16 April 2024
Payment ConnectorsSDK

commercetools Checkout now leverages Connectors from commercetools Connect. Additionally, the Checkout Browser SDK underwent some changes.

Checkout now supports the payment Connectors that are available in the Connect marketplace. Both Public Connectors and Organization Connectors are supported, this simplifies the configuration of Checkout and makes it more adaptable to your needs. In fact, you no longer have to configure payment Connectors from Checkout, but you can use the ones available in the marketplace or develop your own.
After installing a payment Connector, you can use it right away to set up your Checkout Applications.

The new version of the Checkout Browser SDK introduces the following changes:

  • Added the sessionId and region configuration properties.
  • Removed the accessToken, host, cartId, applicationKey, and returnUrl configuration properties.
  • Added the unsupported_country Message.
  • Removed the adyen_init_error, adyen_bad_config, and adyen_timeout Messages.
  • Removed the possibility to use Carts created with the My Carts API. Now, you can initialize Checkout only for Carts created with the Carts API.

Additionally, the mock payment Connector was renamed to sample payment Connector.

The previous version of the Checkout Browser SDK and the old payment Connectors will still be supported for some months, a cutoff date will be announced in the following weeks.
You can still use your existing SDK and payment Connectors; however, you should start planning to migrate to the new setup. To use the new payment Connectors and SDK, you must:

  1. Update the Checkout Browser SDK according to this documentation.

  2. Update the payment methods for your Applications as follows:

    1. Install payment Connectors from the Connect marketplace.

    2. In the Merchant Center, go to commercetools Checkout > Overview and edit your Applications by adding payment methods associated with the payment Connectors you installed from Connect.

    3. Return to commercetools Checkout > Overview and click Activate new payment setup, the new payment methods will activate for all Applications.

      Before clicking Activate new payment setup, make sure you have updated the SDK and all payment methods for your Applications. The action cannot be undone.

For further information, contact Support.