13 June 2024

The Payment Only mode is now available in public beta. With the Payment Only mode, you can integrate only the payment functionality of commercetools Checkout without changing the existing checkout flow on your storefront.
In fact, the mode lets you take advantage of Checkout's secure and seamless payment capabilities without having to adjust other elements of your existing checkout experience, such as address forms or success and failure pages.

To use Checkout in Payment Only mode, you need to:

  • Create at least one Application of the Payment Only type.
  • Call the paymentFlow SDK method to initialize Checkout.

If required, you can create Applications of both the Payment Only type and the Complete checkout type for the same Project but for different countries or URLs.

A new version of the Checkout Browser SDK is available and introduces the following changes:

  • Added the checkoutFlow, paymentFlow, and close methods.
  • Removed the init, checkout, and subscribe methods. The change is backward compatible as the methods are still supported and you do not need to make changes to your existing code.
  • Added the following Messages: external_terms_and_conditions_pending, init_error, invalid_mode, payment_cancelled, payment_connector_error, payment_failed, payment_method_loaded, payment_method_loading, payment_method_loading_error, payment_method_selected, payment_method_selection_confirmation, payment_method_selection_confirmation_failed, payment_methods_received, payment_started, payment_validation_failed, payment_validation_passed, payment_validation_started, payment_verification_started, and payment_verification_timeout.
  • In Messages, the type field was renamed to severity and the possible values are now info, warn, and error.

Additionally, Checkout now supports the Dutch locale.