16 May 2023
Composable Commerce
GraphQLProduct catalogProject configuration

We added support for locale-based Product Projection to the product and products queries on the GraphQL API. With this projection, your response contains the translation on Products (also in a Store) you have specified in your query only. All other locales are filtered out from the product information. Furthermore, the projection can also be applied to Products expanded on Reference Type Attributes.


  • [GraphQL API] Changed the Query type:
    • Argument localeProjection was added to Query.products field
    • Argument localeProjection was added to Query.product field
    • Argument projectExpandedProducts was added to Query.productProjectionSearch field
    • Argument projectExpandedProducts was added to Query.product field
    • Argument projectExpandedProducts was added to Query.products field
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the InStore type:
    • Arguments localeProjection was added to InStore.product field
    • Argument projectExpandedProducts was added to InStore.product field