With our Blueprint for B2B Manufacturing, combining commercetools Composable Commerce for B2B, Frontend, and Connect into a ready-to-run solution, we're giving your commerce project a jump-start. This guide walks you through the process of setting up and steering your project from the start all the way to a successful go-live.
The first three chapters, Solution introduction, Plan your project, and Discovery, offer a comprehensive overview of the Blueprint, including all essential planning and decision-making aspects required before beginning the implementation. These chapters are equipped with practical tools, such as checklists and project templates, designed to organize and efficiently manage your project.
The next section, Start working, explains the technical setup you'll need to connect commercetools into your broader IT landscape and to set up your delivery pipeline.
In the final sections, Move beyond sample data and See it working, you'll learn how to exchange the sample data set with your own, including proven best practices and data modeling advice.