Store roles

Elevate, May 20-22-2025, Miami Beach, Florida

Store roles determine the level of access a user has to InStore functionality.

At least one role for InStore users must be created in the InStore Center before any user can log in to the InStore colleague app. You can create as many roles as needed. Roles assigned to InStore users are read by the InStore API when determining whether a user can access a feature.

Each role is made up of permissions that determine the access to functionality.

Add or edit a store role

  1. Access the Store Roles menu option to view the list of roles that have been created for your organization.

  2. Click the Edit icon to view or change details about a listed role, or click Add Store Role.

  3. On the Role Information pane, complete the following information:

    • Role Name: provide a unique name for this role.
    • Role Description: provide guidance that store managers can use when they assign this role to users.
  4. On the Permissions pane, you have the following columns:

    • Category: shows the feature set that the permission belongs to.

    • Function: shows the capability of each permission.

      Before selecting a permission for a role, read the descriptions carefully.

    • Permission: Click to toggle each permission to False or True. When a permission is set to True, a user who has been assigned this role can perform the action.

      Any changes to a role's permissions will immediately apply to all users currently assigned to it.

  5. Click Save Changes in the top pane.

  6. Remember to inform the developer who maintains the application that InStore now supports this role. It must be added to the retailer's integration server and API.

Delete a store role

InStore does not check the assignment status of users to roles. If you delete a role that had users assigned to it, then those users will not be able to use any application features until they are assigned to another role.

To delete a Store role, do the following:

  1. Access the Store Roles menu option to view the list of roles.
  2. Click the Delete icon for the role you want to remove, then confirm the deletion.

List of permissions available for store roles

CashManagement roles

  • BankDeposit: transfer cash from the store safe to the bank.

  • CashAudit: review cash positions and history for cash drawers at a location.

  • CashCount: count and reset cash balance for a cash drawer.

  • CashIn: receive inbound cash.

  • CashOut: pay out cash from the cash drawer.

  • SafeDeposit: transfer cash from a drawer to the store safe.

  • TransferOut: initiate a cash transfer from one drawer to another.

  • TransferIn: complete a cash transfer from one drawer to another.

Device Management roles

  • DeviceManagement: create, edit, activate, and deactivate store devices.

General roles

  • Reprint: reprint receipts.

Payment roles

  • Payment: take payment for sales and order transactions.

Refund roles

  • Refund: process a return refund balance.

StoreFront roles

  • AddCoupon: enter a coupon code to apply to a cart—for example, a sale or order cart.
  • DeleteLineItemOnPayment: delete a line item from cart on sales, order, etc. transactions.
  • DeleteLineItemOnRefund: delete a line item from cart on refund, return, etc. transactions.
  • LineItemDiscountPercent: apply a percent off discount to a payment line item in the cart.
  • LineItemDiscountAmount: apply an amount off discount to a payment line item in the cart.
  • LineItemPriceChange: apply a reduced flat price to a payment line item in the cart.
  • OrderItems: add an item to the cart as an order rather than a take-with sale. In the InStore colleague app, the Add to Order option (if parameter settings support its display) is available in the cart scan field, the customer's Wishlists tab, and the catalog detail view for users whose role has this permission.
  • ReceiptedReturns: select line items to return from a retrieved receipted transaction. In the InStore colleague app, the Add to Return option (if parameter settings support its display) is available on Transaction Search results and the customer's Orders tab for users whose role has this permission.
  • RemoveCart: remove the current cart and attached customer to prepare for the next customer's cart. In the InStore colleague app, the Remove Cart option (if parameter settings support its display) is available in the cart header menu for users whose role has this permission.
  • ResumeCart: retrieve a cart that was suspended in this store for further processing now.
  • Save_Cart_As_Wishlist: save sale and order items in cart as a wishlist to an attached customer account.
  • SaveItemToWishlist: save a sale or order item quantity to a new or existing wishlist on an attached customer account.
  • SellItem: add an item to cart for a sale or take-with transaction. In the InStore colleague app, the Add to Sale option (if parameter settings support its display) is available in the cart scan field, the customer's Wishlists tab, and the catalog detail view for users whose role has this permission.
  • SuspendCart: set aside an in-progress cart for further processing in this store later today, possibly at another workstation or by another user.
  • UnreceiptedReturns: add an item to the cart for an unreceipted return. In the InStore colleague app, the Add to Return option (if parameter settings support its display) is available in the cart scan field and the catalog detail view for users whose role has this permission.