11 January 2021
To better indicate the Region in which the Merchant Center is operating, new Merchant Center URLs have been introduced for Google Cloud in North America and Europe:
- https://mc.us-central1.gcp.commercetools.com (replaces mc.commercetools.co)
- https://mc.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com (replaces mc.commercetools.com)
This change does not affect the functionality of the Merchant Center itself, only existing bookmarks to these URLs need to be updated.
The old URLs will be accessible until the end of January 2021, but we recommend using the new URLs from now on.
For this, the following three migration steps need to be done only once.
Migration to the new URLs
- Merchant Center users
- Merchant Center users with Custom Apps, following the Custom Apps prerequisites.
- Merchant Center users with SSO login, following the SSO prerequisites.