
Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

All OAuth 2.0 clients and access tokens have a scope that restricts the clients' access to the endpoints. Depending on the scope granted, a client can have read or write access to an endpoint.

You can define scopes when creating an API Client using the Merchant Center or through the API Clients API. When creating a client or requesting an access token, only provide scopes required by your application. If you do not provide a scope, the access token is granted to all the scopes defined for the API Client. When requesting an OAuth 2.0 access token, the scope parameter can be omitted.

For information about scopes related to other commercetools products, see Import API, Connect, Checkout, or Frontend.


External OAuth

  • external_user_id:{externalUserId}: set by an external OAuth server to indicate the user that created or modified a resource. When set, the externalUserId field is added to the resource's CreatedBy BETA or LastModifiedBy BETA.

Composable Commerce OAuth

Project configuration


  • manage_project:{projectKey}: grants permission to use all Composable Commerce APIs in a Project, except API Clients.

    Do not use in production; instead, create an API Client and only specify the scopes that your application requires. An API Client using this scope cannot request a token with lesser scopes.

    In addition, grants permission to use all Connect and Import API endpoints. To access individual endpoints, use more selective permissions for Connect and Import API.

API Clients

  • view_api_clients:{projectKey}: grants permission to view API Clients in a Project.
  • manage_api_clients:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, and delete API Clients in a Project.

Project settings

  • view_project_settings:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Project settings.
  • manage_project_settings:{projectKey}: grants permission to view and update Project settings in a Project.


  • view_stores:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Stores in a Project.
  • manage_stores:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Stores in a Project.

Tax Categories

  • view_tax_categories:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Tax Categories in a Project.
  • manage_tax_categories:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Tax Categories in a Project.

Product catalog


To ensure backward compatibility, these scopes also grant permissions to access Categories, Tax Categories, and Custom Objects.

Product Projections

  • view_published_products:{projectKey}: grants permission to view published Product Projections in a Project.

    When using the GraphQL API, grants permission to query for masterData.current on products interface and published productProjectionSearch results.

Attribute Groups

  • view_attribute_groups:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Attribute Groups in a Project.
  • manage_attribute_groups:{projectKey}: grants permission to create, update, and delete Attribute Groups in a Project.

Product Selections

  • view_product_selections:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Product Selections in a Project.
  • manage_product_selections:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Product Selections in a Project.


  • view_categories:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Categories in a Project.
  • manage_categories:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Categories in a Project.

Pricing and Discounts

Standalone Prices

Cart Discounts

  • view_cart_discounts:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Cart Discounts in a Project.
  • manage_cart_discounts:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Cart Discounts in a Project.
  • view_cart_discounts:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Cart Discounts in a specific Store in a Project.
  • manage_cart_discounts:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Cart Discounts in a specific Store in a Project.

Discount Codes

  • view_discount_codes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Discount Codes in a Project.
  • manage_discount_codes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Discount Codes in a Project.



To ensure backward compatibility, these scopes also grant permissions to access Customer Groups and Custom Objects.

  • view_customers:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Customers in a Project.

  • manage_customers:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Customers in a Project.

    In addition, it grants permission to Import Customers.

  • view_customers:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Customers in a specific Store in a Project.

  • manage_customers:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Customers in a specific Store in a Project.

Customer Groups

  • view_customer_groups:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Customer Groups in a Project.
  • manage_customer_groups:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Customer Groups in a Project.

Me endpoints

My Customer Profile BETA

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Helpers in the HTTP and GraphQL APIs.

My Business Units BETA

  • manage_my_business_units:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, and update Business Units for a Customer using an access token from the password flow.

My Orders BETA

  • manage_my_orders:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Carts, and view and create Orders for a Customer using an access token from the password flow.

    When used to generate an access token for an anonymous session, grants access to the Orders of an anonymousId.

  • manage_my_orders:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Carts, and view and create Orders for a Customer in a specific Store using an access token from the password flow.

    When used to generate an access token for an anonymous session, grants access to the Orders of an anonymousId.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Helpers in the HTTP and GraphQL APIs.

My Payments BETA

  • manage_my_payments:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Payments for a Customer using an access token from the password flow.

    When used to generate an access token for an anonymous session, grants access to the Payments of an anonymousId.

