Changes describe data modifications in the Audit Log Change History API.
Representations are JSON objects submitted or received as payload to API requests or responses.
Difference between the previous and next version of a resource represented by previousValue
(omitted, for example, on creations) and nextValue
of the associated change. A Change can also contain extra fields that provide further information.
They are not identical to the actual update actions sent.
type String | Unique discriminator value to reliably deserialize the data type. |
change String | Type of change on a resource that is similar to the update action it relates to, where possible.
It is not a unique identifier for the data structure, for example, the Records can be filtered by this value using the |
id String |
name | Name of the Asset. |
Only present if expand
is set to true
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
value Any | CustomFieldValue based on the FieldType. |
label | User-defined label of the Custom Field. |
name String | Name of the Custom ShippingMethod. |
items Array of DeliveryItem | Line Items or Custom Line Items shipped in the Delivery. |
address | Address to which the parcels are delivered. |
parcels Array of Parcel | Parcels included in the Delivery. |
id String |
createdAt String | Date and time (UTC) the Parcel was created. |
id String |
name String | Name of the ShippingMethod. |
id String |
interactionId String | Identifier used by the interface that manages the Transaction (usually the PSP). |
timestamp String | Date and time (UTC) the Transaction took place. |
Indicates how a Cart or Product is discounted:
- ChangeValueAbsoluteChangeValue for Cart or Product discounted by an absolute value
- ChangeValueRelativeChangeValue for Cart or Product discounted by a relative value
- ChangeValueGiftLineItemChangeValue for free Line Item added as a gift to the Cart
- ChangeValueExternalChangeValue for Product discounted by an external service
type String | "absolute" |
money Array of Money | Money values in different currencies. |
type String | "relative" |
permyriad Int | Fraction (per ten thousand) the price is reduced by. For example, 1000 results in a 10% price reduction. |
type String | "giftLineItem" |
product | Reference to a Product. |
variantId Int |
supplyChannel | Channel with ChannelRoleEnum |
distributionChannel | Channel with ChannelRoleEnum |
type String | "external" |
Indicates the segment of the Cart that is discounted:
- ChangeTargetLineItemsChangeValue for LineItems
- ChangeTargetCustomLineItemsChangeValue for CustomLineItems
- ChangeTargetShippingChangeValue for ShippingInfo
- ChangeTargetMultiBuyLineItemsChangeValue for MultiBuyLineItemsTarget
- ChangeTargetMultiBuyCustomLineItemsChangeValue for MultiBuyCustomLineItemsTarget
- ChangeTargetPatternChangeValue for CartDiscountPatternTarget
type String | "lineItems" |
predicate String | Valid LineItem target predicate. |
type String | "customLineItems" |
predicate String |
type String | "shipping" |
type String | "multiBuyLineItems" |
predicate String | Valid LineItem target predicate. |
triggerQuantity Int | Quantity of Line Items that triggered the application of the discount. |
discountedQuantity Int | Quantity of Line Items discounted per application of this discount. |
maxOccurrence Int | Maximum number of times the discount is applicable. |
selectionMode | SelectionMode based on which particular Line Items were discounted. |
type String | "multiBuyCustomLineItems" |
predicate String | |
triggerQuantity Int | Quantity of Custom Line Items that triggered the application of the discount. |
discountedQuantity Int | Quantity of Custom Line Items discounted per application of this discount. |
maxOccurrence Int | Maximum number of times the discount is applicable. |
selectionMode | SelectionMode based on which particular Custom Line Items were discounted. |
type String | "pattern" |
triggerPattern Array of PatternComponent | Defines the set of units of (Custom) Line Items in a Cart that triggered the discount application. |
targetPattern Array of PatternComponent | Defines the set of units of (Custom) Line Items in a Cart on which the Discount is applied. |
maxOccurrence Int | Maximum number of times the Discount applies on a Cart. If empty, the Discount applies indefinitely. |
selectionMode | Indicates which of the matching units of (Custom) Line Items were discounted. |
Embedded values
name String | Name of the Attribute set. |
value Any | Value set for the Attribute determined by the AttributeType:
key String | Key of the value used as a programmatic identifier. |
label String | Descriptive label of the value. |
key String | Key of the value used as a programmatic identifier. |
label | Descriptive localized label of the value. |
name String | Name of the FieldDefinition. |
label | Descriptive label of the field. |
quantityOnStock Int | Overall amount of stock ( |
availableQuantity Int | Available amount of stock ( |
id String |
name | Name of the corresponding Product the Product Variant belongs to. |
variantId Int |
key String | Key of the value used as a programmatic identifier. |
type String | "Classification" |
label | Descriptive localized label of the value. |
type String | "Score" |
score Int | Abstract value for categorizing a Cart. |
taxedPrice | Taxed price for the Shipping Method based on |
taxRate | Tax rate set externally for the Shipping Method. |
id String |
name | Name of the TextLineItem. |
validFrom String | Date and time (UTC) from when the Discount is effective. |
validUntil String | Date and time (UTC) until when the Discount is effective. |
Type of Change
Associate Roles
Change triggered by the Change BuyerAssignable update action.
type String | "ChangeBuyerAssignableChange" |
change String | "changeBuyerAssignable" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Name update action.
type String | "SetNameChange" |
change String | "setName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Permissions, Add Permission, and Remove Permission update actions.
type String | "SetPermissionsChange" |
change String | "setPermissions" |
previousValue Array of Permission | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of Permission | Value after the change. |
Business Units
Change triggered by the Add Associate update action.
type String | "AddAssociateChange" |
change String | "addAssociate" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Associate update action on a parent of a Business Unit in cases where inheritance applies.
type String | "AddInheritedAssociateChange" |
change String | "addInheritedAssociate" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Associate update action.
