Gift receipt template

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Use our sample template for creating gift receipts.

You can generate gift receipts at the request of a customer who plans to gift the item to someone else. The purpose of a gift receipt is to provide a proof of purchase that allows the recipient of the gifted item to return it to the store.

In the InStore colleague app, you can generate a gift receipt by selecting the Gift Receipt checkbox during checkout or later the same day by going to the Reprint Receipt area.

You can view the gift receipt template in the InStore Center by creating a new Receipt Template set that includes the gift receipt template, then editing it.


1. `{{#giftable_items}}`
2. `{{#if gift_receipt}}`
3. `{{logo 32 32}}`
4. `{align:center}`
5. `{{location.description}}`
6. `{{location.address_line_1}}{{#if location.address_line_2}}\n{{location.address_line_2}}{{/if}}`
7. `{{}}`
8. `{{location.state}}`
9. `{{location.postal_code}}`
10. `{{location.telephone_number}}`
11. `{align:left}`
12. `|Date: |{{timestamp_formatted}}`
13. `|Workstation: |{{workstation_id}}`
14. `|Cashier: |{{user_id}}`
15. `|Transaction #: |{{order_number}}`
16. `|VAT ID: |{{tax_id}}`
17. `{align:center}`
18. `{{barcode order_number}}`
20. `^^**_ Gift Receipt _**`
22. `{align:left}`
23. `|Order: |{{../order_number}}`
24. `|Item: |{{description}}`
25. `{{#if brand}}|Brand: |{{brand}}{{/if}}`
26. `{{#if color}}|Color: |{{color}}{{/if}}`
27. `{align:center}`
28. `{{barcode ../order_number}}`
29. `{{/if}}`
30. `{{/giftable_items}}`

Line number descriptions

Location and address data is pulled from fields on the Location Information page in the InStore Center.

Line numberSource and description of field
1Creates a section for a list of giftable_items.
2Sets a condition that if the user has selected any line items in the Cart as requiring a gift receipt, the following sample template is printed for each line item as an extension of the sales receipt.
3Prints the logo image that the you previously injected into the physical printer memory at position 32 32 in the printer. See your printer manufacturer documentation for logo injection and printing capabilities for the particular make and model.
4Aligns the following text to the center of the page.
5Inserts the location name from the Location Name field.
6Inserts the first line of address from the Address Line 1 field. Also inserts Address Line 2 if it contains text.
7Inserts the town or city name from the City/Town field.
8Inserts the state or county from the State or Province/County field.
9Inserts the post code from the Postal Code field.
10Inserts the phone number from the Telephone Number field.
11Aligns the following text to the left of the page.
12Creates a table that formats this line and those that follow into two columns with plain-language text as labels in the left column. Inserts timestamp_formatted from the server that stores the location's database and uses database-determined formatting.
13Inserts the workstation_id for the workstation where the transaction was completed.
14Inserts the user_id_ of the user who was logged in when the sale was tendered.
15Inserts the order_number that was assigned to this transaction by InStore; this is also visible on Search Transactions page of the InStore Center.
16Inserts the variable originally entered on the TaxId field on the General tab of the Environment page of the InStore Center, unless an overriding Tax ID was provided on the Location Information page.
17Aligns the following text to the center of the page.
18Inserts the barcode representation of the order_number.
19Blank line, which is renders as white space (linefeed) on the receipt.
20Adds a level two emphasis to the plain-text word "Gift Receipt" and italicizes it.
21Blank line, which is renders as white space (linefeed) on the receipt.
22Aligns the text that follows to the left of the page.
23Creates a table that displays a plain-text label and the order_number.
24Adds a table row that displays a plain-text label "Item:" and the description, which is the name of the item.
25Sets a condition that if the item has an attribute of brand, a row in the current table is created with the plain-text label "Brand" and the value of brand, then closes the condition.
26Sets a condition that if the item has an attribute of color, a row in the current table is created with the plain-text label "Color" and the value of color, then closes the condition.
27Aligns the following text to the center of the page.
28Inserts the barcode representation of the order_number.
29Ends the "if" condition for items that have been marked for a gift_receipt.
30Ends the section that formats giftable_items.

You don't need a cutfeed directive, as ReceiptLine automatically adds this when it reaches the end of the template.