Create and update Standalone Prices in your Project.
The Standalone Price data to import is represented by StandalonePriceImport and included in a StandalonePriceImportRequest, which is imported using Import Standalone Prices.
Standalone Prices are different to Embedded Prices, which store their prices within the Product Variant or Line Item. You should check what type of price you are importing to ensure you are using the correct endpoint.
The request body to import Standalone Prices. Contains data for Standalone Prices to be created or updated in a Project.
type | standalone-price The resource types that can be imported. |
resources Array of StandalonePriceImport | The Standalone Price import resources of this request. MaxItems:20 |
The data representation for a Standalone Price to be imported that is persisted as a Standalone Price) in the Project.
key String | User-defined unique identifier for the Standalone Price. If a StandalonePrice) with this 2 MaxLength: 256 Pattern: ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$ |
sku String | Identifies the ProductVariant to which this Standalone Price is associated. This value is not validated to exist in Product Variants. |
value | Sets the money value of this Price. |
country | Sets the country for this Price, if the Price does not yet have a country. The country cannot be updated. Attempting to update the an existing country will result in an InvalidFieldsUpdate error. Pattern:^[A-Z]{2}$ |
customerGroup | Sets the CustomerGroup for this Price, if the Price does not yet have a CustomerGroup. The CustomerGroup cannot be updated. Attempting to update an existing CustomerGroup will result in an InvalidFieldsUpdate error. |
channel | Sets the product distribution Channel for this Price, if the Price does not yet have a Channel. The Channel cannot be updated. Attempting to update an existing Channel will result in an InvalidFieldsUpdate error. |
validFrom DateTime | Sets the date from which the Price is valid. |
validUntil DateTime | Sets the date until the Price is valid. |
tiers Array of PriceTier | Sets price tiers. |
discounted | Sets a discounted price for this Price that is different from the base price with value. |
custom | Custom Fields for the StandalonePrice. |
Import Standalone Prices
Creates a request for creating new Standalone Prices or updating existing ones.
region String | The Region in which the Project is hosted. |
projectKey String | The Project key. |
importContainerKey String | The ImportContainer used to create the new resource |
curl https://import.{region}{projectKey}/standalone-prices/import-containers/{importContainerKey} -i \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary @- << DATA
"type" : "standalone-price",
"resources" : [ {
"key" : "priceKey",
"sku" : "variantSku",
"value" : {
"type" : "centPrecision",
"currencyCode" : "EUR",
"centAmount" : 100
} ]