Change triggered by the Change Associate update action on a parent of a Business Unit in cases where inheritance applies.
type String | "ChangeInheritedAssociateChange" |
change String | "changeInheritedAssociate" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Associate Mode update action.
type String | "ChangeAssociateModeChange" |
change String | "changeAssociateMode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Parent Unit update action.
type String | "ChangeParentUnitChange" |
change String | "changeParentUnit" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Status update action.
type String | "ChangeStatusChange" |
change String | "changeStatus" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Associate update action.
type String | "RemoveAssociateChange" |
change String | "removeAssociate" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Associate update action on a parent of a Business Unit in cases where inheritance applies.
type String | "RemoveInheritedAssociateChange" |
change String | "removeInheritedAssociate" |
previousValue | The value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Address Custom Field update action.
type String | "SetAddressCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setAddressCustomField" |
address | Address which was extended. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Address Custom Type update action.
type String | "SetAddressCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setAddressCustomType" |
address | Address which was extended. |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Store Mode update action.
type String | "SetStoreModeChange" |
change String | "setStoreMode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Contact Email update action.
type String | "SetContactEmailChange" |
change String | "setContactEmail" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Cart Discounts
Change triggered by the Change Cart Predicate update action.
type String | "ChangeCartPredicateChange" |
change String | "changeCartPredicate" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change IsActive on Cart Discounts.
- Change IsActive on Discount Codes.
- Change IsActive on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeIsActiveChange" |
change String | "changeIsActive" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Requires DiscountCode update action.
type String | "ChangeRequiresDiscountCodeChange" |
change String | "changeRequiresDiscountCode" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Sort Order on Cart Discounts.
- Change Sort Order on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeSortOrderChange" |
change String | "changeSortOrder" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Stacking Mode update action.
type String | "ChangeStackingModeChange" |
change String | "changeStackingMode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Target update action.
type String | "ChangeTargetChange" |
change String | "changeTarget" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Value on Cart Discounts.
- Change Value on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeValueChange" |
change String | "changeValue" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid From on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid From on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid From on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidFromChange" |
change String | "setValidFrom" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid From and Until on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid From and Until on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid From and Until on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidFromAndUntilChange" |
change String | "setValidFromAndUntil" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid Until on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid Until on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid Until on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidUntilChange" |
change String | "setValidUntil" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Asset Name on Categories.
- Change Asset Name on Products.
type String | "ChangeAssetNameChange" |
change String | "changeAssetName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Asset Order on Categories.
- Change Asset Order on Products.
type String | "ChangeAssetOrderChange" |
change String | "changeAssetOrder" |
previousValue Array of LocalizedString | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of LocalizedString | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change OrderHint update action.
type String | "ChangeOrderHintChange" |
change String | "changeOrderHint" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Parent update action.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Slug on Categories.
- Change Slug on Products.
type String | "ChangeSlugChange" |
change String | "changeSlug" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Remove Asset on Categories.
- Remove Asset on Products.
type String | "RemoveAssetChange" |
change String | "removeAsset" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset CustomField on Categories.
- Set Asset CustomField on Products.
type String | "SetAssetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setAssetCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Asset Custom Type on Products.
type String | "SetAssetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setAssetCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Description on Categories.
- Set Asset Description on Products.
type String | "SetAssetDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setAssetDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Key on Categories.
- Set Asset Key on Products.
type String | "SetAssetKeyChange" |
change String | "setAssetKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Sources on Categories.
- Set Asset Sources on Products.
type String | "SetAssetSourcesChange" |
change String | "setAssetSources" |
previousValue Array of AssetSource | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of AssetSource | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set External ID on Categories.
- Set External ID on Customers.
type String | "SetExternalIdChange" |
change String | "setExternalId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Meta Description on Categories.
- Set Meta Description on Products.
type String | "SetMetaDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setMetaDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Meta Keywords on Categories.
- Set Meta Keywords on Products.
type String | "SetMetaKeywordsChange" |
change String | "setMetaKeywords" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Meta Title on Categories.
- Set Meta Title on Products.
type String | "SetMetaTitleChange" |
change String | "setMetaTitle" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Description update action.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "changeDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Key on Channels.
- Change State key on States.
- Change Key on Types.
type String | "ChangeKeyChange" |
change String | "changeKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
type String | "ChangeReviewRatingStatisticsChange" |
change String | "changeReviewRatingStatistics" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Address update action.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set GeoLocation update action.
type String | "SetGeoLocationChange" |
change String | "setGeoLocation" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Roles update action.
type String | "SetChannelRolesChange" |
change String | "setRoles" |
previousValue Array of ChannelRoleEnum | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of ChannelRoleEnum | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Roles update action.
type String | "AddChannelRolesChange" |
change String | "addRoles" |
previousValue Array of ChannelRoleEnum | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of ChannelRoleEnum | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Roles update action.
type String | "RemoveChannelRolesChange" |
change String | "removeRoles" |
previousValue Array of ChannelRoleEnum | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of ChannelRoleEnum | Value after the change. |
Custom Objects PREMIUM
Change triggered by the Update CustomObject request when a new property is added.
type String | "AddPropertyChange" |
change String | "addProperty" |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
path String | Path to the new property that was added. |
Change triggered by the Update CustomObject request when an existing property is removed.
type String | "RemovePropertyChange" |
change String | "removeProperty" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
path String | Path to the property that was removed. |
Change triggered by the Update CustomObject request when an existing property is updated.
type String | "SetPropertyChange" |
change String | "setProperty" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
path String | Path to the property that was updated. |
Change triggered by the Update CustomObject request when a value of a property is updated.
type String | "SetValueChange" |
change String | "setValue" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Address update action.
type String | "AddAddressChange" |
change String | "addAddress" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Billing Address ID update action.
type String | "AddBillingAddressIdChange" |
change String | "addBillingAddressId" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
address | Address added to |
Change triggered by the Add Shipping Address ID update action.
type String | "AddShippingAddressIdChange" |
change String | "addShippingAddressId" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
address | Address added to |
Change triggered by the Change Address update action.
