ReturnPaymentState
To set a ReturnPaymentState, the Order returnInfo
must have at least one ReturnItem.
action ​String​ | "setReturnPaymentState" |
returnItemId ​String​ |
returnItemKey ​String​ |
paymentState ​ | New Payment status of the ReturnItem. |
"action": "setReturnPaymentState",
"returnItemId": "{{returnItemId}}",
"paymentState": "Refunded"
Change OrderState
Produces the Order State Changed Message.
action ​String​ | "changeOrderState" |
orderState ​OrderState​ | New status of the Order. |
"action": "changeOrderState",
"orderState": "Open"
Transition State
If the existing State has set transitions
, there must be a direct transition to the new State. If transitions
is not set, no validation is performed.
This update action produces the Order State Transition Message.
action ​String​ | "transitionState" |
state ​ | Value to set. If there is no State yet, the new State must be an initial State. |
force ​Boolean​ | Set to |
"action": "transitionState",
"state": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "{{state-id}}"
Update SyncInfo
action ​String​ | "updateSyncInfo" |
externalId ​String​ | Set this to identify an external order instance, file, or other resource. |
channel ​ | The synchronization destination to set. Must not be empty.
The referenced Channel must have the Channel Role |
syncedAt ​DateTime​ | If not set, it defaults to the current date and time. |
"action": "updateSyncInfo",
"channel": {
"typeId": "channel",
"id": "{{channel-id}}"
"externalId": "externalId"
Set Locale
Set Country
Setting the country can lead to changes in the LineItem prices.
action ​String​ | "setCountry" |
country ​CountryCode​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. If the Cart is bound to a ^[A-Z]{2}$ ​ |
"action": "setCountry",
"country": "DE"
Set Store
Sets the Store the Order is assigned to. It should be used to migrate Orders to a new Store. No validations are performed (such as that the Customer is allowed to create Orders in the Store).
Produces the Order Store Set Message.
Returns a 400
error if store
references the same Store the Order is currently assigned to, including if you try to remove the value when no Store is currently assigned.
action ​String​ | "setStore" |
store ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. If |
"action": "setStore",
"store": {
"key": "{{store-key}}",
"typeId": "store"
Set Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setCustomType" |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Order Edit with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Order Edit. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Order Edit. |
"action": "setCustomType",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set CustomField
action ​String​ | "setCustomField" |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setCustomField",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on Line Item
Change LineItem Quantity
When multiple shipping addresses are set for a Line Item, use the Remove LineItem and Add LineItem update action to change the shipping details. Since it is not possible for the API to infer how the overall change in the Line Item quantity should be distributed over the sub-quantities, the shippingDetails
field is kept in its current state to avoid data loss.
To change the Line Item quantity and shipping details together, use this update action in combination with the Set LineItem ShippingDetails update action in a single Order update command.
The LineItem price is updated as described in Line Item price selection.
action ​String​ | "changeLineItemQuantity" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
quantity ​Int​ | New value to set.
If 0 ​ |
externalPrice ​Money​ | Required when the Line Item uses The LineItem price is updated as described in Line Item price selection. |
externalTotalPrice ​ | Sets the LineItem |
"action": "changeLineItemQuantity",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2
Set LineItem TaxRate
Can be used if the Cart has the External
action ​String​ | "setLineItemTaxRate" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
externalTaxRate ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
shippingKey ​String​ |
"action": "setLineItemTaxRate",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"externalTaxRate": {
"name": "Name",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE"
Set LineItem TaxAmount
Can be used if the Cart has the ExternalAmount
TaxMode. This update action sets the taxedPrice
and taxRate
on a Line Item and must be used after any price-affecting change occurs.
action ​String​ | "setLineItemTaxAmount" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
externalTaxAmount ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
shippingKey ​String​ |
"action": "setLineItemTaxAmount",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"externalTaxAmount": {
"totalGross": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"taxRate": {
"name": "Name",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE"
Set LineItem Price
Sets the LineItem price
and changes the priceMode
to ExternalPrice
action ​String​ | "setLineItemPrice" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
externalPrice ​Money​ | Value to set.
If |
"action": "setLineItemPrice",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"externalPrice": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
Set LineItem TotalPrice
Sets the LineItem totalPrice
and price
, and changes the priceMode
to ExternalTotal
action ​String​ | "setLineItemTotalPrice" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
externalTotalPrice ​ | Value to set.
