Use your understanding of extensibility to help an online shop choose the right features in Composable Commerce to meet their custom needs.
After completing this page, you should be able to:
- Distinguish between the different types of extensibility options that are available in Composable Commerce.
The Fruity Shop
The Fruity Shop is an online service that sends weekly fresh fruit baskets to its subscribed customers. The service is available in two packages: basic and advanced. In the advanced package, customers can define a list of fruit preferences. This allows the supplier to fetch the fruit on demand and offer a more competitive price.
A customer can only place a custom order of fruits if they are in the advanced package. A customer in the basic package cannot place an order directly. Basic package orders are processed automatically by the application.
In the questions below, you will need to select the best extensibility option for a set of different use cases. Each question has only one correct solution. Feel free to go back to previous pages for help in identifying the best extensibility solution.
Which is the best option?
Where to next?
Great job at finishing the Extensibility module. You covered a lot of ground and should feel proud!
That brings us to the end of the Model your business structure learning path. If you haven't yet completed our other functional learning paths, we strongly recommend you complete these next. Click one of the cards below to get started. Good luck!
Model your product catalog
Learn to design and structure a product catalog that reflects your unique business needs, optimizing product data, categories, shipping methods, and assets in Composable Commerce.
7 hours
Price and discount your products
Learn to design and implement effective pricing and discount strategies, leveraging key features like price scopes, product discounts, and cart discounts.
7 hours