Change triggered by the Change Email update action.
type String | "ChangeEmailChange" |
change String | "changeEmail" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Address update action.
type String | "RemoveAddressChange" |
change String | "removeAddress" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Billing Address ID update action.
type String | "RemoveBillingAddressIdChange" |
change String | "removeBillingAddressId" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
address | Address removed from |
Change triggered by the Remove Shipping Address ID update action.
type String | "RemoveShippingAddressIdChange" |
change String | "removeShippingAddressId" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
address | Address removed from |
Change triggered by the Set Company Name update action.
type String | "SetCompanyNameChange" |
change String | "setCompanyName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set CustomerGroup update action.
Change triggered by the Set Customer Number update action.
type String | "SetCustomerNumberChange" |
change String | "setCustomerNumber" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Date of Birth update action.
type String | "SetDateOfBirthChange" |
change String | "setDateOfBirth" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Default Billing Address update action.
Change triggered by the Set Default Shipping Address update action.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set External ID on Categories.
- Set External ID on Customers.
type String | "SetExternalIdChange" |
change String | "setExternalId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set First Name update action.
type String | "SetFirstNameChange" |
change String | "setFirstName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by Set Last Name update action.
type String | "SetLastNameChange" |
change String | "setLastName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Locale on Customers.
- Set Locale on Orders.
- Set Locale on Staged Orders.
- Set Locale on Reviews.
Change triggered by the Set Middle Name update action.
type String | "SetMiddleNameChange" |
change String | "setMiddleName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Salutation update action.
type String | "SetSalutationChange" |
change String | "setSalutation" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Stores update action.
Change triggered by the Set Vat ID update action.
type String | "SetVatIdChange" |
change String | "setVatId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by a Customer email verification.
type String | "VerifyEmailChange" |
change String | "verifyEmail" |
Change triggered by the Set AuthenticationMode update action.
type String | "SetAuthenticationModeChange" |
change String | "setAuthenticationMode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Customer Groups
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Customer Groups.
- Change Name on Product Types.
- Change Name on Tax Categories.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Discount Codes
Change triggered by the Change CartDiscounts update action.
Change triggered by the Change Groups update action.
type String | "ChangeGroupsChange" |
change String | "changeGroups" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change IsActive on Cart Discounts.
- Change IsActive on Discount Codes.
- Change IsActive on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeIsActiveChange" |
change String | "changeIsActive" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Cart Predicate update action.
type String | "SetCartPredicateChange" |
change String | "setCartPredicate" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Name on Discount Codes.
- Set State Name on States.
- Set Name on Stores.
type String | "SetLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "setName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Max Applications update action.
type String | "SetMaxApplicationsChange" |
change String | "setMaxApplications" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Max Applications Per Customer update action.
type String | "SetMaxApplicationsPerCustomerChange" |
change String | "setMaxApplicationsPerCustomer" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid From on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid From on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid From on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidFromChange" |
change String | "setValidFrom" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid From and Until on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid From and Until on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid From and Until on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidFromAndUntilChange" |
change String | "setValidFromAndUntil" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid Until on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid Until on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid Until on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidUntilChange" |
change String | "setValidUntil" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered automatically due to a user-initiated change.
type String | "SetApplicationVersionChange" |
change String | "setApplicationVersion" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Quantity update action.
type String | "ChangeQuantityChange" |
change String | "changeQuantity" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set ExpectedDelivery update action.
type String | "SetExpectedDeliveryChange" |
change String | "setExpectedDelivery" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set RestockableInDays update action.
type String | "SetRestockableInDaysChange" |
change String | "setRestockableInDays" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set SupplyChannel update action.
type String | "SetReservationsChange" |
change String | "setReservations" |
previousValue Array of Reservation | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of Reservation | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Delivery update action.
type String | "AddDeliveryChange" |
change String | "addDelivery" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Add ItemShippingAddress on Orders.
- Add ItemShippingAddress on Staged Orders.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Add Parcel on Orders.
- Add Parcel on Staged Orders.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Add Payment on Orders.
- Add Payment on Staged Orders.
type String | "AddPaymentChange" |
change String | "addPayment" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Add ReturnInfo on Orders.
- Add ReturnInfo on Staged Orders.
type String | "AddReturnInfoChange" |
change String | "addReturnInfo" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change OrderState on Orders.
- Change OrderState on Staged Orders.
type String | "ChangeOrderStateChange" |
change String | "changeOrderState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change PaymentState on Orders.
- Change PaymentState on Staged Orders.
type String | "ChangePaymentStateChange" |
change String | "changePaymentState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change ShipmentState on Orders.
- Change ShipmentState on Staged Orders.
type String | "ChangeShipmentStateChange" |
change String | "changeShipmentState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Delivery update action.
type String | "RemoveDeliveryItemsChange" |
change String | "removeDelivery" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Item Shipping Address update action.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Remove Parcel From Delivery on Orders.
- Remove Parcel From Delivery on Staged Orders.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Remove Payment on Orders.
- Remove Payment on Staged Orders.
type String | "RemovePaymentChange" |
change String | "removePayment" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Billing Address on Orders.
- Set Billing Address on Staged Orders.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomLineItem Custom Type on Orders.
- Set CustomLineItem Custom Type on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomLineItem CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomLineItem CustomField on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomLineItem ShippingDetails on Orders.
- Set CustomLineItem ShippingDetails on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemShippingDetailsChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemShippingDetails" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItemId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Customer Email on Orders.
- Set Customer Email on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetCustomerEmailChange" |
change String | "setCustomerEmail" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Customer ID on Orders.
- Set Customer ID on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetCustomerIdChange" |
change String | "setCustomerId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set DeliveryAddress on Orders.
- Set DeliveryAddress on Staged Orders.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Delivery Items on Orders.
