A Product Projection is a representation of Product data restricted to either its current or staged data. Additionally, you can further limit the data to given Locales, specific Prices, the Product's availability on inventory supply channels, or its assignment to specific Product Selections. This allows you to tailor the query response to your use case.
The query endpoint provides Query Predicates. The search endpoint should be the preferred option for Product search as it provides full-text search, filtering, faceting, and better response times.
To optimize the usage of this endpoint for your project, check our performance tips.
Projection dimensions
Current / staged
At any time, a Product has either one or two projected representations, depending on whether the Product is currently published. Only published Products have a current
projected representation. Newly created Products only have a staged
projected representation. In general, a storefront application will get the Product data by querying or searching the current
Product Projections.
To remove unneeded translations from Product Projections, LocalizedStrings can be filtered based on locales. The locales that should be included in the Product Projection are determined in the following order:
- Locales defined directly with the query parameter
. - Locales configured in the Store that is specified with the query parameter
Projecting on locales also affects Line Items of Carts bound to a Store.
If no translation is found on a given field for the specified locales, another locale is used as fallback. This ensures that required fields cannot remain empty in the Product Projection.
To remove unneeded Embedded Prices from product projections, they can be filtered based on the product distribution channels configured in the Store that is specified with the query parameter storeProjection
If the Store has distributionChannels
set, then only the following Prices are included in the Product Projection:
- Prices with a distribution Channel that is included in the Store's
- Prices without a distribution Channel
Likewise, if the store has countries
set, then only the following prices are included in the projection:
- prices with a country that is included in the store's
- prices without country
Projecting on Embedded Prices also affects Line Items of carts bound to a store.
Projecting prices only works with Embedded Prices, there is currently no support for StandalonePrices.
Inventory entries
To remove unneeded Product Variant Availabilities from Product Projections, they can be filtered based on the Inventory supply Channels configured in the Store that is specified with the query parameter storeProjection
If the Store has supplyChannels
set, then only the following Inventory entries are included in the projected Product Variants availability:
- Inventory entries with a supply Channel that is included in the Store's
- Inventory entries without a supply Channel
Projecting on Inventory entries also affects Line Items of Carts bound to a Store.
Product Selection assignments
To retrieve only those Product Projections that are assigned to a particular Product Selection use the Get ProductProjection in Store endpoints. For Product Selections that only have particular Product Variants assigned, these endpoints return only those Variants in the retrieved Product Projections.
id String | Unique identifier of the Product. |
version Int | Current version of the Product. |
key String | User-defined unique identifier of the Product. |
productType | The ProductType defining the Attributes of the Product. |
name | Name of the Product. |
description | Description of the Product. |
slug | User-defined identifier used in a deep-link URL for the Product.
Must be unique across a Project, but can be the same for Products in different locales.
Matches the pattern |
categories Array of CategoryReference | Categories assigned to the Product. |
categoryOrderHints | Order of Product in Categories. |
metaTitle | Title of the Product displayed in search results. |
metaDescription | Description of the Product displayed in search results below the meta title. |
metaKeywords | Keywords that give additional information about the Product to search engines. |
searchKeywords | Used by Product Suggestions, but is also considered for a full text search. |
hasStagedChanges Boolean |
published Boolean | |
masterVariant | The Master Variant of the Product. |
variants Array of ProductVariant | Additional Product Variants. |
taxCategory | The TaxCategory of the Product. |
state | |
reviewRatingStatistics | Review statistics of the Product. |
priceMode | Indicates whether the Prices of the Product Projection are embedded or standalone. Projecting Prices only works with |
createdAt DateTime | Date and time (UTC) the ProductProjection was initially created. |
lastModifiedAt DateTime | Date and time (UTC) the ProductProjection was last updated. |
limit Int | Number of results requested. Default:20 Minimum: 0 Maximum: 500 |
count Int | Actual number of results returned. |
total Int | Total number of results matching the query.
This number is an estimation that is not strongly consistent.
This field is returned by default.
