
The InStore_Catalog module fetches the retailer’s catalog and presents it to the user.


  • Retrieve the retailer's catalog data through connections maintained by the InStore_State module.
  • Display nested catalog listings and breadcrumbs.
  • Present the default Cart type into which items are scanned, and provide alternative options for users, if permitted.
  • Select and add an item to a payment Cart (either for a take-with sale or a for-delivery Order).
  • Select and add an item to a refund Cart for an unreceipted return.
  • Define the quantity of an item to add to a Cart.

Administration parameters

This module uses the following parameter settings, as specified in the InStore Center:


  • Allow_Order_Item
  • Allow_Sell_Item
  • Allow_Unreceipted_Return
  • Default_Scan_Mode

User interface

This module affects the following areas of the user interface:
