3 July 2019
Composable Commerce
Merchant Center

We are excited to announce that on 18 July 2019, we will release an upgraded Team Permissions experience in the Merchant Center. As a part of this upgrade, we are decommissioning permissions management in the Admin Center on the same day.

The new Merchant Center permissions model is more powerful and offers more options for customizing user permissions. To learn more, you can read the User Permissions documentation in advance of the release.

Existing team permissions for all projects and organizations will be mapped to the new model as a part of the decommissioning of Admin Center permissions.

The Admin Center will continue to work with its existing permission model. Changes to the Merchant Center permissions have no effect in the Admin Center.

New organizations, teams, and projects will per default not have any old Admin Center permissions, and will not be visible in the Admin Center. You should not notice any difference in behavior during or after the upgrade on 18 July 2019.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Support. To remove visibility of existing organizations or projects in the Admin Center, please open a support ticket.