For improved performance, calculating this field can be deactivated by using the query parameter |
offset Int | Number of elements skipped. Default:0 Maximum: 10000 |
results Array of ProductProjection | ProductProjections matching the query. |
Get ProductProjection
Get ProductProjection by ID
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product by its ID. When used with an API Client that has the view_published_products:{projectKey}
scope, this endpoint only returns published (current) Product Projections.
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
id String |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
staged Boolean | To retrieve the staged Product Projection (only for API Clients that have the Default: false |
priceCurrency | The currency used for Product price selection. |
priceCountry | The country used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the |
priceCustomerGroup String |
priceChannel String |
localeProjection | Use for locale-based projection. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
storeProjection String |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/product-projections/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"id": "080feded-4f74-4d31-9309-f7ef6b7f1279",
"version": 3,
"productType": {
"typeId": "product-type",
"id": "1c095f1b-e638-4c7e-86c4-c58df873fca6"
"name": {
"en": "Some Products"
"categories": [],
"slug": {
"en": "product_slug_jxeutnxwkswk"
"masterVariant": {
"id": 1,
"prices": [],
"images": [],
"attributes": [
"name": "text1",
"value": {
"it": "italian1",
"de": "german1",
"en": "englisch1"
"variants": [],
"searchKeywords": {
"hasStagedChanges": false,
"published": true,
"createdAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2014-01-07T15:25:50.034Z"
Get ProductProjection by Key
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product found by Key.
When used with an API Client that has the view_published_products:{projectKey}
this endpoint only returns published (current) Product Projections.
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
key String |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
staged Boolean | To retrieve the staged Product Projection (only for API Clients that have the Default: false |
priceCurrency | The currency used for Product price selection. |
priceCountry | The country used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the |
priceCustomerGroup String |
priceChannel String |
localeProjection | Use for locale-based projection. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
storeProjection String |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/product-projections/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"id": "080feded-4f74-4d31-9309-f7ef6b7f1279",
"version": 3,
"productType": {
"typeId": "product-type",
"id": "1c095f1b-e638-4c7e-86c4-c58df873fca6"
"name": {
"en": "Some Products"
"categories": [],
"slug": {
"en": "product_slug_jxeutnxwkswk"
"masterVariant": {
"id": 1,
"prices": [],
"images": [],
"attributes": [
"name": "text1",
"value": {
"it": "italian1",
"de": "german1",
"en": "englisch1"
"variants": [],
"searchKeywords": {
"hasStagedChanges": false,
"published": true,
"createdAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2014-01-07T15:25:50.034Z"
Get ProductProjection in Store
Get ProductProjection in Store by ID
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product by its ID in the specified Store. If the Store has defined some languages, countries, distribution, supply Channels, and/or Product Selection, they are used for projections based on locale, price, and inventory.
If ProductSelection is used, it affects the availability of the Product in the specified Store.
When used with an API Client that has the view_published_products:{projectKey}
scope, this endpoint only returns published (current) Product Projections.
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
storeKey String |
id String |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
staged Boolean | To retrieve the staged Product Projection (only for API Clients that have the Default: false |
priceCurrency | The currency used for Product price selection. |
priceCountry | The country used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the |
priceCustomerGroup String |
priceChannel String |
localeProjection | Use for locale-based projection. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/product-projections/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Get ProductProjection in Store by Key
Gets the current or staged representation of a Product by its key in the specified Store. If the Store has defined some languages, countries, distribution, supply Channels, and/or Product Selection, they are used for projections based on locale, price, and inventory.
If ProductSelection is used, it affects the availability of the Product in the specified Store.
When used with an API Client that has the view_published_products:{projectKey}
scope, this endpoint only returns published (current) Product Projections.
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
storeKey String |
key String |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
staged Boolean | To retrieve the staged Product Projection (only for API Clients that have the Default: false |
priceCurrency | The currency used for Product price selection. |
priceCountry | The country used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the |
priceCustomerGroup String |
priceChannel String |
localeProjection | Use for locale-based projection. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/product-projections/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Query ProductProjections
Querying on Product Attributes should not be used in high-volume use cases as it is an inefficient pattern.
