Learn how to create, edit, and delete Categories.
Only users in Teams with appropriate permissions can view and edit Categories. The permissions are managed by the Administrators Team in your Organization.
Categories let you organize your product catalog, improve site navigation, and boost sales through targeted category promotions.
Create a Category
Go to Categories > Add category.
Add basic category information.
For Category name, enter localized names for the Category.
Optional: For Category description, enter localized descriptions for the Category.
Optional: For Category key, enter a unique identifier value for the Category.
Optional: For External ID, enter a unique identifier value for the Category, which can be used to identify the Category across external systems.
For Category order (orderHint), enter a decimal value between 0 and 1. This is useful when sorting your Categories; when sorted in an ascending order, those with a lower value (for example, 0.05) are higher in the list than those with a higher value (for example, 0.07).
Optional: If present, select a Custom Field for the Category and enter a value for it.
Custom Fields are defined using the Custom Fields API.
Click Next.
Configure a category location. If it should be a new or parent Category, click Next; else, if it's a child Category, select the parent path and click Next.
Add external search information for search engine optimization (SEO).
- For URL slug, enter localized slugs for the Category to be used by external search engines. A Category can have the same slug for different locales, but they are unique across the Project.
- Optional: For Meta title, enter localized meta titles for the Category to be used by external search engines. To use the same names for the Category, as defined earlier, select Use category name.
- Optional: For Meta description, enter localized descriptions for the Category to be used by external search engines. To use the same descriptions for the Category, as defined earlier, select Use category description.
Click Save.
You can now add Products to the newly created Category.
Add or remove Products from Categories
Before adding or removing Products from Categories, you must index your product catalog. To index, go to Products > Product list and click Index my product catalog now.
After this, proceed to editing Products in Categories:
- Go to Products > Product list.
- Select the Products and, in the Actions drop-down menu, select Bulk edit categories.
- Select Categories to add or remove and click Next.
- On the confirmation dialog, confirm the action.
After the update is complete, the update summary is displayed. To edit or revert the change, see Review Modified Products.
Edit a Category
Go to Categories > Category list.
Select the Category and update the general information, Custom Fields, and metadata.
To adjust the Category's position, click Move category and rearrange the Category as needed.
Changing the Category order will impact its sorting and visibility in both your catalog and website.
Click Save.
Delete a Category
Deleting a Category deletes all associated child Categories.
- Go to Categories > Category list.
- Select the Category and click the delete icon.
- On the confirmation dialog, confirm the action.