Custom View Config

A Custom View configuration file defines the necessary requirements to develop and build your application.

The configuration of a Custom View is typically defined in a JSON file custom-view-config.mjs in the root of your project directory (next to package.json).

Supported file extensions

The configuration file can be defined in different syntax formats, but it is expected that the file is named custom-view-config.

The following file extensions can be used: .json, .js, .cjs, .mjs, .ts.

For example:

* @type {import('@commercetools-frontend/application-config').ConfigOptionsForCustomView}
const config = {
name: 'Test custom view',
// ...
module.exports = config;

Editor support

To facilitate the usage of the Custom View config, you should instruct your editor to provide hints and code completion (IntelliSense) depending on the format of the configuration file.

JSON schema support for VSCode

When using JSON files, you can take advantage of the JSON schema for the Custom View config. To enable JSON schema autocompletion and validation support, add a reference to the schema.json URL in the VSCode settings (either user or workspace settings):

"json.schemas": [
"fileMatch": ["/custom-view-config.mjs"],
"url": ""

Example validation of the JSON schema in the editor
Example validation of the JSON schema in the editor

Other editors might have different settings.

Using JSDoc @type expression

For non-JSON files, you can annotate the configuration object with a JSDOc @type tag, pointing it to the exported TypeScript declaration of the @commercetools-frontend/application-config package.

* @type {import('@commercetools-frontend/application-config').ConfigOptionsForCustomView}
const config = {
// ...
module.exports = config;

For TypeScript files .ts, you can import the type directly instead.

import type { ConfigOptionsForCustomView } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-config';
const config: ConfigOptionsForCustomView = {
// ...
export default config;

Configuration properties

To learn more about the Custom View config properties, read the following.


The name of the Custom View.

It will be used in the Merchant Center when a user is presented with a list of Custom Views available for a specific view.

const config = {
name: 'Channels app',
// ...


An optional description of the Custom View, for information purposes.

const config = {
description: 'Manage Channels',
// ...


The identifier of the cloud Region that the Custom View uses to connect to Composable Commerce. The values map to the actual Merchant Center API URL for that Region.

Supported values are:

  • gcp-au
  • gcp-eu
  • gcp-us
  • aws-fra
  • aws-ohio
  • aws-cn
  • azure-us
  • azure-eu
const config = {
cloudIdentifier: 'gcp-eu',
// ...

If a cloud Region is not listed in the values above, you can override the value by adding a mcApiUrl property to the Custom View config file with the full origin URL.


The origin URL of the Merchant Center API.

The value takes precedence over the cloudIdentifier. Use this only if the cloudIdentifier does not contain a value for the environment you want to connect to.


An object holding environment specific configurations, for example development or production. Which environment is used depends on the environment variable MC_APP_ENV. If MC_APP_ENV isn't set, NODE_ENV will be used. If neither is set, it defaults to development.

The MC_APP_ENV is useful if you want to run the production build of the Custom View locally. In this case the NODE_ENV needs to be set to production. However, because the application runs locally, you need to have the URL references pointing to localhost, thus the MC_APP_ENV needs to be set to development.


A projectKey of a commercetools Project you have access to. To be used as the default Project upon login in development.

const config = {
env: {
development: {
initialProjectKey: 'my-project-key',
// ...


Local development is allowed for users belonging to the Administrators Team of your Organization with no additional configuration required.

If you need to apply more granular permissions for local development of a Custom View, specify the teamId of the user's team.

For more information, see Granular permissions for local development.


The Custom View context contains the hostUrl property with the value of the built-in application's current URL. When working locally it is set to http://localhost:3001/<projectKey>/@@custom-view-host@@ by default.

To simulate your Custom View as if it's rendered within a specific built-in application, you can override the default behavior to provide a custom URI path by setting the env.development.hostUriPath.

const config = {
env: {
development: {
hostUriPath: '/<projectKey>/products/111-2222-33333-44444',
// ...


The Custom View ID is provided when you add a Custom View in the Merchant Center (Organizations > Custom Views > Configure > Add). For more information, see Managing Custom Views in the Merchant Center.

const config = {
env: {
production: {
customViewId: 'ckvtahxl90097sys6har1e6n3',
// ...

As long as you are developing the Custom View locally, you can define any random value as it's a required field.


The full URL value where the Custom View is hosted at. The Merchant Center serves Custom Views on its own domain, but requests are internally forwarded to this URL. For more information, see Merchant Center Proxy Router.

const config = {
env: {
production: {
url: '',
// ...