- Set Delivery Items on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetDeliveryItemsChange" |
change String | "setDeliveryItems" |
previousValue Array of DeliveryItem | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of DeliveryItem | Value after the change. |
deliveryId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set LineItem CustomField on Orders.
- Set LineItem CustomField on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetOrderLineItemCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setLineItemCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
customTypeId String |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set LineItem Custom Type on Orders.
- Set LineItem Custom Type on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetOrderLineItemCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setLineItemCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the updated Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set LineItem ShippingDetails on Orders.
- Set LineItem ShippingDetails on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetLineItemShippingDetailsChange" |
change String | "setLineItemShippingDetails" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItemId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Locale on Customers.
- Set Locale on Orders.
- Set Locale on Staged Orders.
- Set Locale on Reviews.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Order Number on Orders.
- Set Order Number on Staged Order.
type String | "SetOrderNumberChange" |
change String | "setOrderNumber" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Parcel Items on Orders.
- Set Parcel Items on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetParcelItemsChange" |
change String | "setParcelItems" |
previousValue Array of DeliveryItem | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of DeliveryItem | Value after the change. |
parcel | Information about the updated Parcel. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- SetParcelMeasurements on Orders.
- SetParcelMeasurements on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetParcelMeasurementsChange" |
change String | "setParcelMeasurements" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
parcel | Information about the updated Parcel. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Parcel Tracking Data on Orders.
- Set Parcel Tracking Data on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetParcelTrackingDataChange" |
change String | "setParcelTrackingData" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
parcel | Information about the updated Parcel. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set PaymentShipmentState on Orders.
- Set PaymentShipmentState on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetReturnPaymentStateChange" |
change String | "setReturnPaymentState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set ReturnShipmentState on Orders.
- Set ReturnShipmentState on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetReturnShipmentStateChange" |
change String | "setReturnShipmentState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Shipping Address on Orders.
- Set Shipping Address on Staged Orders.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "TransitionCustomLineItemStateChange" |
change String | "transitionCustomLineItemState" |
previousValue Array of ItemState | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of ItemState | Value after the change. |
lineItemId String |
stateId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Update SyncInfo on Orders.
- Update SyncInfo on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetLineItemProductKeyChange" |
change String | "setLineItemProductKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
lineItemId String |
variant String |
type String | "SetOrderTaxedPriceChange" |
change String | "setOrderTaxedPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
taxMode | DisplayName: TaxMode |
Change triggered by the Set Shipping Rate Input update action.
type String | "SetShippingRateInputChange" |
change String | "setShippingRateInput" |
previousValue | Value before the change. (oneOf):SetCartClassificationShippingRateInputValue,SetCartScoreShippingRateInputValue |
nextValue | Value after the change. (oneOf):SetCartClassificationShippingRateInputValue,SetCartScoreShippingRateInputValue |
Change triggered by the Set ShippingMethod TaxRate update action.
Change triggered by the Set ShippingMethod TaxAmount update action.
type String | "SetShippingMethodTaxAmountChange" |
change String | "setShippingMethodTaxAmount" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
taxMode |
Change triggered by the Set ShippingMethod update action.
type String | "SetShippingMethodChange" |
change String | "setShippingMethod" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set OrderTotalTax update action.
Change triggered by the Set LineItemTotalPrice update action.
type String | "SetLineItemTotalPriceChange" |
change String | "setLineItemTotalPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the updated Line Item is based on. |
Change triggered by the Set LineItemTaxRate update action.
type String | "SetLineItemTaxRateChange" |
change String | "setLineItemTaxRate" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
taxMode |
Change triggered by the Set LineItem TaxAmount update action.
type String | "SetLineItemTaxAmountChange" |
change String | "setLineItemTaxAmount" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
taxMode |
Change triggered by the Set LineItem Price update action.
type String | "SetLineItemPriceChange" |
change String | "setLineItemPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the updated Line Item is based on. |
Change triggered by the Set LineItem DistributionChannel update action.
type String | "SetLineItemDistributionChannelChange" |
change String | "setLineItemDistributionChannel" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
Change triggered by the Set Custom ShippingMethod update action.
type String | "SetCustomShippingMethodChange" |
change String | "setCustomShippingMethod" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set CustomLineItem TaxRate update action.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemTaxRateChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemTaxRate" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
taxMode |
Change triggered by the Set CustomLineItem TaxAmount update action.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemTaxAmountChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemTaxAmount" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
taxMode |
Change triggered by the Set CustomLineItem Money update action.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemMoneyChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemMoney" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
Change triggered by the Set Country update action.
type String | "SetCountryChange" |
change String | "setCountry" |
previousValue | Value before the change. Pattern:^[A-Z]{2}$ |
nextValue | Value after the change. Pattern:^[A-Z]{2}$ |
Change triggered by the Remove Parcel From Delivery update action.
Change triggered by the Remove DiscountCode update action.
type String | "RemoveDiscountCodeChange" |
change String | "removeDiscountCode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove CustomLineItem update action.
type String | "RemoveCustomLineItemChange" |
change String | "removeCustomLineItem" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Tax RoundingMode update action.
type String | "ChangeTaxRoundingModeChange" |
change String | "changeTaxRoundingMode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change TaxMode update action.
Change triggered by the Change TaxCalculationMode update action.
type String | "ChangeTaxCalculationModeChange" |
change String | "changeTaxCalculationMode" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change LineItem Quantity update action.
