Manage administrators and the specific environments they can access within InStore.
Administrator setup
The first InStore Center user (administrator) is set up when you receive your environment. This user has permission to set up additional administrators for the environment. To do this, you first add the administrators, and then you authorize them for the appropriate environment which they need to access.
Administrators who are listed as Invited
cannot log in yet. This status indicates that an invitation was sent to the email address on file, but the recipient has not yet clicked the invitation link.
Add an administrator
To add an additional administrator to an environment:
From the InStore Center main menu, select Admin User.
View the list of authorized administrators to verify who has already been added. You can click Edit to view or change details about a listed administrator.
Click Add Admin User.
On the User Information pane, complete the following information:
- Full Name: provide the first and last names for this administrator.
- Display Name: this is displayed in the InStore Center only. It can be a nickname.
- Email Address: provide a unique, valid email address that is not shared by others and is not previously known to InStore. The administrator will receive a password-change invitation there.
- Phone Number: optionally, provide a valid phone number for this administrator.
- Preferred Language: select a language from the supported locales.
- Default Environment: leave this blank. Instead, access the Environments pane below.
On the Environments pane, click the Edit icon in the Actions column for the appropriate environment.
Authorize this administrator in at least one role and click Save.
Return to the upper pane and click Save Changes.