Attribute Groups

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Control access and organize product data with Attribute Groups.

  • After completing this page, you should be able to:

    • Analyze a product catalog scenario and determine the most effective Attribute Group configuration to control access, streamline workflows, and enhance data quality.
  • While Attribute types define the structure of your product data, Attribute Groups provide a powerful mechanism for controlling access to that data and organizing it in the Merchant Center.

    Empowering teams with granular access control

    Imagine a scenario where your product catalog is managed by different teams such as marketing, pricing, and engineering. You wouldn't want everyone to have unrestricted access to modify all product information. Attribute Groups allow you to grant specific editing permissions to dedicated teams, ensuring data governance and preventing accidental or unauthorized changes.

    For instance, you could create an Attribute Group called Junior Content Manager containing attributes like Look type and Fashion group . You could then grant editing permissions for this group to the Junior content team, while restricting access for other teams.

    Streamlining workflows and enhancing data quality

    By grouping related Attributes, you streamline workflows for different teams. The Junior content team can focus on managing their designated Attributes without being distracted by irrelevant information like pricing or technical specifications. This focused approach reduces errors and improves data quality.

    Visual organization in the Merchant Center

    Attribute Groups also play a crucial role in organizing product information visually within the Merchant Center. Instead of presenting all Attributes in a long, overwhelming list, you can group and order them into logical sections, making it easier for content managers to navigate and edit product data.

    For example, you could group Attributes related to product appearance (such as Color, Size, and Material) under a section called Appearance. This visual organization improves readability and reduces cognitive load for content managers.

    Creating and managing Attribute Groups

    To create and manage Attribute Groups, follow these steps:

    1. Go to Settings > Product types and attributes in the Merchant Center main menu, and then click the Attribute groups tab.

    2. Click Add attribute group.

    3. Enter a name for the Attribute Group, and optionally, a description and key.

    4. Search and/or select existing Attributes from the Add attributes drop-down to assign them to the Attribute Group. You can also assign Attributes after creating an Attribute Group.

      The Add attributes drop-down is only available for indexed Projects.

    5. Click Create attribute group.

    By effectively utilizing Attribute Groups, you can establish a robust system for managing access to product data, streamlining workflows, and enhancing data quality within your Composable Commerce project.

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