Importing Customers
Create and update Customers in your Project.
The Customer data to import is represented by CustomerImport and included in a CustomerImportRequest, which is imported using Import Customers.
The request body to import Customers. Contains data for Customers to be created or updated in a Project.
type String | "customer" The Customer import resource type. |
resources Array of CustomerImport | The customer import resources of this request. MaxItems:20 |
{"type": "customer","resources": [{"customerNumber": "12345","email": "","password": "secret","firstName": "Alice","lastName": "Doe","middleName": "Ruth","title": "Ms.","dateOfBirth": "1980-01-01","companyName": "commercetools GmbH","vatId": "123456789","addresses": [{"key": "wCVKP6iU","firstName": "Alice","country": "DE"},{"key": "en-wcvK6","firstName": "Alice","country": "US"}],"defaultShippingAddress": 0,"shippingAddresses": [0, 1],"defaultBillingAddress": 0,"billingAddresses": [0, 1],"isEmailVerified": false,"externalId": "external-id-123","customerGroup": {"typeId": "customer-group","key": "customer-group-key"},"custom": {"type": {"key": "custom-type","typeId": "type"},"fields": {"boolean-field": {"type": "Boolean","value": true}}},"locale": "DE","salutation": "Dr.","key": "customer-import-resource-key","stores": [{"typeId": "store","key": "store-key"}],"authenticationMode": "Password"}]}
The data representation for a Customer to be imported that is persisted as a Customer in the Project.
key String | User-defined unique identifier. If a Customer with this 2 MaxLength: 256 Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$ |
customerNumber String | Maps to |
email String | Maps to |
password String | Required when |
stores Array of StoreKeyReference | The References to the Stores with which the Customer is associated. If referenced Stores do not exist, the |
firstName String | Maps to |
lastName String | Maps to |
middleName String | Maps to |
title String | Maps to |
salutation String | Maps to |
externalId String | Maps to |
dateOfBirth Date | Maps to |
companyName String | Maps to |
vatId String | Maps to |
isEmailVerified Boolean | Maps to |
customerGroup | The Reference to the CustomerGroup with which the Customer is associated.
If referenced CustomerGroup does not exist, the |
addresses Array of CustomerAddress | Maps to |
defaultBillingAddress Int | The index of the address in the addresses array. The |
billingAddresses Array of Integer | The indices of the billing addresses in the addresses array. The |
defaultShippingAddress Int | The index of the address in the addresses array. The |
shippingAddresses Array of Integer | The indices of the shipping addresses in the addresses array. The |
locale String | Maps to |
authenticationMode |
Password |
custom | The Custom Fields for this Customer. |
Different from Address in that key
is required and id
is not supported.
key String | User-defined identifier for the address.
Must follow the pattern |
title String | |
salutation String | |
firstName String | |
lastName String | |
streetName String | |
streetNumber String | |
additionalStreetInfo String | |
postalCode String | |
city String | |
region String | |
state String | |
country CountryCode | A two-digit country code as per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
company String | |
department String | |
building String | |
apartment String | |
pOBox String | |
phone String | |
mobile String | |
email String | |
fax String | |
additionalAddressInfo String | |
externalId String | |
custom | Custom Fields for the address. |
If set, the
field is required for the Customer.ExternalAuth
If set, the
field is optional for the Customer.
Import Customers
Creates a request for creating new Customers or updating existing ones.
region String | The Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String | The Project key. |
importContainerKey String | The ImportContainer used to create the new resource |
curl https://import.{region}{projectKey}/customers/import-containers/{importContainerKey} -i \--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-binary @- << DATA{"type" : "customer","resources" : [ {"customerNumber" : "12345","email" : "","password" : "secret","firstName" : "Alice","lastName" : "Doe","middleName" : "Ruth","title" : "Ms.","dateOfBirth" : "1980-01-01","companyName" : "commercetools GmbH","vatId" : "123456789","addresses" : [ {"key" : "wCVKP6iU","firstName" : "Alice","country" : "DE"}, {"key" : "en-wcvK6","firstName" : "Alice","country" : "US"} ],"defaultShippingAddress" : 0,"shippingAddresses" : [ 0, 1 ],"defaultBillingAddress" : 0,"billingAddresses" : [ 0, 1 ],"isEmailVerified" : false,"externalId" : "external-id-123","customerGroup" : {"typeId" : "customer-group","key" : "customer-group-key"},"custom" : {"type" : {"key" : "custom-type","typeId" : "type"},"fields" : {"boolean-field" : {"type" : "Boolean","value" : true}}},"locale" : "DE","salutation" : "Dr.","key" : "customer-import-resource-key","stores" : [ {"typeId" : "store","key" : "store-key"} ],"authenticationMode" : "Password"} ]}DATA
{"operationStatus": [{"state": "processing","operationId": "252c6ed3-c668-4610-afe9-87b9255e62e0"}]}