My Shopping Lists BETA

  • manage_my_shopping_lists:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Shopping Lists for a Customer using an access token from the password flow.

    When used as a scope to generate an access token for an anonymous session, grants access to the Shopping Lists of an anonymousId.

  • manage_my_shopping_lists:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Shopping Lists of a Customer in a specific Store using an access token from the password flow.

    When used as a scope to generate an access token for an anonymous session, grants access to the Shopping Lists of an anonymousId.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Helpers in the HTTP and GraphQL APIs.

My Quote Requests BETA

  • manage_my_quote_requests:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, and update Quote Requests for a Customer using an access token from the password flow.

My Quotes BETA

  • manage_my_quotes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view and update Quotes for a Customer using an access token from the password flow.

Business Units

Business Units

  • view_business_units:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Business Units and Associate Business Units in a Project.
  • manage_business_units:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Business Units and Associate Business Units in a Project.
  • view_business_units:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Business Units in a specific Store in a Project.
  • manage_business_units:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Business Units in a specific Store in a Project.

Associate Roles

  • view_associate_roles:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Associate Roles in a Project.
  • manage_associate_roles:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Associate Roles in a Project.

Approval Rules

  • view_approval_rules:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Approval Rules in a Project.
  • manage_approval_rules:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Approval Rules in a Project.

Approval Flows

  • view_approval_flows:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Approval Flows in a Project.
  • manage_approval_flows:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Approval Flows in a Project.

Cart and Order management


See Orders.


To ensure backward compatibility, these scopes also grant permissions to access Cart Discounts, Discount Codes, States, Shipping Methods, and Custom Objects.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Helpers in the HTTP and GraphQL APIs.


  • view_payments:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Payments in a Project.
  • manage_payments:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Payments in a Project.

Shopping Lists

  • view_shopping_lists:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Shopping Lists in a Project.
  • manage_shopping_lists:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Shopping Lists in a Project.
  • view_shopping_lists:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Shopping Lists in a specific Store in a Project.
  • manage_shopping_lists:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Shopping Lists in a specific Store in a Project.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Store Helpers in the HTTP API and GraphQL API.

Order Edits

  • view_order_edits:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Order Edits in a Project.
  • manage_order_edits:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Order Edits in a Project.

Shipping Methods

  • view_shipping_methods:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Shipping Methods in a Project.
  • manage_shipping_methods:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Shipping Methods in a Project.

Quote Requests

  • view_quote_requests:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Quote Requests in a Project.
  • manage_quote_requests:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Quote Requests and Associate Quote Requests in a Project.
  • view_quote_requests:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Quote Requests in a specific Store in a Project.
  • manage_quote_requests:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Quote Requests in a specific Store in a Project.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Store Helpers in the HTTP API and GraphQL API.

Staged Quotes

  • view_staged_quotes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Staged Quotes in a Project.
  • manage_staged_quotes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Staged Quotes in a Project.
  • view_staged_quotes:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Staged Quotes in a specific Store in a Project.
  • manage_staged_quotes:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Staged Quotes in a specific Store in a Project.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Store Helpers in the HTTP API and GraphQL API.


  • view_quotes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Quotes and Associate Quotes in a Project.
  • manage_quotes:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Quotes and Associate Quotes in a Project.
  • view_quotes:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view Quotes in a specific Store in a Project.
  • manage_quotes:{projectKey}:{storeKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Quotes in a specific Store in a Project.

For more information about resources projected to a Store, see Store Helpers in the HTTP API and GraphQL API

API extensibility


  • view_types:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Types in a Project.

  • manage_types:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Types in a Project.

    In addition, it also grants permission to Import Types.

Custom Objects

  • view_key_value_documents:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Custom Objects in a Project.
  • manage_key_value_documents:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Custom Objects in a Project.

API Extensions

  • manage_extensions:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete API Extensions in a Project.


  • manage_subscriptions:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete Subscriptions in a Project.


  • view_messages:{projectKey}: grants permission to view Messages in a Project.


  • view_states:{projectKey}: grants permission to view States in a Project.
  • manage_states:{projectKey}: grants permission to view, create, update, and delete States in a Project.

Audit Log

Change History