This value is also used to configure the Content Security Policy (CSP) HTTP headers to allow the browser to request data from the application domain.


The full URL value where the Custom View static assets are hosted, for example when using an external CDN.

const config = {
env: {
production: {
cdnUrl: '',
// ...

If the static assets are hosted alongside the Custom View, you can omit this option and the Custom View env.production.url value will be used instead.


An optional object that should be used to inject properties used within your Custom View. These properties are then made available to the runtime application environment.

For example, if the Custom View should reference an external API, or have links to certain support pages:

const config = {
additionalEnv: {
trackingSentry: '',
channelsSupportUrl: '',
// ...


The configuration for OAuth Scopes and user permissions.

You can have "view-only" or "manage-only" OAuth Scopes and leave the other list field empty, as long as at least one OAuth Scope is specified.

Alternatively, if at least one additional permission group is configured in additionalOAuthScopes, both "view-only" or "manage-only" OAuth Scopes list fields can be left empty.


A list of "view-only" OAuth Scopes required by the Custom View and associated with the View permission.

const config = {
oAuthScopes: {
view: ['view_states'],
// ...


A list of "manage-only" OAuth Scopes required by the Custom View and associated with the Manage permission.

const config = {
oAuthScopes: {
manage: ['manage_orders'],
// ...

Using manage_ OAuth Scopes always imply the corresponding view_ OAuth Scope.


The optional configuration for defining more granular OAuth Scopes and user permissions.


A unique name for the additional permission group.

const config = {
additionalOAuthScopes: [
name: 'movies',
// ...

The name value must adhere to the following restrictions:

  • Only lowercase alphabetic characters are allowed.
  • Must be between 2 and 64 characters.
  • Hyphens are allowed except as leading, trailing, and adjacent characters.


A list of "view-only" OAuth Scopes required by the Custom View and associated with the View<GroupName> permission.

const config = {
additionalOAuthScopes: [
name: 'movies',
view: ['view_products'],
manage: [],
name: 'merch',
view: ['view_categories'],
manage: [],
// ...


A list of "manage-only" OAuth Scopes required by the Custom View and associated with the Manage<GroupName> permission.

const config = {
additionalOAuthScopes: [
name: 'movies',
view: [],
manage: ['manage_products'],
name: 'merch',
view: [],
manage: ['manage_categories'],
// ...


An optional object to configure HTTP headers used by the Custom View.


An optional object to extend the default Content Security Policy (CSP) directives. The following directives are allowed to be used:

  • connect-src
  • font-src
  • frame-src
  • img-src
  • script-src
  • style-src

You can specify various CSP source values (including wildcards *) to control from where certain types of content can be loaded or executed.

const config = {
headers: {
csp: {
'connect-src': [''],
'frame-src': ['', ''],
'script-src': [''],
// ...

The required Content Security Policy (CSP) headers are inferred by default from the cloudIdentifier and the env.production.url. This includes the hostname where the Custom View is hosted and the hostname of the Merchant Center API Gateway.


An optional object to configure the HTTP Permission-Policy header.

const config = {
headers: {
permissionsPolicies: {
microphone: '()',
camera: '()',
payment: '()',
usb: '()',
geolocation: '()',
// ...


An optional list to extend the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header.

const config = {
headers: {
strictTransportSecurity: ['includeSubDomains', 'preload'],
// ...


An optional list of localized fields { locale, value } with translated labels for each custom view locale, available in the user profile.

These values will be used when presenting the user with a list of available Custom Views in the Merchant Center views. If they are not configured, the name values will be used instead.

const config = {
labelAllLocales: [
{ locale: 'en', value: 'Popular Channels' },
{ locale: 'de', value: 'Beliebte Channels' },
// ...


The required type of Custom View. Currently we only support the CustomPanel value.

const config = {
type: 'CustomPanel',
// ...


Depending on the Custom View type, different settings might be required.


In case the CustomPanel type is used, the size property is required. It defines the size of the Custom View panel.

Supported values are: SMALL, LARGE.

const config = {
type: 'CustomPanel',
typeSettings: {
size: 'SMALL',
// ...


Since Custom Views are rendered in the context of built-in Merchant Center applications, you need to define the specific views where the Custom View should be rendered.

This configuration property is a list of identifiers of Merchant Center locations where the Custom View is allowed to be rendered.

const config = {
locators: ['products.product_details.general'],
// ...

