Certification FAQs

Exam prerequisites and enrollment

What are the prerequisites for taking the certification exam?

To take the certification exam, you need to have attended either our instructor-led training or our exam-prep course (following a longer, guided self-study) as shown here. The commercetools training department helps customers and partners select the right option.

Can I sign up for a certification exam without attending any prior commercetools training?

No. As shown here, to sign up for a certification exam, you need to either have attended an instructor-led training or an exam prep session.

When can I take the certification exam?

If you are eligible to attempt the certification exam, you can do so at any time according to this schedule (scroll down to see all dates).

As a general recommendation, we suggest aiming to attempt certification within two months after attending one of our instructor-led training or exam prep sessions.

It's also important to consider any commitments your company, as a signed partner, may have made regarding training and certification. Solution partners usually commit to maintaining a certain number of certified staff.

What is the process for enrolling in the certification exam?

To enroll in the certification exam, please submit this form. Alternatively, you can send an email to training@commercetools.com, and our team will guide you through the process.

What will I receive after sending the registration request?

After filling out the registration form, we'll book you for a certification exam attempt and you'll receive a calendar invite providing you with all the necessary information, including:

  • The exact date and time of the exam.
  • A link to the exam.
  • A reminder to adhere to our policies and guidelines.

Exam preparation

How do I best prepare for the certification exam?

A good way to prepare for the certification exam is to:

Do you have any tips to follow during my certification exam?

To create the best environment for yourself during the certification exam, we recommend the following:

  • Be on time.
  • Remind yourself that it's OK to be a bit nervous prior to an exam.
  • Have your screen set up in a way that works well for you. You will need quick access to:
    • The commercetools documentation website.
    • A Composable Commerce Project or your company's composable Frontend project (depending on your exam).
    • A development repository (depending on your exam).
    • Your notes.
  • Close all other windows, programs, and browser tabs.
  • Follow our instructions during your exam. You are not allowed to:
    • Copy questions into AI tools.
    • Retain questions.
    • Seek support from any third party.

Exam content and structure

How long is the certification exam?

It is 100 minutes inside a pre-scheduled, 120-minute window.

Once I’ve completed the exam, do I need to stay in the exam meeting until it ends?

No. You can leave the online meeting once you have completed your attempt.

How many questions are there in the certification exam?

There are 60 multiple-choice questions.

What grade do I need to pass the certification exam?

To pass the exam, you need to obtain a minimum of 80% correct answers.

How many coding questions are there in a developer certification exam?

Each developer certification exam balances theoretical and practical questions. However, functional exams do not include any coding questions.

In multiple-choice questions, do I get partial points if I have selected 2 out of 3 correct answers?

Yes. In case the question has multiple correct answers and you have selected only some correct options, but not all, you will get partial points.

Do I get negative points when selecting only wrong answers for a question?

Yes. If the question has multiple correct answers, choosing an incorrect option will get you partial negative points.

Exam costs and attempts

How much does the certification cost?

You can check the cost of the certification on our training page. The cost includes:

  • A first (learning) exam attempt.
  • A certification test review session in case the learning attempt is not successful.
  • A second exam attempt.

What happens if I fail my first certification attempt?

If you fail your first attempt, please contact our training department at training@commercetools.com. You are eligible to attend a free certification test review session. In this session, a commercetools trainer informs participants about areas that need improvement. This will help you get ready for your second exam attempt.

What happens if I fail my second certification attempt?

If you fail your second attempt, you will need to pay the cost of the certification again to obtain further attempts. Depending on your result, it might be advisable to also reattend a training session.

Exam policies and rules

Do I have to have my camera on during the certification exam?

Yes, commercetools uses live proctoring to ensure the integrity of the certification process. To take part in the exam, you will be required to join a Zoom meeting.

Can I use the commercetools documentation during the certification exam?

Yes, our exams are open book and we encourage you to consult the publicly available reference documentation for our products. In addition, you can use your own written material and notes. Please note that using chatbots, AI tools, or getting any kind of support from other people is prohibited.

What development and coding tools am I allowed to use during the certification exam?

You can use any development and coding tools at your disposal during the certification exam, including your own IDE and ImpEx API Playground. The use of AI tools is not allowed.

Can I use the commercetools AI Assistant during the certification exam?

The commercetools AI Assistant and any other AI tools are prohibited during the certification exam. We closely monitor the use of the AI Assistant during exam times, and if we find that you used it during the exam, your attempt will be considered a failed attempt.

Keep in mind that the actual exam questions and answer options are under strict commercetools copyright. Recording, storing, copying, and taking screenshots of them is strictly prohibited. This includes temporarily copying the literal text into other software, including commercetools provided or other recommended tools.

What happens if my internet connection is lost during the exam?

If you lose your internet connection during the exam, your answers that have already been entered are automatically saved. However, you will lose time. Ensure your connection is stable before starting the exam. If your connection is lost and not quickly restored, you may need to use your second attempt.

Who should I contact if I have an issue with a certification question?

If you have any questions related to the certification, please send an email to training@commercetools.com.

The certification is an open-book exam. Does this mean that I can also ask my colleagues for advice during the exam?

The certification exam is indeed an open-book exam. However, that does not mean that you can ask your colleagues for advice or answers to the questions. You must take the exam on your own.

Exam results and certificates

Where can I see my badge?

If you are logged in, you find your badges on our self-learning page.

What is the title obtained when certified?

We currently offer three certifications. Your badge carries the name of the certificate and the year in which you obtained or renewed it.

Is my manager notified of my achievement?

No, your manager will not be notified of your achievement directly. If your company is a signed partner, they can receive an overview report of all certified staff through their contact at commercetools, regardless of whether you share the information internally.

Am I also getting a printable certificate?

While we do appreciate the appeal of a traditional exam certificate, we decided to switch to a digital badge system only, which does not include a PDF printout. Instead, you will receive a digital badge that you can display online, showcasing your achievements.

Certification validity and renewal

How long is my certification valid?

Your certification is issued for the calendar year in which you obtained it. It is counted towards your employer's certification count until October of the following year. You have until then to renew the exam. The renewal exam, which requires self-study, can be taken online and is free of charge.

When do I have to renew my certification?

You have to renew your certification yearly through our renewal exam, which is open from March to October. Don’t miss the October deadline to renew the previous year's certifications! We suggest taking them as early in the year as possible.

What is the process for renewing my certification?

Please consult our certification renewal page, where all steps are outlined. Your renewal is free of charge, based on self-study materials and shorter exam quizzes that you will find at the end of the refresher modules.

Will I get a new badge after I renew my certification?

Yes. You will get a new badge after renewing your certification. The badge will state the calendar year that the renewal was taken in.

Why should I get recertified every year if I work daily with commercetools technologies and tools?

commercetools products and technologies are constantly evolving. Since we are driven by MACH principles, we continuously release new features and capabilities. In such an environment, it is always advised to be up-to-date with the latest updates. Recertification ensures that you are always informed about these changes. Additionally, signed partners must continuously verify their capabilities, which includes keeping certifications up to date.

Where can I review only the new content released in the past year?

The renewal exam includes self-learning modules designed to update you on the newest content released in the past year.

What happens if I skip one or multiple years in the renewal process?

You will need to go through the full certification process again, by taking either an instructor-led course or the self-learning option, and then complete the full certification exam again.