This feature is part of Composable Commerce for B2B and will be subject to additional terms and pricing.
Approval Flows represent the entire approval process for an Order within a Business Unit and contain information about the status of approvals, rejections, and the Associates involved in the process.
Approval Flows are automatically generated when a new Order matches any defined Approval Rules.
An Approval Flow, along with its corresponding Order, achieves full approval once all necessary approvers, as per individual rule approver hierarchies, from all its Approval Rules, give their approval. However, a single instance of rejection will lead to the rejection of the entire Approval Flow.
id ​String​ | Unique identifier of the Approval Flow. |
version ​Int​ | Current version of the Approval Flow. |
order ​ | Order that needs to be approved. |
businessUnit ​ | Business Unit the Approval Flow belongs to. |
rules ​Array of ApprovalRule​ | Approval Rules that matched the Order. |
status ​ | Indicates whether the Approval Flow is under review, approved, or rejected. Default:ÂPending ​ |
rejection ​ | Present when the status of the Approval Flow is |
approvals ​Array of ApprovalFlowApproval​ | Existing approvals in the Approval Flow. |
eligibleApprovers ​Array of RuleApprover​ | Associate Roles that can approve according to the approver hierarchy tiers defined in |
pendingApprovers ​Array of RuleApprover​ | Associate Roles required for approval based on the approver hierarchy tiers defined in |
currentTierPendingApprovers ​Array of RuleApprover​ | Associate Roles required for approval based on the approver hierarchy tiers defined in |
custom ​CustomFields​ | Custom Fields on the Approval Flow. |
createdAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Approval Flow was initially created. |
createdBy ​BETACreatedBy​ | IDs and references that created the ApprovalFlow. |
lastModifiedAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Approval Flow was last updated. |
lastModifiedBy ​BETA | IDs and references that last modified the ApprovalFlow. |
PagedQueryResult with results containing an array of ApprovalFlow.
limit ​Int​ | Number of results requested. Default:Â20 ​Minimum: 0 ​Maximum: 500 ​ |
offset ​Int​ | Number of elements skipped. Default:Â0 ​Maximum: 10000 ​ |
count ​Int​ | Actual number of results returned. |
total ​Int​ | Total number of results matching the query.
This number is an estimation that is not strongly consistent.
This field is returned by default.
For improved performance, calculating this field can be deactivated by using the query parameter |
results ​Array of ApprovalFlow​ | Approval Flows matching the query. |
Indicates whether the Approval Flow is under review, approved, or rejected.
Default status of Approval Flows, indicating that the Approval Flow has not been fully approved or rejected.
Automatically set when all approvers from matching Approval Rules have approved. It indicates that the Approval Flow has been fully approved and is completed.
Automatically set when a rejection occurs in the Approval Flow. A single rejection is sufficient to reject the entire Approval Flow.
rejecter ​Associate​ | Associate who rejected the Approval Flow. |
rejectedAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Approval Flow was rejected. |
reason ​String​ | The reason for the rejection of the Approval Flow. |
approver ​Associate​ | Associate who approved the Approval Flow. |
approvedAt ​DateTime​ | Date and time (UTC) the Approval Flow was approved. |
Get ApprovalFlow
Get ApprovalFlow in BusinessUnit by ID
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
associateId String ​ |
businessUnitKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}{projectKey}/as-associate/{associateId}/in-business-unit/key={businessUnitKey}/approval-flows/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"id": "0bd46ab0-ab12-4191-be2a-749e4f0453ef",
"version": 2,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.096Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.202Z",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"createdBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"order": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "f6c6cd95-0a09-4dd6-9253-1cd27c70b184"
"businessUnit": {
"typeId": "business-unit",
"key": "bu-key"
"rules": [
"id": "ff806a85-1457-4cef-929a-79aefe85f02d",
"version": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:45.732Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:45.732Z",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"createdBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"key": "ar-key",
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"status": "Active",
"predicate": " = \"\"",
"approvers": {
"tiers": [
"and": [
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver0"
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
"and": [
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver2"
"requesters": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "requester"
"businessUnit": {
"typeId": "business-unit",
"key": "bu-key"
"status": "Pending",
"approvals": [
"approver": {
"customer": {
"typeId": "customer",
"id": "9c95aece-ccfa-4cc2-98c5-6b7a5e474361"
"associateRoleAssignments": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver0"
"inheritance": "Disabled"
"approvedAt": "2023-04-06T17:41:28.123Z"
"eligibleApprovers": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver0"
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver2"
"pendingApprovers": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver2"
"currentTierPendingApprovers": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
Query ApprovalFlow in BusinessUnit
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
associateId String ​ |
businessUnitKey String ​ |
where | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
sort | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
limit Int ​ | Number of results requested. Default: 20 ​ |
offset Int ​ | Number of elements skipped. Default: 0 ​ |
withTotal Boolean ​ | Controls the calculation of the total number of query results. Set to Default: true ​ |
var.<varName> String ​ | Predicate parameter values. The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