Change triggered by the Change CustomLineItem Quantity update action.
type String | "ChangeCustomLineItemQuantityChange" |
change String | "changeCustomLineItemQuantity" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
Change triggered by the Add CustomLineItem update action.
type String | "AddCustomLineItemChange" |
change String | "addCustomLineItem" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add DiscountCode update action.
type String | "AddDiscountCodeChange" |
change String | "addDiscountCode" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add LineItem update action.
type String | "SetCustomLineItemTaxedPriceChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemTaxedPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
type String | "SetCustomLineItemTotalPriceChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemTotalPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
Change triggered automatically due to a user-initiated change.
type String | "SetLineItemProductSlugChange" |
change String | "setLineItemProductSlug" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the updated Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
type String | "SetLineItemDiscountedPricePerQuantityChange" |
change String | "setLineItemDiscountedPricePerQuantity" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
type String | "SetLineItemDiscountedPriceChange" |
change String | "setLineItemDiscountedPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Name of the Product the Line Item is based on. |
variant String |
type String | "SetCustomLineItemTaxCategoryChange" |
change String | "setCustomLineItemTaxCategory" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
customLineItem | Name of the updated CustomLineItem. |
customLineItemId String |
type String | "SetShippingInfoTaxedPriceChange" |
change String | "setShippingInfoTaxedPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Purchase Order Number on Orders.
- Set Purchase Order Number on Staged Orders.
type String | "SetPurchaseOrderNumberChange" |
change String | "setPurchaseOrderNumber" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Payments PREMIUM
Change triggered by the Add InterfaceInteraction update action.
type String | "AddInterfaceInteractionChange" |
change String | "addInterfaceInteraction" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Transaction update action.
type String | "AddTransactionChange" |
change String | "addTransaction" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change AmountPlanned update action.
Change triggered by the Change TransactionInteractionId update action.
type String | "ChangeTransactionInteractionIdChange" |
change String | "changeTransactionInteractionId" |
previousValue String | Value after the change. |
nextValue String | Value before the change. |
transaction | Holds information about the updated Transaction. |
Change triggered by the Change TransactionState update action.
type String | "ChangeTransactionStateChange" |
change String | "changeTransactionState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
transaction | Holds information about the updated Transaction. |
Change triggered by the Change TransactionTimestamp update action.
type String | "ChangeTransactionTimestampChange" |
change String | "changeTransactionTimestamp" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
transaction | Holds information about the updated Transaction. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set AnonymousId on Payments.
- Set AnonymousId on Shopping Lists.
type String | "SetAnonymousIdChange" |
change String | "setAnonymousId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Customer on Payments.
- Set Customer on Reviews.
- Set Customer on Shopping Lists.
Change triggered by the Set InterfaceId update action.
type String | "SetInterfaceIdChange" |
change String | "setInterfaceId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set MethodInfoInterface update action.
type String | "SetMethodInfoInterfaceChange" |
change String | "setMethodInfoInterface" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set MethodInfoInterface update action.
type String | "SetMethodInfoMethodChange" |
change String | "setMethodInfoMethod" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set MethodInfoName update action.
type String | "SetMethodInfoNameChange" |
change String | "setMethodInfoName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set StatusInterfaceCode update action.
type String | "SetStatusInterfaceCodeChange" |
change String | "setStatusInterfaceCode" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set StatusInterfaceText update action.
type String | "SetStatusInterfaceTextChange" |
change String | "setStatusInterfaceText" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Change triggered by the Add External Image update action.
type String | "AddExternalImageChange" |
change String | "addExternalImage" |
previousValue Array of Image | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of Image | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Add Price update action.
type String | "AddPriceChange" |
change String | "addPrice" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
priceId String |
Change triggered by the Add to Category update action.
Change triggered by the Add ProductVariant update action.
type String | "AddVariantChange" |
change String | "addVariant" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Asset Name on Categories.
- Change Asset Name on Products.
type String | "ChangeAssetNameChange" |
change String | "changeAssetName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Asset Order on Categories.
- Change Asset Order on Products.
type String | "ChangeAssetOrderChange" |
change String | "changeAssetOrder" |
previousValue Array of LocalizedString | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of LocalizedString | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Master Variant update action.
type String | "ChangeMasterVariantChange" |
change String | "changeMasterVariant" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Price update action.
type String | "ChangePriceChange" |
change String | "changePrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
priceId String |
type String | "ChangeReviewRatingStatisticsChange" |
change String | "changeReviewRatingStatistics" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Slug on Categories.
- Change Slug on Products.
type String | "ChangeSlugChange" |
change String | "changeSlug" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Publish update action.
type String | "PublishChange" |
change String | "publish" |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Remove Asset on Categories.
- Remove Asset on Products.
type String | "RemoveAssetChange" |
change String | "removeAsset" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove from Category update action.
Change triggered by the Remove Image update action.
type String | "RemoveImageChange" |
change String | "removeImage" |
previousValue Array of Image | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of Image | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Remove Embedded Price update action.
type String | "RemovePriceChange" |
change String | "removePrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
priceId String |
Change triggered by the Remove ProductVariant update action.
type String | "RemoveVariantChange" |
change String | "removeVariant" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Asset Custom Type on Products.
type String | "SetAssetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setAssetCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset CustomField on Categories.
- Set Asset CustomField on Products.
type String | "SetAssetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setAssetCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Description on Categories.
- Set Asset Description on Products.
type String | "SetAssetDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setAssetDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Key on Categories.
- Set Asset Key on Products.
type String | "SetAssetKeyChange" |
change String | "setAssetKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Asset Sources on Categories.
- Set Asset Sources on Products.
type String | "SetAssetSourcesChange" |
change String | "setAssetSources" |
previousValue Array of AssetSource | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of AssetSource | Value after the change. |
asset | Information about the updated Asset. |
Change triggered by the Set Attribute update action.
type String | "SetAttributeChange" |
change String | "setAttribute" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Set Category Order Hint update action.
type String | "SetCategoryOrderHintChange" |
change String | "setCategoryOrderHint" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
categoryId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Discounted Embedded Price update action.
type String | "SetDiscountedPriceChange" |
change String | "setDiscountedPrice" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
variant String |
priceId String |
Change triggered by the Set Image Label update action.
type String | "SetImageLabelChange" |
change String | "setImageLabel" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Meta Description on Categories.
