Import API hosts and authorization


The Import API has different hosts from the HTTP API hosts. The Import API is hosted at the following URLs:

Europe (Google Cloud, Belgium)
North America (Google Cloud, Iowa)
Australia (Google Cloud, Sydney)
North America (AWS, Ohio)
Europe (AWS, Frankfurt)

If documentation refers to https://import.{region}, the {region} placeholder has to be replaced with the actual value.


The Import API uses tokens and scopes from any of the Composable Commerce HTTP API authorization flows with the following scopes:

  • manage_project:{projectKey}: grants permission to use all Import API endpoints. To access individual API endpoints, use more selective permissions.
  • view_import_containers:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Import Containers, Import Operations, and Import Summaries.
  • manage_import_containers:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Import Containers.

The required scope for sending requests to an ImportContainer is derived from its resourceType property as follows:

  • To create ImportRequests, an API Client must have the scope required to create a resource of the ImportContainer's resourceType.
    For example, if resourceType is category, the API Client must have the manage_products:{projectKey} scope.

  • To view ImportOperations or ImportSummaries, an API Client must have the scope required to view a resource of the ImportContainer's resourceType.
    For example, if resourceType is product, the API Client must have the view_products:{projectKey} scope.