curl --get https://api.{region}{projectKey}/as-associate/{associateId}/in-business-unit/key={businessUnitKey}/approval-flows -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"count": 1,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"id": "0bd46ab0-ab12-4191-be2a-749e4f0453ef",
"version": 2,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.096Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.202Z",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"createdBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"order": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "f6c6cd95-0a09-4dd6-9253-1cd27c70b184"
"businessUnit": {
"typeId": "business-unit",
"key": "bu-key"
"rules": [
"id": "ff806a85-1457-4cef-929a-79aefe85f02d",
"version": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:45.732Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:45.732Z",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"createdBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"key": "ar-key",
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"status": "Active",
"predicate": " = \"\"",
"approvers": {
"tiers": [
"and": [
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver0"
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
"and": [
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver2"
"requesters": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "requester"
"businessUnit": {
"typeId": "business-unit",
"key": "bu-key"
"status": "Pending",
"approvals": [
"approver": {
"customer": {
"typeId": "customer",
"id": "9c95aece-ccfa-4cc2-98c5-6b7a5e474361"
"associateRoleAssignments": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver0"
"inheritance": "Disabled"
"approvedAt": "2023-04-06T17:41:28.123Z"
"eligibleApprovers": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver0"
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver2"
"pendingApprovers": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver2"
"currentTierPendingApprovers": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver1"
Update ApprovalFlow
Update ApprovalFlow in BusinessUnit by ID
region String ​ | Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String ​ |
associateId String ​ |
businessUnitKey String ​ |
id String ​ |
expand | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
version ​Int​ | Expected version of the Approval Flow to which the changes should be applied. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a ConcurrentModification error will be returned. |
actions ​Array of ApprovalFlowUpdateAction​ | Update actions to be performed on the Approval Flow. |
curl https://api.{region}{projectKey}/as-associate/{associateId}/in-business-unit/key={businessUnitKey}/approval-flows/{id} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << DATA
"version" : 1,
"actions" : [ {
"action" : "reject",
"reason" : "Out of policy"
} ]
"id": "0bd46ab0-ab12-4191-be2a-749e4f0453ef",
"version": 3,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.096Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.242Z",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"createdBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"order": {
"typeId": "order",
"id": "f6c6cd95-0a09-4dd6-9253-1cd27c70b184"
"businessUnit": {
"typeId": "business-unit",
"key": "bu-key"
"rules": [
"id": "ff806a85-1457-4cef-929a-79aefe85f02d",
"version": 1,
"createdAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:45.732Z",
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:45.732Z",
"lastModifiedBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"createdBy": {
"clientId": "EH-PdRPKst38wygJuKChVlBS",
"isPlatformClient": false
"key": "ar-key",
"name": "name",
"description": "description",
"status": "Active",
"predicate": " = \"\"",
"approvers": {
"tiers": [
"and": [
"or": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver"
"requesters": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "requester"
"businessUnit": {
"typeId": "business-unit",
"key": "bu-key"
"status": "Rejected",
"rejection": {
"rejecter": {
"customer": {
"typeId": "customer",
"id": "49b7011c-f1a6-411a-a69b-724b96dab934"
"roles": [],
"associateRoleAssignments": [
"associateRole": {
"typeId": "associate-role",
"key": "approver"
"inheritance": "Disabled"
"rejectedAt": "2023-06-12T14:43:46.239Z",
"reason": "Out of policy"
"approvals": [],
"eligibleApprovers": [],
"pendingApprovers": [],
"currentTierPendingApprovers": []
Update actions
This update action allows an Associate to approve an Approval Flow. The process takes into account all Associate Roles held by the Associate, aligning with the matched Approval Rules and their respective approver hierarchies.
When every required Associate has given their approval, the Approval Flow achieves a fully approved state, automatically updating its status to Approved
. An Associate is eligible to approve only if their roles are within tiers of the Approval Rule hierarchy that are yet to be fully approved or rejected. As such, an Associate may be able to give their approval more than once.
action ​String​ | "approve" |
"action": "approve"
This update action allows an Associate to reject an Approval Flow, setting its status to Rejected
The process takes into account all Associate Roles held by the Associate, aligning with the matched Approval Rules and their respective approver hierarchies.
Even a single rejection in the process will result in the rejection of the entire Approval Flow.
An Associate is eligible to reject only if their roles are within tiers of the Approval Rule hierarchy that are yet to be rejected. An Associate may alter a prior approval into a rejection.
action ​String​ | "reject" |
reason ​String​ | The reason for the rejection of the Approval Flow. |
"action": "reject",
"reason": "Out of policy"
Set Custom Type
action ​String​ | "setCustomType" |
type ​ | Defines the Type that extends the ApprovalFlow with Custom Fields. If absent, any existing Type and Custom Fields are removed from the ApprovalFlow. |
fields ​ | Sets the Custom Fields fields for the ApprovalFlow. |
"action": "setCustomType",
"type": {
"id": "{{type-id}}",
"typeId": "type"
"fields": {
"exampleStringField": "TextString"
Set CustomField
action ​String​ | "setCustomField" |
name ​String​ | Name of the Custom Field. |
value ​ | If |
"action": "setCustomField",
"name": "exampleStringField",
"value": "TextString"