We recommend using the performance-optimized Product Projection Search endpoint instead whenever your use case allows it.
Use the Product Projections query endpoint to get the current or staged representations of Products.
When used with an API Client that has the view_published_products:{projectKey}
this endpoint only returns published (current) Product Projections.
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
where | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
sort | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
limit Int | Number of results requested. Default: 20 |
offset Int | Number of elements skipped. Default: 0 |
withTotal Boolean | Controls the calculation of the total number of query results. Set to Default: true |
staged Boolean | To retrieve the staged Product Projection (only for API Clients that have the Default: false |
priceCurrency | The currency used for Product price selection. |
priceCountry | The country used for Product price selection. Can only be used in conjunction with the |
priceCustomerGroup String |
priceChannel String |
localeProjection | Use for locale-based projection. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
storeProjection String |
var.<varName> String | Predicate parameter values. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/product-projections -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"count": 2,
"total": 2,
"results": [
"id": "080feded-4f74-4d31-9309-f7ef6b7f1279",
"version": 3,
"productType": {
"typeId": "product-type",
"id": "1c095f1b-e638-4c7e-86c4-c58df873fca6"
"name": {
"en": "Some Products"
"categories": [],
"slug": {
"en": "product_slug_jxeutnxwkswk"
"masterVariant": {
"id": 1,
"prices": [],
"images": [],
"attributes": [
"name": "text1",
"value": {
"it": "italian1",
"de": "german1",
"en": "englisch1"
"variants": [],
"searchKeywords": {
"hasStagedChanges": false,
"published": true,
"createdAt": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2014-01-07T15:25:50.034Z"
"id": "e779ec1a-0a98-4135-8344-d51bdafd4fe6",
"version": 6,
"productType": {
"typeId": "product-type",
"id": "bac5ef74-e0f9-4792-8439-ab84b270599e"
"name": {
"en": "product with dates"
"description": {
"en": "<p>Used to test the various date attributes<br></p>"
"categories": [],
"slug": {
"aa": "product-with-dates-1432797256269",
"de": "product-with-dates-1432797256269",
"en": "product-with-dates-1432797256269"
"masterVariant": {
"id": 1,
"prices": [],
"images": [],
"attributes": [
"name": "aboolean",
"value": true
"variants": [],
"searchKeywords": {
"hasStagedChanges": true,
"published": true,
"createdAt": "2015-05-28T07:15:48.738Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2015-05-28T07:19:38.624Z"
Check if ProductProjection exists
Check if ProductProjection exists by ID
Checks if the current or staged representation of a Product exists for a given id
. Returns a 200 OK
status if the ProductProjection exists or a 404 Not Found
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
id String |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/product-projections/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Check if ProductProjection exists by Key
Checks if the current or staged representation of a Product exists for a given key
. Returns a 200 OK
status if the ProductProjection exists or a 404 Not Found
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
key String |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/product-projections/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Check if ProductProjection exists by Query Predicate
Checks if the current or staged representation of a Product exists for a given Query Predicate. Returns a 200 OK
status if any ProductProjections match the Query Predicate or a 404 Not Found
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
where | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/product-projections -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Check if ProductProjection exists in Store
Check if ProductProjection exists in Store by ID
Checks if the current or staged representations of a Product exists for a given id
in the specified Store. Returns a 200 OK
status if the ProductProjection exists or a 404 Not Found
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
storeKey String |
id String |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/product-projections/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
Check if ProductProjection exists in Store by Key
Checks if the current or staged representations of a Product exists for a given key
in the specified Store. Returns a 200 OK
status if the ProductProjection exists or a 404 Not Found
region String | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String |
storeKey String |
key String |
curl --head https://api.{region}.commercetools.com/{projectKey}/in-store/key={storeKey}/product-projections/key={key} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"