Get the status of an Import Container by the number of resources in each Processing State.
Import Summaries can be used to monitor the import progress of an Import Container.
For more detailed monitoring of an Import Container, use Query ImportOperations. To monitor the status of individual resources, use Get ImportOperation.
Describes the status of an ImportContainer by the number of resources in each Processing State. Can be used to monitor the import progress per Import Container.
states | The import status of an ImportContainer given by the number of resources in each Processing State. |
total Int | The total number of ImportOperations received for this Import Summary. |
The number of resources in each Processing State.
processing Int | The number of resources in the |
validationFailed Int | The number of resources in the |
unresolved Int | The number of resources in the |
waitForMasterVariant Int | The number of resources in the |
imported Int | The number of resources in the |
rejected Int | The number of resources in the |
canceled Int | The number of resources in the |
Get ImportSummary
Retrieves an ImportSummary for the given import container. An ImportSummary is calculated on demand.
region String | The Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String | The Project key. |
importContainerKey String | The key of the import container. |
curl --get https://import.{region}{projectKey}/import-containers/{importContainerKey}/import-summaries -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
"states": {
"processing": 3,
"validationFailed": 0,
"unresolved": 0,
"waitForMasterVariant": 0,
"imported": 2,
"rejected": 0,
"canceled": 0
"total": 5