Checkout Releases

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Payment Only mode achieved general availability status

21 February 2025

After collecting feedback during the beta phase, we moved Checkout's Payment Only mode out of beta.

The Payment Only mode is ideal if you want to keep the existing checkout flow on your storefront and use Checkout's payment functionality to accept payments. In fact, the mode lets you take advantage of Checkout's secure payment capabilities without having to adjust other elements of your existing checkout experience, such as address forms or success and failure pages.

To use Checkout in Payment Only mode, you need to:

  • Create at least one Application of the Payment Only type.
  • Call the paymentFlow SDK method to initialize Checkout.

If required, you can create Applications of both the Payment Only type and the Complete Checkout type for the same Project but for different countries or URLs.

Introduced 'merchantReference' field for Payment Intent Actions

31 January 2025

When using the Payment Intents API, you can now leverage the merchantReference field to communicate an identifier of your choice for the payment to the payment service provider (PSP), for example, to send an invoice number.

This helps you track and reconcile in your system the Payment Intent Action related to the payment.

Payment Only mode supports multiple Shipping Methods in public beta

17 January 2025
New feature

Checkout's Payment Only mode now supports multiple Shipping Methods in public beta. For example, you can leverage multiple Shipping Methods to offer your customers the possibility to collect some items in person and have the rest sent by express delivery.

The Complete Checkout mode does not support multiple Shipping Methods.

Introduced Checkout Transactions API in public beta

2 December 2024
New feature

The Checkout Transactions API is now available in public beta. With this new API, you can initiate payments managed by Checkout without using the Checkout UI. For example, you can leverage the API to process recurring payments for subscription-based orders.

Sending a Create Transaction request is equivalent to a customer confirming a payment on the UI. When you create a Transaction, the payment Connector sends the request to the payment service provider (PSP) to process the payment for a specific Cart. Then, Checkout verifies that the Payment amount matches the total of the Cart, and creates an Order from the Cart.

Introduced custom Order numbers in Checkout Sessions in public beta

21 November 2024

Setting custom Order numbers in Checkout Sessions is now available in public beta.

When creating a Checkout Session, you can now set a custom Order number to let you manage and track orders consistently across your platforms, payment service providers, and customer communications. You can set the Order number using the new optional futureOrderNumber field, and it is then stored in the Composable Commerce Order entity.

Introduced 'correlationId' field in Messages

22 October 2024

Checkout Messages now contain the correlationId field, which helps you with debugging and message traceability. To receive Messages containing this field, you must use the latest version of the Checkout Browser SDK.

Checkout is now a built-in Merchant Center application

8 October 2024

Checkout is now available as a built-in application in the Merchant Center. This provides easier access to the application and reduces the setup time. Previously, you had to manually install the application for each Project or Organization.

Additionally, we’ve repositioned Checkout in the Merchant Center main menu, placing it between Discounts and Audit Log.

Introduced drop-in Payment Integration Type in public beta

8 October 2024
Payment ConnectorsApplications

Checkout now supports the drop-in Payment Integration Type in public beta.

With the drop-in Payment Integration Type, you can render payment methods on the checkout page of your Application through a single pre-built UI element containing all methods. This Payment Integration Type requires little configuration from the Merchant Center because the rendering of payment methods on the page totally depends on the payment service provider (PSP) and on your PSP account settings.

Checkout supports the drop-in Payment Integration Type for Adyen via the dedicated Public Connector and for custom PSPs via Organization Connectors.

Introduced new locales and added a payment method for the sample payment Connector

2 October 2024
SDKPayment Connectors

Checkout now supports the Czech, Romanian, and Slovak locales. Additionally, you can now use purchase order as a payment method with the sample payment Connector.

Updated the Messages sent by commercetools Checkout

27 September 2024

We have made the following changes to the Messages sent by commercetools Checkout. Messages provide feedback about events during the payment process, helping you inform customers and manage different scenarios that may occur. You can subscribe to Messages using the Checkout Browser SDK.


New payment methods available via Adyen

14 August 2024

commercetools Checkout now supports the following payment methods via Adyen:

  • Bancontact card
  • Bancontact mobile
  • Electronic Payment Standard (EPS)
  • Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

You can now offer your customers a broader choice of payment methods and thus improve your checkout experience.

Automated the activation of commercetools Checkout

23 July 2024

The activation of commercetools Checkout now happens automatically when adding Checkout to your Project as a Custom Application. This speeds up the setup process as you no longer need to contact the Checkout support team to activate Checkout.

New payment methods available via Adyen

15 July 2024

commercetools Checkout now supports the following payment methods via Adyen:

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • Klarna Pay now
  • Klarna Pay later
  • Klarna Pay over time

Introduced the customization of labels and descriptions for custom payment methods

8 July 2024

You can now customize the labels and descriptions of your custom payment methods, which you configure through Organization Connectors.

By default, a custom payment method has no description and its label is the key provided by the payment Connector. Previously, you could not edit the label nor add a description. Now, you can customize the related properties like you can for standard payment methods. This helps you show your customers better text on the checkout page.

Introduced payment method predicates in public beta

3 July 2024

Payment method predicates are now available in public beta. When creating or editing an Application, you can now enter predicates to determine the conditions for displaying each payment method of your Application.
For example, you can set a predicate to display PayPal among the available payment methods only if the amount of the cart is at least 10 Euro.

Payment method predicates are conditional statements that operate on a true/false logic and they are evaluated against the values of the Cart fields, including Custom Fields. If the predicate evaluates as true, the payment method is displayed; otherwise, the payment method is not displayed.

