31 August 2021
Composable Commerce

We have set up a long-term support plan to actively support and maintain Version 1 (v1) SDKs until their end of life. Additionally, we have provided information about migration to our Version 2 (v2) SDKs that are constantly updated with the newest API features as soon as they are released. This support plan indicates when you could schedule the migration to v2 SDKs.

Active Support: The SDK will be actively maintained and upgraded with new functionalities and improvements made to existing functionalities. We will fix the reported bugs and provide patches for security vulnerabilities.

Maintenance Support: The SDK is nearing end of life and will only receive features, bug fixes, and security patches for a short time. We will add the functionality only if customers explicitly request it via support tickets or GitHub issues.

End of life: The SDK is no longer maintained and will not be patched to fix bugs or security vulnerabilities.

SDKActive SupportMaintenance SupportEnd of Life
Java v1 SDK*28 February 202231 December 20231 January 2024
PHP v1 SDK28 February 202231 August 20221 September 2022
.NET Core v1 SDK28 February 202231 August 20221 September 2022
.NET SDK v1not providednot provided1 September 2021

* Maintenance Support and End of Life for the Java v1 SDK was extended. These dates were previously 31 December 2022 and 1 January 2023 respectively.

  • What does this mean for you?
    You don't need to take any action as long as the SDK is in Active Support. We recommend migrating to the respective v2 SDK before the v1 SDK reaches End of Life. If needed, you can still request enhancements to the v1 SDK until the end of its Maintenance Support.

  • Why is this changing?
    Our v1 SDKs have served a long term, but it requires a lot of effort to keep them up-to-date with new API feature releases. Our v2 SDKs are auto-generated from the API specification, keeping them in sync with API features as and when they are released. This reduces the amount of time you, as SDK users, have to wait until you can utilize a new API feature.

  • Which SDKs should you migrate to?
    You should migrate to these auto-generated SDKs:

  • Are there any guides on migrating to new SDKs?
    Yes, the above-mentioned SDK documentation pages provide links to their respective migration guides.