4 March 2025
Composable Commerce
Pricing and DiscountsGraphQL

We've introduced a new field, discountTypeCombination, that allows you to check how discounts apply and interact on a Cart and Order. Additionally, the new field also indicates the discount type chosen when the best deal logic applies to the Cart or Order.


  • [API] Added the discountTypeCombination field to Cart and Order.
  • [API] Added DiscountTypeCombination, BestDeal, and Stacking types to Carts API.
  • [GraphQL API] Added the discountTypeCombination field to the Cart and Order types.
  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: DiscountTypeCombination, Stacking, BestDeal, ChosenDiscountType.
extend type Cart {
  discountTypeCombination: DiscountTypeCombination

extend type Order {
  discountTypeCombination: DiscountTypeCombination

"Chosen discount type for the cart as part of best deal"
enum ChosenDiscountType {

interface DiscountTypeCombination {
  type: String!

type Stacking implements DiscountTypeCombination {
  type: String!

type BestDeal implements DiscountTypeCombination {
  type: String!
  chosenDiscountType: ChosenDiscountType