Introduced Payment Only mode in public beta

13 June 2024

The Payment Only mode is now available in public beta. With the Payment Only mode, you can integrate only the payment functionality of commercetools Checkout without changing the existing checkout flow on your storefront.
In fact, the mode lets you take advantage of Checkout's secure and seamless payment capabilities without having to adjust other elements of your existing checkout experience, such as address forms or success and failure pages.

To use Checkout in Payment Only mode, you need to:

  • Create at least one Application of the Payment Only type.
  • Call the paymentFlow SDK method to initialize Checkout.

If required, you can create Applications of both the Payment Only type and the Complete checkout type for the same Project but for different countries or URLs.

Payment Connectors from Connect supported and changes to the Checkout SDK

16 April 2024
Payment ConnectorsSDK

commercetools Checkout now leverages Connectors from commercetools Connect. Additionally, the Checkout Browser SDK underwent some changes.

Introduced confirmation of permissions and subscription in public beta

12 March 2024
New feature

We introduced the confirmation of permissions and a subscription in public beta to let Checkout access and update your Composable Commerce data. With permissions, Checkout can create a Composable Commerce API Client using specific scopes, while the subscription lets Checkout update Composable Commerce data according to the status of payments.

commercetools Checkout is now available on Google Cloud Sydney

30 January 2024

commercetools Checkout is now available in Australia on Google Cloud Sydney. This expansion complements our presence in Europe and North America Regions, offering Checkout's capabilities to merchants in Australia.

Introduced the customization of address forms and address summary

22 January 2024

You can now customize the layout of commercetools Checkout's address forms by adding, removing, and reordering fields. To do so, you can use standard fields and configure custom fields that suit your use case.
Additionally, you can customize the address summary to match your custom address forms.

This new feature helps you tailor the address forms and summary in your checkout experience to your business scenario.

Introduced Checkout Payments API in beta

8 January 2024
New feature

Checkout Payments API is now available in public beta. This new feature lets you easily manage actions on payments, such as payment capture, refund, and authorization cancellation.

Following your request via the Checkout Payments API, Checkout will request the payment service provider (PSP) to perform the related financial process to capture or refund a given amount to the customer, or to cancel the authorization for a payment. This saves you time and effort in managing payment operations.

Deprecated configuration fields and new messages

28 November 2023

The sellerId, applicationId, and callbackUrl configuration fields are now deprecated. You now need to use the projectKey, applicationKey, and returnUrl fields respectively.
The new DeprecatedFields message will warn you if you use any of the deprecated fields.
Also, following the deprecation, the ProjectIsDeactivated message replaced the SellerIsDeactivated one, while a standard CORS error in the browser will replace the SellerNotFound message.

In addition, further new messages are available to receive feedback from more events.

Introduced invoice payment connector

21 November 2023
Payment Connectors

With the invoice payment connector, you can now offer payment by invoice to your customers, thus automating the reception of their requests to pay by invoice.
To activate payment by invoice on your checkout page, configure the invoice payment connector and then set the payment method in your application.

Added the 'showTaxes' and 'currencyLocale' configuration properties

15 November 2023

You can now display tax information from Composable Commerce in the price summary of your checkout page using the showTaxes configuration property.

Additionally, you can now manage the currency format of prices using the currencyLocale configuration property.

Introduced inline rendering of the commercetools Checkout UI component

14 November 2023

You can now display the commercetools Checkout UI component inline with your content, such as a custom header or footer. This gives you flexibility in managing the appearance of your checkout experience. Previously, the Checkout UI component appeared full screen and hid the content on your page, which is also the default behavior.

For more information, see Checkout Browser SDK.

Changed the formatting of dynamic parameters

14 November 2023

When specifying dynamic parameters, you must now use single curly braces instead of double curly braces. For example, {PARAMETER_NAME} instead of {{PARAMETER_NAME}}.

The Text and labels documentation is updated and reflects this change.

Subscribing to PayPal notifications is now supported

27 October 2023
Payment Connectors

You can now subscribe to notifications for your PayPal payment connector. To provide notifications about the status of the payment process, PayPal uses webhooks to call back the commercetools Checkout application.

Added toggle to activate or deactivate the discount codes field

27 October 2023

You can now display or hide the field for entering discount codes on your checkout page. To do so, use the Activation of discount code function toggle in the Application settings section when creating or editing an Application.

Introduced mock payment connector

23 October 2023
Payment Connectors

By adding a mock payment connector, you can now run your checkout flow from start to finish for test purposes or proofs of concept, with few configuration steps and without connecting to a payment service provider (PSP).

The mock payment connector is not available by default. To activate it for your Project, contact the Checkout support team.

commercetools Checkout achieved general availability status

16 October 2023

After collecting feedback during the closed beta phase, we have moved commercetools Checkout to general availability. With Checkout, you can:

  • Create a one-page checkout with minimal development effort.
  • Reduce API calls; Checkout is powered by Composable Commerce for adaptability and efficiency.
  • Free yourself from compliance concerns; Checkout is PCI DSS-compliant for secure payment handling.
  • Integrate seamlessly with industry-leading payment service providers (PSPs).
  • Customize and localize your checkout experience to display local currencies, automate regional tax calculations, and offer multi-language support.
  • Create rule-based routing for personalized checkout experiences.
  • Subscribe to real-time event messages for continuous improvement and enhanced customer experiences.

To get access to Checkout, contact the Checkout support team.