18 March 2025
Frontend Development
Store launchpadsB2B

The new version of the Store Launchpad for B2B Manufacturing contains enhanced functionality and a bug fix.


  • The orderNumber is now automatically set when the Checkout session is created. Previously, the setOrderNumber update action was automatically applied to set the orderNumber.
  • Mapped the meta data for Products and Categories in extensions.
  • Switched to Next Cloudinary's CldImage component for content management system (CMS) images. We also implemented Next.js and Netlify content delivery network (CDN) caching to optimize image delivery, support responsive sizing, and improve overall image performance.
  • Restructured the translation system into a nested format using next-intl, which enables better Next.js integration. Previously, we used separate files for each category in language-specific folders; for example, /translations/de-de/account.json. Now, all translations are consolidated into a single file with a nested object structure; for example, /messages/de.json. An example of the new file structure is as follows:
Example of the /messages/de.json filejson
  "account": {
    "account": "Konto",
    "account-alreadyHave": "Sie haben bereits ein Konto?",
    "account-back-sign": "Zurück zur Anmeldung",
    "account-button": "Anmeldung Registrieren",
    "account-create-new": "Neuen Account erstellen",
    "account-desc": "Verwalten Sie Ihr Konto",
    "account-details": "Kontodetails"
  "product": {
    "add-to-cart": "In den Warenkorb",
    "description": "Beschreibung",
    "details": "Details",
    "out-of-stock": "Nicht verfügbar"
  "checkout": {
    "billing-address": "Rechnungsadresse",
    "shipping-address": "Lieferadresse",
    "payment-methods": "Zahlungsarten",
    "complete-order": "Bestellung abschließen"

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented business units from updating correctly, resulting in a 404 error when a user tried to view an Approval Flow.