Pricing and Discounts

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Learn new ways of managing Discount codes in your project and what options you have when applying absolute Cart Discounts to Line Items.

  • After completing this page, you should be able to:

    • Generate Discount codes in bulk and import them into your Project.
    • Differentiate between different distribution modes for absolute Cart Discounts and apply the correct ones to your Line Items.
  • Time to complete page: 15 minutes

    Discount Code generation and import/export

    Discount Codes are a great way to keep your customers engaged with your webshop. What if you wanted to have a unique Discount Code for each of your customers? Now you can generate such codes directly from the Merchant Center by going to Discounts, then Generate Discount codes:
    13 discount codes

    Once you generate the codes, you can download them as a JSON or CSV file (currently the only supported import format is CSV), make adjustments if necessary, and import it into your project by navigating to Discounts, then Discount code list. In the Actions menu, select Import discount codes.
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    Select the file you want to import and start the process. You can monitor its progress by navigating to Operations, then Import:
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    Once successfully completed, you can go back to the Discount code list to see all your newly imported codes.

    Absolute Cart Discount distribution modes

    As you probably know, when creating a new Cart Discount, you need to specify the discount value in your CartDiscountDraft, which defines the effect the Cart Discount will have on the specified target:

    • Absolute discount value
    • Relative discount value
    • Fixed item price value
    • Gift Line Item

    These choices already offer a great deal of flexibility, but in 2024 we have extended how the Absolute discount can be applied to a Cart by introducing a new applicationMode field in the CartDiscountValueAbsoluteDraft.

    This setting can also be found when creating a new Cart Discount in the Merchant Center:
    16 absolute cart discount

    How do these different modes work? Let’s assume that we have a cart that looks as follows:

    NameQtyUnit PriceFinal Price
    Line Item A1$ 16.00$ 16.00
    Line Item B2$ 20.00$ 40.00
    Cart total:$ 56.00

    We would like to apply a total discount of $15.00 to this cart. Based on the value of the applicationMode field, this discount can be applied in one of three ways:

    • ProportionateDistribution (default value) - The discount for each Line Item is calculated by dividing its price by the total Cart price, then multiplying the result (rounded) by the discount amount. For example, for Line Item A: (16/56) * 15 = 4.28, so:
    NameQtyUnit PriceDiscounted amount (per unit)Final Price
    Line Item A1$ 16.00$ 4.28$ 11.72
    Line Item B2$ 20.00$ 5.36$ 29.28
    Cart total:3$ 15.00$ 41.00
    • EvenDistribution - the discount is divided by the number of Line Items (in this case, 15 divided by 3), and the rounded result is subtracted from each Line Item:
    NameQtyUnit PriceDiscounted amount (per unit)Final Price
    Line Item A1$ 16.00$ 5.00$ 11.00
    Line Item B2$ 20.00$ 5.00$ 30.00
    Cart total:3$ 15.00$ 41.00
    • IndividualApplication - the discount is subtracted from each eligible Line Item, with any negative values rounded up to zero:
    NameQtyUnit PriceDiscounted amount (per unit)Final Price
    Line Item A1$ 16.00$ 15.00$ 1.00
    Line Item B2$ 20.00$ 15.00$ 10.00
    Cart total:3$ 45.00$ 11.00

    As you can see, these different application/distribution modes offer you a lot of flexibility in how you may want to apply total Cart Discounts.

    Buy and Get Cart Discounts

    2024 brought us the public beta launch of Buy and Get Cart Discounts! This new feature offers enhanced flexibility and control for configuring multi-purchase promotions, such as Buy One, Get One (BOGO) deals, surpassing the limitations of Multibuy Discounts. Previously, with Multibuy Discounts, you could neither create absolute or fixed-price discounts nor apply Discounts multiple times within the same order.

    Let’s create the following discount:
    Buy 3 bar accessories and save 30% on the cheapest item.

    This is how we would set this up using the new settings:
    17 buy and get

    As you can see:

    • In the Each time when cart contains section we select which items should be in the Cart to trigger the discount.
    • In Apply Discount on we specify which and how many Line items should be affected.
    • Out of those Line items, specify if the cheapest or most expensive ones should be discounted.
    • Finally, we decide how many times this discount can be used within one Cart and the type of discount to be applied.

    Placing some bar accessories in the Cart proves that the discount works as intended:
    18 buy and get

    You can try modifying this example and make it so that when a customer buys three bar accessories, the cheapest one will always cost 1 EUR. This was not previously possible using Multibuy, but now you can make it work.

    Use these newly released features to create exciting and engaging discounts for your customers!

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