Develop a Connect application

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Learn how to create and structure Connect applications.

Overview of Connect applications

Connect applications are the applications that are hosted and run by Connect once their associated Connector has been published. Connect applications can be developed using JavaScript/TypeScript or Java.

Follow this guide to learn how to structure your Connect application for use in a Connector. Links to starter templates are also provided.


Developing Connect applications requires a commercetools Composable Commerce Project and a GitHub account. The following requirements are based on whether you are developing Connect applications using JavaScript/TypeScript or Java.


  • Node v16.x LTS (or later)
  • npm or Yarn


It is currently recommended to create Connect applications using JavaScript or TypeScript. For more information about creating Connect applications with Java, contact the Connect support team.

Use a template

You can develop Connect applications with ease using one of the starter or application templates. Starter templates provide boilerplate code and folder structures for creating generic Connect applications. To create applications for dedicated use cases, you can use the application templates.

  • Starter templates: To use a starter template, do the following:

    1. Install the Create Connect App.

      npm install --global @commercetools-connect/create-connect-app
    2. Install a template for JavaScript or TypeScript.

    create-connect-app first-connect-application --template javascript
    create-connect-app first-connect-application --template typescript
  • Application templates: For more information our application templates, and their use cases, see the following:

Use the correct directory structure

You should structure your Connect application as in the following example. The following directory structure is reflected in the starter templates.

├── < docs >
│ └──
├── < event >
│ ├── src
│ ├── tests
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
├── < job >
│ ├── src
│ ├── tests
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
├── < service >
│ ├── src
│ ├── tests
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
├── < merchant-center-custom-application >
│ ├── src
│ ├── tests
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
├── < merchant-center-custom-view >
│ ├── src
│ ├── tests
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
├── < assets >
│ ├── src
│ ├── tests
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ └── package.json
└── connect.yaml

The folders event, job, service, merchant-center-custom-application, merchant-center-custom-view, and assets represent the possible Connect application types that can be run in your Connector. You can remove folders of applications you do not want to develop, or you can rename them to reflect the Connect application's purpose. A Connector can have one or more Connect applications of the same type.

You must specify the deployment information of your Connect applications in connect.yaml. This file contains information that is required to create, publish, and deploy Connect applications.

Configure connect.yaml

connect.yaml is located in the root of the Connect application and contains the necessary configuration, scripts, and environment variables for it to operate. The following example connect.yaml file is found in the starter template.

Example connect.yamlyaml
  - name: service
    applicationType: service
    endpoint: /service
      postDeploy: npm install && npm run connector:post-deploy
      preUndeploy: npm install && npm run connector:pre-undeploy
        - key: CTP_PROJECT_KEY
          description: Project key of the commercetools Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
          default: 'default-key'
        - key: CTP_REGION
          description: Region where the Composable Commerce Project is hosted
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_ID
          description: client_id of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_SECRET
          description: secret of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: CTP_SCOPE
          description: scope of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
  - name: job
    applicationType: job
    endpoint: /job
      schedule: '*/5 * * * *'
        - key: CTP_PROJECT_KEY
          description: Project key of the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
          default: 'default-key'
        - key: CTP_REGION
          description: Region where the Composable Commerce Project is hosted
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_ID
          description: client_id of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_SECRET
          description: secret of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: CTP_SCOPE
          description: scope of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
  - name: event
    applicationType: event
    endpoint: /event
      postDeploy: npm install && npm run connector:post-deploy
      preUndeploy: npm install && npm run connector:pre-undeploy
        - key: CTP_PROJECT_KEY
          description: Project key of the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
          default: 'default-key'
        - key: CTP_REGION
          description: Region where the Composable Commerce Project is hosted
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_ID
          description: client_id of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: CTP_CLIENT_SECRET
          description: secret of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
          required: true
        - key: CTP_SCOPE
          description: scope of an API Client for the Composable Commerce Project
  - name: merchant-center-custom-application
    applicationType: merchant-center-custom-application
          description: The Custom Application ID
          required: true
        - key: CLOUD_IDENTIFIER
          description: The cloud identifier
          default: 'gcp-eu'
        - key: ENTRY_POINT_URI_PATH
          description: The Application entry point URI path
          required: true
  - name: merchant-center-custom-view
    applicationType: merchant-center-custom-view
        - key: CUSTOM_VIEW_ID
          description: The Custom View ID
          required: true
        - key: ENTRY_POINT_URI_PATH
          description: The Application entry point URI path
          required: true
  - name: assets
    applicationType: assets
        description: Secured configuration that is applied to all applications
        required: true
        description: Standard configuration that is applied to all applications
        required: true