If |
"action": "setLineItemTotalPrice",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"externalTotalPrice": {
"price": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"totalPrice": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
Set LineItem DistributionChannel
Setting a distribution channel for a LineItem can lead to an updated price
as described in Line Item price selection.
Produces the OrderLineItemDistributionChannelSet Message.
action ​String​ | "setLineItemDistributionChannel" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
distributionChannel ​ |
"action": "setLineItemDistributionChannel",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"distributionChannel": {
"typeId": "channel",
"id": "{{channel-id}}"
Set LineItem ShippingDetails
action ​String​ | "setLineItemShippingDetails" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
shippingDetails ​ | Value to set. If empty, the existing value is removed. |
"action": "setLineItemShippingDetails",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"shippingDetails": {
"targets": [
"addressKey": "addressKeyString",
"quantity": 2
Set LineItem Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setLineItemCustomType" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Line Item with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Line Item. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Line Item. |
"action": "setLineItemCustomType",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set LineItem CustomField
action ​String​ | "setLineItemCustomField" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setLineItemCustomField",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
Transition LineItem State
Produces the Line Item State Transition Message.
action ​String​ | "transitionLineItemState" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
quantity ​Int​ | Number of Line Items that should transition State. |
fromState ​ | State the Line Item should transition from. |
toState ​ | State the Line Item should transition to. |
actualTransitionDate ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) to perform the State transition. |
"action": "transitionLineItemState",
"lineItemId": "{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2,
"fromState": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "stateId"
"toState": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "stateId"
Import LineItem State
The import of States does not follow any predefined rules and should be only used if no transitions are defined.
The quantity
in the ItemStates must match the sum of all Line Item states' quantities.
action ​String​ | "importLineItemState" |
lineItemId ​String​ |
lineItemKey ​String​ |
state ​Array of ItemState​ | New status of the Line Items. |
"action": "importLineItemState",
"lineItemId": "{{lineItemId}}",
"state": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "{{state-id}}"
on Custom Line Item
Change CustomLineItem Quantity
When multiple shipping addresses are set for a Custom Line Item, use the Add CustomLineItem update action to change the shipping details. Since it is not possible for the API to infer how the overall change in the Custom Line Item quantity should be distributed over the sub-quantities, the shippingDetails
field is kept in its current state to avoid data loss.
To change the Custom Line Item quantity and shipping details together, use this update action in combination with the Set CustomLineItem ShippingDetails update action in a single Order update command.
action ​String​ | "changeCustomLineItemQuantity" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
quantity ​Int​ | New value to set.
If 0 ​ |
"action": "changeCustomLineItemQuantity",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2
Set CustomLineItem TaxRate
Can be used if the Cart has the External
action ​String​ | "setCustomLineItemTaxRate" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
externalTaxRate ​ | Value to set. If empty, an existing value is removed. |
shippingKey ​String​ |
"action": "setCustomLineItemTaxRate",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"externalTaxRate": {
"name": "Name",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE"
Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount
Can be used if the Cart has the ExternalAmount
action ​String​ | "setCustomLineItemTaxAmount" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
externalTaxAmount ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
shippingKey ​String​ |
"action": "setCustomLineItemTaxAmount",
"customLineItemId": "{{customerLineItemId}}",
"externalTaxAmount": {
"totalGross": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"taxRate": {
"name": "Name",
"country": "DE",
"amount": 0.19
Change CustomLineItem Money
action ​String​ | "changeCustomLineItemMoney" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
money ​Money​ | Value to set. Must not be empty. Can be a negative amount. |
"action": "changeCustomLineItemMoney",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"money": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
Set CustomLineItem ShippingDetails
action ​String​ | "setCustomLineItemShippingDetails" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
shippingDetails ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
"action": "setCustomLineItemShippingDetails",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"shippingDetails": {
"targets": [
"addressKey": "addressKey",
"quantity": 1
Set CustomLineItem Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setCustomLineItemCustomType" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Custom Line Item with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Custom Line Item. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Custom Line Item. |
"action": "setCustomLineItemCustomType",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set CustomLineItem CustomField
action ​String​ | "setCustomLineItemCustomField" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setCustomLineItemCustomField",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
Transition CustomLineItem State
Produces the Custom Line Item State Transition Message.
action ​String​ | "transitionCustomLineItemState" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
quantity ​Int​ | Number of Custom Line Items that should transition State. |
fromState ​ | State the Custom Line Item should transition from. |
toState ​ | State the Custom Line Item should transition to. |
actualTransitionDate ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) to perform the State transition. |
"action": "transitionCustomLineItemState",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2,
"fromState": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "stateId"
"toState": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "stateId"
Import CustomLineItem State
The import of States does not follow any predefined rules and should be only used if no transitions are defined.
