Explore functionality of the InStore colleague app.
After you have completed the setup by following our tutorial for getting started with commercetools InStore, you can use these steps as a guide to exploring InStore functionality.
Prepare a cart
All payment or refund transactions start with a cart. A cart is created when you:
- select an item for purchase by browsing the Catalog page (see the Catalog menu option) and selecting Add to Sale or Add to Order. Other ways to add sale/order items include searching in the search bar on the Cart page for a SKU or item text, scanning a known item's barcode, or selecting from the customer's wishlist.
- select an item for return by browsing the Catalog page and selecting Add to Return. Other ways to add return items include scanning an item's barcode and selecting Add to Return or selecting from the customer's past orders.
- perform a search and select a customer, either using the Look Up Customer menu option or via the Cart's lookup box.
- scan a recognizable coupon. (No coupons have been set up for this trial run.)
If none of the preceding options are available, you can add them by changing your parameter settings and your role's permissions using Store roles.
The mock environment is connected to a catalog that is managed in Composable Commerce.
Ring up a take-with sale
Consider all tender types and combinations that the retailer accepts in take-with sales transactions, then configure parameter settings and your role's permissions using Store roles.
Try these activities:
- Perform a checkout on a sale cart (Add to Sale) and use various types of tender, including using more than one tender (split tender).
- Save screenshots of the receipt that is displayed for each transaction, as you can use them later to process receipted returns and voucher tenders. To view receipts on smaller resolutions, you may need to click the receipt icon in the upper right of the Checkout page.
- Verify transaction activity on the Transaction Search page and in the InStore Center.
- Practice reprinting a receipt by locating your same-day transactions using the Reprint Receipts menu option.
Ring up a ship-to order
Consider all tender types and combinations that the retailer accepts for orders; that is, items that will be shipped to an address or collected in another store. Configure parameter settings and your role's permissions using Store roles to reflect business rules. Try these activities:
Contact your commercetools representative to obtain sample customers for your currency and country.
Perform a checkout on a cart that includes order items. For example, items that were added using the Add to Order option.
Ship the order to a retrieved customer address or add a new address to be stored with this order.
An address that is manually entered by a user is not saved to the customer record.
Complete checkout and save a screenshot of the receipt.
Perform checkout on another order cart and ship it to a guest customer rather than retrieved customer. Enter the guest customer’s address to be stored with this order.
Verify transaction activity on the Transaction Search page and in the InStore Center.
Ring up a mixed cart
Ring up a mixed cart, that is, a cart that contains both sale and order items. Review the tender types and combinations that are allowed for each.
Some tender types might be hidden due to parameter-driven and location settings.
Take screenshots of the receipts that you generate so you can practice returns. Verify transaction activity on the Transaction Search page and in the InStore Center.
Process a return
Stage some scenarios that are realistic for your locations. The Transaction Search allows you to access a return cart through previous sales you have rung up. Experiment with the configured refund tender types and maximum amounts that are permitted for each unreceipted or receipted return.
Some refund tender types might be hidden due to parameter-driven and location settings.
Run cash management activities
Run the activities you will require, such as payout (cash out), payin (cash in), transfer out, transfer in, and your mid-day and end-of-day auditing.
A cash count is performed and the cash drawer or safe is reset whenever you perform a Cash Count, Safe Deposit, or Bank Deposit.
If the Blind_Count
parameter is set, expected count totals and discrepancies are not displayed to unauthorized users. Instead, an administrator can view these in the InStore Center using the Cash Count Audit feature.
Review all receipt types
InStore generates receipts for sales, returns, gift receipts, and many cash management events. Take a screenshot of each template type to see its contents. View and edit receipt templates in the InStore Center.