Administration parameters

Administration parameters always belong to one or more parameter sets that you create and maintain in the InStore Center for assignment to an environment, location, or workstation. You must assign each environment a fallback parameter set, which can be overridden by temporary parameter sets at the environment, location, or workstation level.

The system assigns most parameters an attribute of Immutable by default, which you can optionally toggle off when the parameter is added to a parameter set. You cannot override the value of an immutable parameter assigned at the environment level by assigning a different value at the location level. Although you can assign a location a parameter set with a different value, it won't override the original value.

The application refers to the parameter sets each time it is launched.

While an InStore module may directly reference administration parameters, some of the parameters are applied server-side and are not referenced in any module.

Cash management

Blind_CountDetermines whether expected totals are displayed during a cash count. If true, the count is blind and expected totals are not displayed.true
Drawer_Reserve_AmountSets the expected amount for the operating fund float for a cash drawer. Reserved from a safe deposit from the cash drawer.50.00
Minimum_Drawer_CashThe minimum amount of cash that should be maintained in a cash drawer.20.00
Safe_Reserve_AmountSets the expected amount for the operating fund float for the business day. Reserved from a bank deposit from the safe.1000.00
Summary_or_Detail_CountDetermines whether to enter the detailed count of each cash denomination or the total during a cash count. This parameter also controls the format of the bank deposit receipt. See Receipt templates. Detail is the only option that is currently available.detail


Enable_Device_BarIf true, a device bar is displayed at the bottom of the checkout page of the application. This enables users to select a different printer, cash drawer, PED, or scanner, if an alternative has been preconfigured for the current workstation. If false, the device bar is hidden from users.true
Initial_TimeoutThe number of minutes that elapse after login before the user is notified of an impending session timeout and given a chance to extend the session.25
Maximum_Cash_Drawer_RetriesThe number of times a user must press OK before a cash drawer status prompt asks the user, "Is the cash drawer closed? No/Yes."3
Maximum_TimeoutThe number of minutes that elapse after login before a session will time out and be automatically canceled, without any further extension options.30
Reminder_TimeoutThe number of minutes of inactivity before a user receives another session timeout warning.2
Supported_LanguagesThis parameter is reserved for future use.-


Enable_PrinterEnables printing using a physical printer.true
Print_Receipt_for_Bank_DepositIf true, the bank deposit receipt is sent to the current workstation’s default printer in addition to being displayed online. If false, the information is only displayed online.false
Print_Receipt_for_Cash_CountDetermines whether to print a receipt for cash counts.false
Print_Receipt_for_Cash_InIf true, and a cash in transaction is performed, a receipt is sent to the current workstation’s default printer. If false, this information is only displayed online.false
Print_Receipt_for_Cash_OutIf true, and a cash out transaction is performed, a receipt is sent to the current workstation’s default printer. If false, this information is only displayed online.false
Print_Receipt_for_Cash_Transfer_InIf true, and a cash transfer in transaction is performed, a receipt is sent to the current workstation’s default printer. If false, this information is only displayed online.false
Print_Receipt_for_Cash_Transfer_OutIf true, and a cash transfer out is performed, a receipt is sent to the current workstation’s default printer. If false, this information is only displayed online.false
Print_Receipt_for_Nullified_PaymentDetermines whether a paper chit is automatically sent to the attached printer after a payment is denied or nullified.false
Print_Receipt_for_Safe_DepositIf true, and a deposit to the safe is performed, a receipt is sent to the current workstation’s default printer. If false, this information is only displayed online.false
Receipt_Print_OptionsDetermines the available receipt options on payments and refunds:
  • Paper: receipts are sent to the configured printer.
  • Email: placeholder option provided for retailers to extend.
  • Text: placeholder option provided for retailers to extend.
  • None: no receipts are generated.
Paper, Email, None
Simulate_PrinterDetermines whether to use an on-screen simulator for printer activities. If true, the InStore colleague app displays a message to confirm that a receipt was printed. For cash transactions, it simulates the opening of the cash drawer, prompting a user response to close the virtual drawer. For use when Enable_Printer is set to false. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Simulate Printer.false