The quantity
of the ItemStates must match the sum of all Custom Line Item states' quantities.
action ​String​ | "importCustomLineItemState" |
customLineItemId ​String​ |
customLineItemKey ​String​ |
state ​Array of ItemState​ | New status of the Custom Line Items. |
"action": "importCustomLineItemState",
"customLineItemId": "{{customLineItemId}}",
"state": [
"quantity": 1,
"state": {
"typeId": "state",
"id": "{{state-id}}"
on Billing Address
Set Billing Address Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setBillingAddressCustomType" |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the |
"action": "setBillingAddressCustomType",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set Billing Address CustomField
action ​String​ | "setBillingAddressCustomField" |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setBillingAddressCustomField",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on Shipping Address
Set Shipping Address Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setShippingAddressCustomType" |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the |
"action": "setShippingAddressCustomType",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set Shipping Address CustomField
action ​String​ | "setShippingAddressCustomField" |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setShippingAddressCustomField",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on ItemShipping Address
Set ItemShipping Address Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setItemShippingAddressCustomType" |
addressKey ​String​ |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the |
"action": "setItemShippingAddressCustomType",
"addressKey": "{{address-key}}",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set ItemShipping Address CustomField
action ​String​ | "setItemShippingAddressCustomField" |
addressKey ​String​ |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setItemShippingAddressCustomField",
"addressKey": "{{address-key}}",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on Shipping Method
Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount
A Shipping Method tax amount can be set if the Cart has the ExternalAmount
action ​String​ | "setShippingMethodTaxAmount" |
shippingKey ​String​ |
externalTaxAmount ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setShippingMethodTaxAmount",
"shippingKey": "shipping-method-key",
"externalTaxAmount": {
"totalGross": {
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"centAmount": 4000
"taxRate": {
"name": "Name",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE"
Set ShippingMethod TaxRate
A Shipping Method Tax Rate can be set if the Cart has the External
action ​String​ | "setShippingMethodTaxRate" |
shippingKey ​String​ |
externalTaxRate ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
"action": "setShippingMethodTaxRate",
"shippingKey": "shipping-method-key",
"externalTaxRate": {
"name": "Name",
"amount": 0.19,
"country": "DE"
on Shipping
Set Shipping Custom Type
This action sets, overwrites, or removes any existing Custom Type and Custom Fields for the Order's shippingMethod
or shipping
action ​String​ | "setShippingCustomType" |
shippingKey ​String​ | The |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the specified ShippingMethod with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the ShippingMethod. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the |
"action": "setShippingCustomType",
"shippingKey": "shipping-key-express",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set Shipping CustomField
action ​String​ | "setShippingCustomField" |
shippingKey ​String​ | The |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setShippingCustomField",
"shippingKey": "shipping-key-express",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on Delivery
Set Delivery Address
Produces the DeliveryAddressSet Message.
action ​String​ | "setDeliveryAddress" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
address ​BaseAddress​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setDeliveryAddress",
"deliveryId": "{{deliveryId}}",
"address": {
"key": "exampleKey",
"title": "My Address",
"salutation": "Mr.",
"firstName": "Example",
"lastName": "Person",
"streetName": "Example Street",
"streetNumber": "4711",
"additionalStreetInfo": "Backhouse",
"postalCode": "80933",
"city": "Exemplary City",
"region": "Exemplary Region",
"state": "Exemplary State",
"country": "DE",
"company": "My Company Name",
"department": "Sales",
"building": "Hightower 1",
"apartment": "247",
"pOBox": "2471",
"phone": "+49 89 12345678",
"mobile": "+49 171 2345678",
"email": "email@example.com",
"fax": "+49 89 12345679",
"additionalAddressInfo": "no additional Info",
"externalId": "Information not needed"
Add Parcel to Delivery
To add a Parcel, at least one Delivery must exist.
Produces the Parcel Added To Delivery Message.
action ​String​ | "addParcelToDelivery" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
parcelKey ​String​ |
measurements ​ | Value to set. |
trackingData ​TrackingData​ | Value to set. |
items ​Array of DeliveryItem​ | Value to set. |
custom ​ | Custom Fields for the Parcel. |
"action": "addParcelToDelivery",
"deliveryId": "{{deliveryId}}",
"measurements": {
"heightInMillimeter": 11,
"lengthInMillimeter": 11
"trackingData": {
"trackingId": "{{trackingId}}"
"items": {
"id": "{{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2
Remove Parcel from Delivery
Produces the ParcelRemovedFromDelivery Message.
