View transaction activity within a location.
View transactions
To view transaction activity, do the following:
Access the Transactions menu option.
Provide an entry in at least one of the following fields:
- Location: select a location.
- Workstation: select a workstation. The values in this field are available after you select a location.
- Transaction Type: select a transaction type.
- Tender Type: select the method of payment.
- Start Date / End Date: provide a date range.
- Transaction/Order ID: specify the commercetools Order ID. You can obtain this from your Composable Commerce project, from a printed receipt, or by using the Search Transactions menu option in the InStore colleague app.
- MIST ID: specify the InStore identifier. You can obtain this from the Payment record in Composable Commerce.
- User ID: use this field to locate transactions that were handled by a specific employee. The User ID is generally displayed on the transaction receipt.
- Show completed transactions: select this to show only completed transactions.
- Show expired session only: select this to show only transactions for which there was no response recorded from the payment service provider.
- Show unreconciled payments only: reserved for future use.
Click Search, then scroll down to view the Transactions pane.
Review search results
On the Transactions pane, view the results in the following columns:
- Transaction/Order ID: the commercetools Order ID.
- Type: the transaction type.
- Location: the code for the location where the transaction occurred.
- Workstation: the numeric code for the workstation where the transaction occurred.
- User: the identifier for the employee who handled the transaction.
- Total: the extended amount of the transaction.
- Date: displays the date and time of the transaction.
View the transaction receipt
Click the View icon in the Actions menu to view the Transaction Receipt page, which shows the following information:
- Order: the Composable Commerce identifier for this order.
- MIST ID: the InStore-internal identifier for the associated payment.
- Date: the date and time of the transaction.
- Workstation: the numeric code for the workstation where the transaction occurred.
- Cashier: the identifier for the employee who handled the transaction.
- Location info: the code and contact info for the location.
- Item information: includes Item #, Description, Quantity, Unit Price, and Extended Price from the cart, along with additional item attributes.
- Subtotal, Tax, and Total from the cart.
- Tender Type: the payment methods that the customer used to pay for the order.
- Amount: the amount that the customer paid using this method of payment.
- Tender details: information about the card, gift card, or digital wallet processor and account that was used for payment, if any.
Click Close to return to the Transactions pane.