Allow_Unreferenced_Credit_RefundsAllow refunds to credit cards not used in the original transaction.false
Cash_Refund_ThresholdThe amount below which cash is refunded (if allowed), rather than the default refund tender.20.00
Gift_Receipt_Refund_OptionsDetermines the allowed tender types for gift receipt refunds: Cash, Voucher, Credit, Debit, Wallet.Cash, Voucher
Max_Gift_Receipted_Cash_RefundThe maximum amount that can be refunded to cash with a gift receipt.100.00
Max_Unreceipted_Cash_RefundThe maximum amount that can be refunded to cash without a receipt.50.00
Receipted_Refund_OptionsDetermines the tender types allowed for receipted refunds: Cash, Voucher, Credit, Debit, Wallet, Pay on Account (available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay on Account).Cash, Voucher
Unreceipted_Refund_OptionsDetermines the tender types allowed for unreceipted refunds: Cash, Voucher, Credit, Debit, Wallet.Cash, Voucher

Store Front

Allow_Add_CouponDetermines whether authorized users can enter a coupon code to apply to a cart—for example, to a sale cart or order cart.false
Allow_Amount_Off_Line_ItemDetermines whether authorized users can enter an amount-off discount on a payment line item in the InStore colleague app; limited by the Maximum_Percent_Off_Line_Item value.true
Allow_Order_ItemDetermines whether authorized users can order items for delivery or pickup instead of a take-with sale. If true, the item detail view (in the InStore colleague app catalog) displays the ORDER ITEM option. This option is enabled only for users whose role includes the OrderItems permission.true
Allow_Payment_Line_Item_DeleteDetermines whether authorized users can delete a payment line item (including its quantity) from the cart in the InStore colleague app.true
Allow_Percent_Off_Line_ItemDetermines whether authorized users can enter a percent-off discount on a payment line item in the InStore colleague app; limited by the Maximum_Percent_Off_Line_Item value.true
Allow_Price_Change_On_Line_ItemDetermines whether authorized users can change the price on a payment line item in the InStore colleague app. For a given line item, the amount of change cannot exceed the Maximum_Percent_Off_Line_Item calculation. For example, if an item costs 40 and the maximum percent is set to 20%, then the maximum possible discount is 8.true
Allow_Receipted_ReturnDetermines whether authorized users can return item quantities from a retrieved purchasing sale/order transaction. If true, the RETURN ITEM option is displayed on Transaction Search results page. This option is enabled only for users whose role includes the ReceiptedReturns permission.true
Allow_Refund_Line_Item_DeleteDetermines whether authorized users can delete a refund/return line item (including its quantity) from the cart in the InStore colleague app.true
Allow_Remove_CartIf true, displays the option that allows the user to remove the current cart and attached Customer to prepare for the next shopper’s cart.false
Allow_Resume_CartDetermines whether authorized users can retrieve in-progress carts that were previously suspended in this store. Use this in combination with the Allow_Suspend_Cart parameter. The true setting is honored only if your organization uses the controlled feature Suspend and Retrieve.false
Allow_Save_Cart_As_WishlistDetermines whether authorized users can save a cart of sale/order items as a named wishlist to an attached Customer's account.false
Allow_Save_Item_To_WishlistDetermines whether authorized users can save a selected item quantity to a new or existing wishlist on an attached Customer’s account.false
Allow_Sell_ItemDetermines whether authorized users can sell items as a take-with (cash and carry) sale. To hide the Add to Sale option in the InStore colleague app, set this parameter to false and set the Default_Scan_Mode parameter to Order.true
Allow_Suspend_CartDetermines whether authorized users can set aside an in-progress cart to retrieve for more processing later in this store; used in combination with the Allow_Resume_Cart parameter. The true setting is honored only if your organization uses the controlled feature Suspend and Retrieve.false
Allow_Unreceipted_ReturnDetermines whether authorized users can refund an item quantity without retrieving the purchasing sale/order transaction. If true, the item detail view (in the InStore colleague app catalog) displays the RETURN ITEM option. This option is enabled only for users whose role includes the UnreceiptedReturns permission.true
Automatic_Logout_After_Financial_TransactionDetermines whether the system logs the user out after payment, refund, and cash management transactions when a workstation is shared by multiple cashiers. If false, the user remains logged in for the next transaction.false
Capture_Suspend_Cart_IdentifierDetermines whether an identifier is requested during the suspend process of the Suspend and Retrieve feature. If true, the user receives a prompt for a scanned or typed identifier that must be presented later during the retrieval process. The true setting is honored only if your organization uses the controlled feature Suspend and Retrieve. If false, no prompts are generated.false
Collected_Shipping_Address_InfoDetermines the shipping address fields that are displayed when the user rings up an order for a guest or attached Customer. Use the Required_Shipping_Address_Info parameter to specify which fields are, title, salutation, firstName, lastName, streetName, streetNumber, additionalStreetInfo, postalCode, city, region, state, company, department, building, apartment, pOBox, additionalAddressInfo
Consolidate_Exchange_ProcessingGenerates a single cart to process merchandise exchanges. If false, separate carts for checkout and refund will be used. A true setting is honored only if your organization uses the controlled feature Consolidated Exchange Cart Processing.false
Default_Scan_ModeControls the default cart type to which scanned exact-match items are added. The user can choose to place a scanned item into a different cart type, if available. To hide the Add to Sale option in the InStore colleague app, set this parameter to Order and set the Allow_Sell_Item parameter to false. Available options are: Sale, Order, or Return.Sale
Enable_Soft_Login_with_PINDetermines whether the system allows users to login using a 4-digit PIN (soft login). If true, users can use the Switch User menu option to pause their session, then log back in by providing their PIN only. If false, after users log out and their session ends, they must log in using their username and password to regain entry (hard login).false
Mask_Soft_Login_PINDetermines whether the system masks the users' PINs. If true, asterisks are displayed instead of digits. If false, the PIN digits remain visible on-screen. Requires Enable_Soft_Login_with_PIN to be set to true.false
Maximum_Percent_Off_Line_ItemThe percentage discount that an authorized user by role can enter on a payment line item in the InStore colleague app. Enter a value from 1 to 100. To remove this option in the user interface, set the Allow_Percent_Off_Line_Item parameter to false. In addition to calculating line item discounts based on percentage, this value also serves as a limit for amount-off and price change discounts.20
Required_Shipping_Address_InfoDetermines the shipping address fields for which entries are required when the user rings up an order for a guest or attached Customer. Use the parameter Collected_Shipping_Address_Info to define all the fields that should show on the, firstName, lastName, streetName, streetNumber, postalCode, city
Soft_Login_Expiration_TimeThe number of seconds after which the InStore colleague app times out.480 (8 minutes)