A locator follows the pattern <application>.<view>.<subview>.

The following list contains all the currently available locators:

Products application

  • products.product_details.general
  • products.product_details.variants
  • products.product_details.selections
  • products.product_variant_details.general
  • products.product_variant_details.images
  • products.product_variant_details.prices
  • products.product_variant_details.inventory
  • products.product_variant_details.inventory.details
  • products.product_variant_details.inventory.details.add_inventory
  • products.product_variant_images.add_image
  • products.product_variant_images.add_price
  • products.product_variant_images.edit_price

Categories application

  • categories.category_details.general
  • categories.category_details.products
  • categories.category_details.external_search
  • categories.category_products.manage_storefront_order

Customers application

  • customers.customer_details.general
  • customers.customer_details.addresses
  • customers.customer_details.orders
  • customers.customer_details.business_units
  • customers.customer_addresses.new_adress
  • customers.customer_addresses.edit_address
  • customers.customer_orders.order_detail
  • customers.business_unit_details.general
  • customers.business_unit_details.addresses
  • customers.business_unit_details.orders
  • customers.business_unit_associates.new_associate
  • customers.business_unit_associates.edit_associate
  • customers.business_unit_addresses.new_address
  • customers.business_unit_addresses.edit_address
  • customers.add_business_unit.business_unit_details

Orders application

  • orders.order_details.general
  • orders.order_details.shipping_and_delivery
  • orders.order_details.returns
  • orders.order_details.payments
  • orders.order_shipping_and_delivery.create_delivery
  • orders.order_shipping_and_delivery.edit_delivery
  • orders.order_shipping_and_delivery.add_parcel
  • orders.order_returns.create_return
  • orders.order_returns.edit_return

Prices application

  • standalone_prices.add_standalone_price
  • standalone_prices.standalone_price_details

Discounts application

  • discounts.product_discount_details.general
  • discounts.cart_discount_details.general
  • discounts.discount_code_details.general

Operations application

  • operations.import_log_details

Using variable placeholders

Variable placeholders are a way of injecting certain information into the "static" configuration file.

Environment variable references

To make the Custom View config reusable across different environments, you can use references to environment variables within the config file.

References are specified with a special expansion-like syntax ${} together with the prefix key env:. For example, to load an environment variable called APP_URL, you would use ${env:APP_URL}.

Imagine developing a Custom View that can be used in the same Regions (Europe and North America) as the Composable Commerce APIs. We can assign the ${env:CLOUD_IDENTIFIER} reference to the field cloudIdentifier and pass the actual value using environment variables.

const config = {
cloudIdentifier: '${env:CLOUD_IDENTIFIER}',
// ...

The CLOUD_IDENTIFIER environment variable can be provided in various ways.

For example:

  • as an inline environment variable when running a script command

    CLOUD_IDENTIFIER=gcp-eu mc-scripts start
  • using a dotenv file

    mc-scripts --env .env-eu start
  • by defining the environment variables in your CI service

You can also pass multiple references to the same value:

const config = {
additionalEnv: {
authorityUrl: 'https://${env:IDP_URL}/${env:IDP_ID}',
// ...

Intl message references

This feature is available from version 20.8.0 onwards.

References for Intl messages are specified with a special expansion-like syntax ${} together with the prefix key intl:. For example, to load a translation message from the en.json file named Menu.Channels, you would use ${intl:en:Menu.Channels}.

This is useful when specifying Custom View labels.

const config = {
labelAllLocales: [
{ locale: 'en', value: '${intl:en:Menu.Channels}' },
{ locale: 'de', value: '${intl:de:Menu.Channels}' },
// ...

The reference placeholder assumes that the Custom View has the translation files in one of the following locations:

  • <app_root>/src/i18n/data/<locale>.json
  • <app_root>/i18n/data/<locale>.json

Runtime application environment

Much of the information specified in the Custom View config is injected into the runtime environment and available via the global variable

The environment prop is parsed and injected into a React Context, making it available to the entire application. To access it, use the @commercetools-frontend/application-shell-connectors package.

import { useCustomViewContext } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell-connectors';
const MyComponent = () => {
const applicationName = useCustomViewContext(
(context) => context.environment.applicationName
return <div>{`Welcome to the application ${applicationName}!`}</div>;

All the properties defined in the additionalEnv object are made available to the context.environment object.
For more information, see Custom user properties.