- Set Meta Description on Products.
type String | "SetMetaDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setMetaDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Meta Keywords on Categories.
- Set Meta Keywords on Products.
type String | "SetMetaKeywordsChange" |
change String | "setMetaKeywords" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Meta Title on Categories.
- Set Meta Title on Products.
type String | "SetMetaTitleChange" |
change String | "setMetaTitle" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Price CustomField update action.
type String | "SetProductPriceCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setProductPriceCustomField" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Set Price Custom Type update action.
type String | "SetProductPriceCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setProductPriceCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Set ProductVariant Key update action.
type String | "SetProductVariantKeyChange" |
change String | "setProductVariantKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Set SearchKeywords update action.
type String | "SetSearchKeywordsChange" |
change String | "setSearchKeywords" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Set SKU update action.
type String | "SetSkuChange" |
change String | "setSku" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Change triggered by the Set TaxCategory update action.
Change triggered automatically when an InventoryEntry associated with a Product changes.
type String | "SetVariantAvailabilityChange" |
change String | "setVariantAvailability" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
variant String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Change triggered by the Unpublish update action.
type String | "UnpublishChange" |
change String | "unpublish" |
Change triggered by the Set Prices update action.
type String | "SetPricesChange" |
change String | "setPrices" |
previousValue Array of Price | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of Price | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
variant String |
Change triggered by the Move image to position update action.
type String | "MoveImageToPositionChange" |
change String | "moveImageToPosition" |
previousValue Array of Image | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of Image | Value after the change. |
catalogData String |
Product Discounts
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change IsActive on Cart Discounts.
- Change IsActive on Discount Codes.
- Change IsActive on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeIsActiveChange" |
change String | "changeIsActive" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Predicate update action.
type String | "ChangePredicateChange" |
change String | "changePredicate" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Sort Order on Cart Discounts.
- Change Sort Order on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeSortOrderChange" |
change String | "changeSortOrder" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Value on Cart Discounts.
- Change Value on Product Discounts.
type String | "ChangeValueChange" |
change String | "changeValue" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid From on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid From on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid From on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidFromChange" |
change String | "setValidFrom" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid From and Until on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid From and Until on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid From and Until on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidFromAndUntilChange" |
change String | "setValidFromAndUntil" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Valid Until on Cart Discounts.
- Set Valid Until on Discount Codes.
- Set Valid Until on Product Discounts.
type String | "SetValidUntilChange" |
change String | "setValidUntil" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered automatically due to a user-initiated change.
type String | "SetIsValidChange" |
change String | "setIsValid" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Product Selections
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered automatically by the Add Product or Remove Product update action.
type String | "SetProductCountChange" |
change String | "setProductCount" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Variant Selection update action.
type String | "SetVariantSelectionChange" |
change String | "setVariantSelection" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
product | Reference to the updated Product. |
Change triggered by the Add Product update action.
type String | "AddProductChange" |
change String | "addProduct" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
variantSelection | The Product Variants included in the Product Selection. |
Change triggered by the Remove Product update action.
type String | "RemoveProductChange" |
change String | "removeProduct" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Product Types
Change triggered by the Add Attribute Definition update action.
type String | "AddAttributeDefinitionChange" |
change String | "addAttributeDefinition" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Add LocalizableEnumValue to AttributeDefinition on Product Types.
- Add LocalizedEnumValue to FieldDefinition on Types.
type String | "AddLocalizedEnumValueChange" |
change String | "addLocalizedEnumValue" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the Add PlainEnumValue to AttributeDefinition update action.
type String | "AddPlainEnumValueChange" |
change String | "addPlainEnumValue" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
Change triggered by the Change AttributeDefinition AttributeConstraint update action.
type String | "ChangeAttributeConstraintChange" |
change String | "changeAttributeConstraint" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
Change triggered by the Change the order of AttributeDefinitions update action.
type String | "ChangeAttributeOrderByNameChange" |
change String | "changeAttributeOrderByName" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change Description update action.
type String | "ChangeDescriptionChange" |
change String | "changeDescription" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change AttributeDefinition InputHint on Product Types.
- Change InputHint on Types.
type String | "ChangeInputHintChange" |
change String | "changeInputHint" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the Change AttributeDefinition IsSearchable update action.
type String | "ChangeIsSearchableChange" |
change String | "changeIsSearchable" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change AttributeDefinition Label on Product Types.
- Change FieldDefinition Label on Types.
type String | "ChangeLabelChange" |
change String | "changeLabel" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types). |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change the label of a LocalizedEnumValue on Product Types.
- Change LocalizedEnumValue Label on Types.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedEnumValueLabelChange" |
change String | "changeLocalizedEnumValueLabel" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
valueKey String | Key of the updated values. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Customer Groups.
- Change Name on Product Types.
- Change Name on Tax Categories.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change the label of an EnumValue update action.
type String | "ChangePlainEnumValueLabelChange" |
change String | "changePlainEnumValueLabel" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
valueKey String | Key of the updated values. |
Change triggered by the Remove AttributeDefinition update action.
type String | "RemoveAttributeDefinitionChange" |
change String | "removeAttributeDefinition" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove EnumValues from AttributeDefinition update action.
type String | "RemoveEnumValuesChange" |
change String | "removeEnumValues" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
Change triggered by the Remove EnumValues from AttributeDefinition update action.
type String | "RemoveLocalizedEnumValuesChange" |
change String | "removeEnumValues" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
Change triggered by the Set AttributeDefinition InputTip update action.
type String | "SetInputTipChange" |
change String | "setInputTip" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Quote Requests
Change triggered by the Change Quote Request State update action.
type String | "ChangeQuoteRequestStateChange" |
change String | "changeQuoteRequestState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Change triggered by the Change Quote State update action.
type String | "ChangeQuoteStateChange" |
change String | "changeQuoteState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Request Quote Renegotiation update action.
type String | "RequestQuoteRenegotiationChange" |
change String | "requestQuoteRenegotiation" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
buyerComment String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Customer on Payments.