Automatically_Capture_Order_PaymentsIf true, card payments for the Order portion of a cart will be captured at the time of the sale, otherwise they will be captured when the order ships.true
Cards_AcceptedDetermines whether credit and debit cards are accepted for payment.true
Cash_AcceptedDetermines whether cash is accepted for payment. You must have a registered printer and cash drawer for any workstation that accepts cash.true
Cash_Rounding_ModeDetermines the method for cash rounding:
  • None: no rounding occurs.
  • Up: all unavailable coin amounts are rounded up to favor the retailer.
  • Down: all unavailable coin amounts are rounded down to favor the Customer.
  • Even: coin amounts less than half the difference are rounded down, and coin amounts more than half the difference are rounded up.
This parameter does not apply to non-cash tenders.
Digital_Wallets_AcceptedDetermines whether digital wallets are accepted for payment.true
Gift_Cards_AcceptedDetermines whether gift cards (vouchers) are accepted for payment.true
Maximum_Cash_AcceptedThe maximum amount of cash that can be accepted as payment for a transaction.2000.00
Minimum_Card_Amount_AcceptedThe minimum amount that can be accepted as credit/debit payment for a transaction.0.00
Maximum_Gift_Card_AcceptedThe maximum amount that can be accepted on gift cards (vouchers) as payment for a transaction.1000.00
Order_Payment_OptionsDetermines the tender types allowed for online or in-store orders. Available options are Cash, Voucher, Credit, Debit, Wallet, Pay on Account (honored only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay on Account). You must have a registered printer and cash drawer for any workstation that accepts cash.Credit, Debit, Voucher
Pay_By_Link_AcceptedDetermines if Pay By Link is accepted for payment. A valid business/account Customer must be attached to the cart for this tender type to be available at checkout. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay By Link.false
Pay_By_Link_Minimum_Amount_DueThe amount due on the cart must be equal to or greater than this value for the Pay By Link tender type to be available at checkout. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay By Link.0.00
Pay_By_Link_Split_TenderDetermines if Pay By Link can be combined with other tender types in a transaction. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay By Link.false
Pay_On_Account_AcceptedEnables the Pay On Account tender type. If true, Pay on Account is available for selection on the checkout page when a valid business-account Customer is attached to the cart or retrieved with the order. The true setting also adds a relevant receipted refund option. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay on Account.false
Pay_On_Account_Minimum_Amount_DueThe minimum amount that must be entered in the Amount Due on Checkout field before the Pay On Account tender type is available for selection on the checkout page. Requires a valid business-account Customer to be attached to the cart or retrieved with the order. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay on Account.00.00
Pay_On_Account_Split_TenderIf true, then Pay On Account can be combined with other payment types in a transaction. This parameter is available only if your organization uses the controlled feature Pay on Account.false