Set Delivery Items
Produces the Delivery Items Updated Message.
action ​String​ | "setDeliveryItems" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
items ​Array of DeliveryItem​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value is removed. |
"action": "setDeliveryItems",
"deliveryId": "{{deliveryId}}",
"items": [
"id": "{{itemId}}",
"quantity": 2
Set Delivery Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setDeliveryCustomType" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Delivery with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Delivery. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Delivery. |
"action": "setDeliveryCustomType",
"deliveryId": "exampleDeliveryID",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set Delivery CustomField
action ​String​ | "setDeliveryCustomField" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setDeliveryCustomField",
"deliveryId": "exampleDeliveryID",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on Delivery Address
Set Delivery Address Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setDeliveryAddressCustomType" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Delivery |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Delivery |
"action": "setDeliveryAddressCustomType",
"deliveryId": "{{delivery-id}}",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set Delivery Address CustomField
action ​String​ | "setDeliveryAddressCustomField" |
deliveryId ​String​ |
Either |
deliveryKey ​String​ |
Either |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setDeliveryAddressCustomField",
"deliveryId": "{{delivery-id}}",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on Parcel
Set Parcel Measurements
Produces the ParcelMeasurementsUpdated Message.
action ​String​ | "setParcelMeasurements" |
parcelId ​String​ |
Either |
parcelKey ​String​ |
Either |
measurements ​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setParcelMeasurements",
"parcelId": "{{parcelId}}",
"measurements": {
"heightInMillimeter": 11,
"widthInMillimeter": 11
Set Parcel Tracking Data
Produces the ParcelTrackingDataUpdated Message.
action ​String​ | "setParcelTrackingData" |
parcelId ​String​ |
Either |
parcelKey ​String​ |
Either |
trackingData ​TrackingData​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setParcelTrackingData",
"parcelId": "{{parcelId))",
"trackingData": {
"trackingId": "{{trackingId}}",
"carrier": "TNT",
"provider": "providerName",
"providerTransaction": "{{transactionId}}",
"isReturn": false
Set Parcel Items
Produces the ParcelItemsUpdated Message.
action ​String​ | "setParcelItems" |
parcelId ​String​ |
Either |
parcelKey ​String​ |
Either |
items ​Array of DeliveryItem​ | Value to set. If empty, any existing value will be removed. |
"action": "setParcelItems",
"parcelId": "{{parcelId}}",
"items": [
"id": "{{lineItemId}}",
"quantity": 2
Set Parcel Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setParcelCustomType" |
parcelId ​String​ |
Either |
parcelKey ​String​ |
Either |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Parcel with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Parcel. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Parcel. |
"action": "setParcelCustomType",
"parcelId": "exampleParcelID",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set Parcel CustomField
action ​String​ | "setParcelCustomField" |
parcelId ​String​ |
Either |
parcelKey ​String​ |
Either |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setParcelCustomField",
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"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
on ReturnItem
Set ReturnItem Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setReturnItemCustomType" |
returnItemId ​String​ |
returnItemKey ​String​ |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the Return Item with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the Return Item. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the Return Item. |
"action": "setReturnItemCustomType",
"returnItemId": "examplereturnItemID",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
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Set ReturnItem CustomField
action ​String​ | "setReturnItemCustomField" |
returnItemId ​String​ |
returnItemKey ​String​ |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setReturnItemCustomField",
"returnItemId": "exampleReturnItemID",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"
Apply OrderEdit
The stagedActions
field cannot be updated if the Order Edit result
is OrderEdit Applied.
Applying an OrderEdit produces the OrderEditApplied Message.
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
If the editVersion
and/or resourceVersion
do not match the actual version, a ConcurrentModification error will be returned.
editVersion ​Int​ | Current |
resourceVersion ​Int​ | Current |
Delete OrderEdit
Delete OrderEdit by ID
Deleting an OrderEdit does not affect the related Order.
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
version Int ​ | Last seen version of the resource. |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl -X DELETE https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/{id}?version={version} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
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Delete OrderEdit by Key
Deleting an Order Edit does not affect the related Order.
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
key String ​ |
version Int ​ | Last seen version of the resource. |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl -X DELETE https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/orders/edits/key={key}?version={version} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
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