10 November 2021
Composable Commerce

With the Set ReturnInfo update action, you can now delete and overwrite multiple entries in the returnInfo array field of Order in a single request. Previously, to remove an entry from the returnInfo field, it was necessary to use the Add ReturnInfo update action with a negative quantity. The Set ReturnInfo update action triggers the ReturnInfoSet Message.


  • [API] Added Set ReturnInfo update action to Orders.
  • [API] Added Set ReturnInfo update action to Order Edits.
  • [API] Added ReturnInfoSet Message.
  • [GraphQL API] Added the following types to the GraphQL schema: ReturnInfoDraftType, ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput, ReturnInfoSet, SetOrderReturnInfo, SetStagedOrderReturnInfo, SetStagedOrderReturnInfoOutput.
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the StagedOrderUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setReturnInfo was added to StagedOrderUpdateAction type
  • [GraphQL API] Changed the OrderUpdateAction type:
    • Input field setReturnInfo was added to OrderUpdateAction type

The following changes were introduced in terms of GraphQL SDL:

extend input StagedOrderUpdateAction {
  setReturnInfo: SetStagedOrderReturnInfo

extend input OrderUpdateAction {
  setReturnInfo: SetOrderReturnInfo

input ReturnInfoDraftType {
  items: [ReturnItemDraftType!]!
  returnDate: DateTime
  returnTrackingId: String

type ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput {
  items: [ReturnItemDraftTypeOutput!]!
  returnDate: DateTime
  returnTrackingId: String

type ReturnInfoSet implements MessagePayload {
  returnInfo: [ReturnInfo!]!
  type: String!

input SetOrderReturnInfo {
  items: [ReturnInfoDraftType!]!

input SetStagedOrderReturnInfo {
  items: [ReturnInfoDraftType!]!

type SetStagedOrderReturnInfoOutput implements StagedOrderUpdateActionOutput {
  type: String!
  items: [ReturnInfoDraftTypeOutput!]!