Where to find logins

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

commercetools Composable Commerce

Access the Merchant Center

The Merchant Center allows you to manage your Project (including Products, Product Types, Discounts, Orders, Categories, and Customers).

The URL for accessing your Merchant Center depends on the Region where your Composable Commerce Project is hosted. See Log in to commercetools Composable Commerce Regions for more information.

Manage your team

Invite your team members to the project from the Merchant Center. See Merchant Center docs.

commercetools Frontend

Access the Studio

The Studio is where business users and developers can manage their commercetools Frontend projects and commerce websites.

The Studio is accessible based on your customer ID. To log in, visit https://customer_id.frontastic.io while replacing customer_id with your actual customer ID.

Manage your team

Invite your team members to the project from the Studio. See our Studio documentation.

Access your repository

commercetools Frontend provides you with a GitHub repository where you can modify your project. Users who have been granted access to the repository can access it through GitHub. To add more users to your GitHub repository, contact the Frontend support team.


You can find the CI/CD status of your site from Developer > Continuous Integration in the Studio.

Access logs and metrics

Humio contains the logs and metrics of a deployed Frontend application. If you do not have a Humio account, contact the Frontend support team.


To develop or modify Connect applications, a GitHub repository is required. These repositories are created and maintained by you.

Get support

If you encounter any issues or have any questions or suggestions, contact the support team.