- Set Customer on Reviews.
- Set Customer on Shopping Lists.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Locale on Customers.
- Set Locale on Orders.
- Set Locale on Staged Orders.
- Set Locale on Reviews.
Change triggered by the Set Rating update action.
type String | "SetRatingChange" |
change String | "setRating" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Target update action.
Change triggered by the Set Text update action.
type String | "SetTextChange" |
change String | "setText" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Shopping Lists PREMIUM
Change triggered by the Add ShoppingListLineItem update action.
Change triggered by the Add TextLineItem update action.
type String | "AddTextLineItemChange" |
change String | "addTextLineItem" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change ShoppingListLineItem Quantity update action.
type String | "ChangeShoppingListLineItemQuantityChange" |
change String | "changeLineItemQuantity" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Holds information about the updated Shopping List Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Change ShoppingListLineItems Order update action.
type String | "ChangeShoppingListLineItemsOrderChange" |
change String | "changeLineItemsOrder" |
previousValue Array of ShoppingListLineItemValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of ShoppingListLineItemValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change TextLineItem Name update action.
type String | "ChangeTextLineItemNameChange" |
change String | "changeTextLineItemName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
textLineItem | Holds information about the updated Text Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Change TextLineItem Quantity update action.
type String | "ChangeTextLineItemQuantityChange" |
change String | "changeTextLineItemQuantity" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
textLineItem | Holds information about the updated Text Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Change TextLineItems Order update action.
type String | "ChangeTextLineItemsOrderChange" |
change String | "changeTextLineItemsOrder" |
previousValue Array of TextLineItemValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of TextLineItemValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove ShoppingListLineItem update action.
Change triggered by the Remove TextLineItem update action.
type String | "RemoveTextLineItemChange" |
change String | "removeTextLineItem" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set AnonymousId on Payments.
- Set AnonymousId on Shopping Lists.
type String | "SetAnonymousIdChange" |
change String | "setAnonymousId" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Customer on Payments.
- Set Customer on Reviews.
- Set Customer on Shopping Lists.
Change triggered by the Set DeleteDaysAfterLastModification update action.
type String | "SetDeleteDaysAfterLastModificationChange" |
change String | "setDeleteDaysAfterLastModification" |
previousValue Int | Value before the change. |
nextValue Int | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set ShoppingListLineItem Custom Field update action.
type String | "SetShoppingListLineItemCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setLineItemCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
lineItem | Holds information about the updated Shopping List Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Set ShoppingListLineItem Custom Type update action.
type String | "SetShoppingListLineItemCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setLineItemCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Holds information about the updated Shopping List Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Set Slug update action.
type String | "SetSlugChange" |
change String | "setSlug" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set TextLineItem CustomField update action.
type String | "SetTextLineItemCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setTextLineItemCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
textLineItem | Holds information about the updated Text Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Set TextLineItem Custom Type update action.
type String | "SetTextLineItemCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setTextLineItemCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
textLineItem | Holds information about the updated Text Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Set TextLineItem Description update action.
type String | "SetTextLineItemDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setTextLineItemDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
textLineItem | Holds information about the updated Text Line Item. |
type String | "SetLineItemDeactivatedAtChange" |
change String | "setLineItemDeactivatedAt" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
lineItem | Holds information about the updated Shopping List Line Item. |
Change triggered by the Change initial State update action.
type String | "ChangeInitialChange" |
change String | "changeInitial" |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Key on Channels.
- Change State key on States.
- Change Key on Types.
type String | "ChangeKeyChange" |
change String | "changeKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Change State Type update action.
type String | "ChangeStateTypeChange" |
change String | "changeType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove State roles update action.
type String | "RemoveStateRolesChange" |
change String | "removeRoles" |
previousValue Array of StateRoleEnum | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of StateRoleEnum | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Name on Discount Codes.
- Set State Name on States.
- Set Name on Stores.
type String | "SetLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "setName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set State roles update action.
type String | "SetStateRolesChange" |
change String | "setRoles" |
previousValue Array of StateRoleEnum | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of StateRoleEnum | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Transitions update action.
Change triggered by the Add State roles update action.
type String | "AddStateRolesChange" |
change String | "addRoles" |
previousValue Array of StateRoleEnum | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of StateRoleEnum | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Staged Quotes
Change triggered by the ChangeStagedQuoteState update action.
type String | "ChangeStagedQuoteStateChange" |
change String | "changeStagedQuoteState" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Seller Comment update action.
type String | "SetSellerCommentChange" |
change String | "setSellerComment" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Valid To update action.
type String | "SetValidToChange" |
change String | "setValidTo" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Transition State on Orders.
- Transition State on Staged Orders.
- Transition State on Payments.
- Transition State on Products.
- Transition State on Quotes.
- Transition State on Staged Quotes.
- Transition State on Quote Requests.
- Transition State on Reviews.
- Transition State on States.
Change triggered by the Add Product Selection update action.
type String | "AddProductSelectionChange" |
change String | "addProductSelection" |
previousValue | |
nextValue |
Change triggered by the Change Product Selection Active update action.
type String | "ChangeProductSelectionActiveChange" |
change String | "changeProductSelectionActive" |
productSelection | Reference to the Product Selection which was changed. |
previousValue Boolean | Value before the change. |
nextValue Boolean | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Product Selection update action.
type String | "RemoveProductSelectionChange" |
change String | "removeProductSelection" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Distribution Channels update action.
Change triggered by Set Languages update action.
type String | "SetLanguagesChange" |
change String | "setLanguages" |
previousValue Array of String | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Name on Discount Codes.
- Set State Name on States.
- Set Name on Stores.
type String | "SetLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "setName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Product Selections update action.
type String | "SetProductSelectionsChange" |
change String | "setProductSelections" |
previousValue Array of ProductSelectionSetting | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of ProductSelectionSetting | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Supply Channels update action.