The values of connect.yaml are as follows:

nameIdentifier for the application deployment. This ID is used to fetch the output URL, topic, and schedule of the deployment. name should match the application folder in your repository and can be up to 256 characters long. Allowed characters include uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers, underscores (_), and hyphen-minus (-).
applicationTypeSpecifies the type of the application. Possible values are event, job, service, merchant-center-custom-application, merchant-center-custom-view or assets.
endpointDeployment URL endpoint, assigned in the format: {connect-provided-url}/{endpoint} (for example, endpoint can optionally start with / and must be no longer than 256 characters. Allowed characters are uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers, underscores (_), and hyphen-minus (-). The endpoint is not required if applicationType is merchant-center-custom-application, merchant-center-custom-view or assets.
configurationDefines both standard (standardConfiguration) and sensitive (securedConfiguration) environment variables for the Connect application. Sensitive data, such as API keys, should be defined under securedConfiguration. Each variable includes a key, description, and required field. The client defines values for these environment variables when deploying the Connector. If the required field is set to true, the value must be provided during deployment. Default values for standardConfiguration fields can be specified and used if no value is provided during deployment. configuration is not required if applicationType is assets.
propertiesPlaceholder for additional arguments for a Connector. It includes the schedule field for job applications (see below).
properties.scheduleSpecifies the cron expression for job applications. This expression defines the schedule for executing the job using cron syntax (for example, 0 0 * * * to repeat the job daily).
inheritAs.configurationOptional. Specifies configuration settings that can be shared across all applications, such as environment variables, deployment settings, or common values used in different application types.
inheritAs.apiClient.scopesOptional. Specifies a list of scopes required to generate an API Client. Scopes define access permissions for an API Client and are necessary to generate client credentials that are authorized to interact with specific services or APIs.

event applications use a message broker service provisioned during deployment. Messages received by the queue are delivered to event applications to process. job applications use a scheduler service provisioned during deployment. Scheduler service triggers the job application based on the cron expression defined in properties.schedule.

Generate an API Client

To simplify creating an API Client for interaction with the Composable Commerce API, Connect offers automatic API Client generation. The required scopes for the API Client credentials are defined in the inheritAs.apiClient.scopes field of the connect.yaml configuration file. These scopes are displayed to customers during installation and are used to generate API Client credentials.

Manage the application with Yarn commands

Use the following Yarn commands to manage your Connect application.

Install dependencies

Dependencies are installed using Yarn Workspaces.


Run tests

yarn test

# or
yarn test:watch

Build the application

yarn build

# or
yarn build:watch

Run the application locally

yarn start

# or
yarn start:dev

Test your Connect application

It is recommended to implement unit and integration test cases as part of application development and follow a test-driven development approach. This ensures that each part of your code is tested in isolation, allowing you to verify correctness, functionality, and reliability.

These test cases are reviewed and also executed during the publishing process. Scripts to run tests should be defined in a test script.

You should implement robust error handling in your Connect application to manage failures and retry mechanisms for temporary issues. This is crucial for delivery guarantees in event applications to ensure reliability and resilience when integrating with third-party services.

Connect application templates provide sample implementation of testing using Jest.

Upload and create a release on GitHub

After finishing the development of a Connect application, you should push it to a GitHub repository. The Connect application should be released on GitHub with a Git tag so that specific application releases can be referenced by the Connector.

Your GitHub repository can be public or private. If you have a private repository, you must give access to the GitHub machine user connect-mu before you publish your Connector. After inviting connect-mu to your repository, it might take up to an hour for the invitation to be accepted.

Push the lock files along with packages for node applications to your GitHub repository.

Next steps

Once your Connect application, GitHub repository, and Git tag are ready, you can follow our getting started guide to create a Connector using your Connect application.