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set CustomField on Cart Discounts.
- Set CustomField on Categories.
- Set CustomField on Channels.
- Set CustomField on Customers.
- Set CustomField on Customer Groups.
- Set CustomField on Discount Codes.
- Set CustomField on Inventories.
- Set CustomField on Orders.
- Set CustomField on Order Edits.
- Set CustomField on Payments.
- Set CustomField on Product Selections.
- Set CustomField on Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Quote Requests.
- Set CustomField on Reviews.
- Set CustomField on Shopping Lists.
- Set CustomField on Staged Orders.
- Set CustomField on Staged Quotes.
- Set CustomField on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomFieldChange" |
change String | "setCustomField" |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |
name String | Name of the Custom Field. |
customTypeId String |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Custom Type on Cart Discounts.
- Set Custom Type on Categories.
- Set Custom Type on Channels.
- Set Custom Type on Customers.
- Set Custom Type on Customer Groups.
- Set Custom Type on Discount Codes.
- Set Custom Type on Inventories.
- Set Custom Type on Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Order Edits.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Orders.
- Set Custom Type on Payments.
- Set Custom Type on Product Selections.
- Set Custom Type on Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Staged Quotes.
- Set Custom Type on Quote Requests.
- Set Custom Type on Reviews.
- Set Custom Type on Shopping Lists.
- Set Custom Type on Stores.
type String | "SetCustomTypeChange" |
change String | "setCustomType" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Set Countries update action.
type String | "SetCountriesChange" |
change String | "setCountries" |
previousValue Array of StoreCountry | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of StoreCountry | Value after the change. |
Tax Categories
Change triggered by the Add TaxRate update action.
type String | "AddTaxRateChange" |
change String | "addTaxRate" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Customer Groups.
- Change Name on Product Types.
- Change Name on Tax Categories.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove TaxRate update action.
type String | "RemoveTaxRateChange" |
change String | "removeTaxRate" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Tax Categories.
- Set Description on Zones.
type String | "SetDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add EnumValue to FieldDefinition update action.
type String | "AddEnumValueChange" |
change String | "addEnumValue" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition. |
Change triggered by the Add FieldDefinition update action.
type String | "AddFieldDefinitionChange" |
change String | "addFieldDefinition" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Add LocalizableEnumValue to AttributeDefinition on Product Types.
- Add LocalizedEnumValue to FieldDefinition on Types.
type String | "AddLocalizedEnumValueChange" |
change String | "addLocalizedEnumValue" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the Change EnumValue Label update action.
type String | "ChangeEnumValueLabelChange" |
change String | "changeEnumValueLabel" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition. |
valueKey String | Key of the updated values. |
Change triggered by the Change the order of EnumValues update action.
type String | "ChangeEnumValueOrderChange" |
change String | "changeEnumValueOrder" |
previousValue Array of EnumValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of EnumValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition. |
Change triggered by the Change the order of FieldDefinitions update action.
type String | "ChangeFieldDefinitionOrderChange" |
change String | "changeFieldDefinitionOrder" |
previousValue Array of FieldDefinitionOrderValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of FieldDefinitionOrderValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change AttributeDefinition InputHint on Product Types.
- Change InputHint on Types.
type String | "ChangeInputHintChange" |
change String | "changeInputHint" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Key on Channels.
- Change State key on States.
- Change Key on Types.
type String | "ChangeKeyChange" |
change String | "changeKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change AttributeDefinition Label on Product Types.
- Change FieldDefinition Label on Types.
type String | "ChangeLabelChange" |
change String | "changeLabel" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types). |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change the label of a LocalizedEnumValue on Product Types.
- Change LocalizedEnumValue Label on Types.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedEnumValueLabelChange" |
change String | "changeLocalizedEnumValueLabel" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
valueKey String | Key of the updated values. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change the order of LocalizedEnumValues on Product Types.
- Change the order of LocalizedEnumValues on Types.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedEnumValueOrderChange" |
change String | "changeLocalizedEnumValueOrder" |
previousValue Array of LocalizedEnumValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue Array of LocalizedEnumValue | Value after the change. |
fieldName String | Name of the updated FieldDefinition; only present on changes to Types. |
attributeName String | Name of the updated AttributeDefinition; only present on changes to Product Types. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Cart Discounts.
- Change Name on Categories.
- Change Name on Channels.
- Change Name on Products.
- Change Name on Product Discounts.
- Change Name on Product Selections.
- Change Name on Shopping Lists.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeLocalizedNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove FieldDefinition update action.
type String | "RemoveFieldDefinitionChange" |
change String | "removeFieldDefinition" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Cart Discounts.
- Set Description on Categories.
- Set Description on Discount Codes.
- Set Description on Products.
- Set Description on Product Discounts.
- Set Description on Shopping Lists.
- Set Description on States.
- Set Description on Types.
type String | "SetLocalizedDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Add Location update action.
type String | "AddLocationChange" |
change String | "addLocation" |
nextValue | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Change Name on Customer Groups.
- Change Name on Product Types.
- Change Name on Tax Categories.
- Change Name on Zones.
type String | "ChangeNameChange" |
change String | "changeName" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the Remove Location update action.
type String | "RemoveLocationChange" |
change String | "removeLocation" |
previousValue | Value before the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
- Set Description on Tax Categories.
- Set Description on Zones.
type String | "SetDescriptionChange" |
change String | "setDescription" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered by the following update actions:
type String | "SetKeyChange" |
change String | "setKey" |
previousValue String | Value before the change. |
nextValue String | Value after the change. |
Change triggered when the format of changes on an entity is not identified by Audit Log.
type String | "UnknownChange" |
change String | Identifier for the type of modification. |
previousValue Any | Value before the change. |
nextValue Any | Value after the change. |