Product Tailoring lets you manage market-specific product data.
With Product Tailoring, you can adapt your Product information to different brands or regions, based on your business requirements. By adapting Product information to different markets, businesses can increase their visibility, customer loyalty, and number of orders.
Given that brands or regions are modeled as Stores in your Project, you can tailor product information such as product names, descriptions, attributes, slugs, and meta fields for each of your markets with the Merchant Center.
A maximum number of 100 000 000
Product Tailoring can be created for all Products and Stores in total.
Create tailored data for a Product
Go to Products > Product list and select a Product.
On the Product details page, select a Store and enter the tailored values for the Product in the Product name, Product description, Key for tailored data fields or any of the fields under the Product Attributes section.
If you do not enter the tailored values for any of the fields, when publishing the tailored data, the related Product Projection falls back to the default Product data for those fields.You can only add the key for the tailored Product before adding any other tailored data.
Click Save tailored values in store.
Optional: To tailor meta information for the Product, on the Int. / Ext. Search tab, enter the tailored values in the URL slug, Meta title, and Meta description fields and click Save.
Create tailored data for a Product Variant
On the Variants tab, select a variant and do the following:
To tailor Attributes, on the General & Attributes tab, enter the tailored values for the Attributes and click Save tailored values in store.
To tailor images, on the Images tab, click Add image by URL and enter the values in the URL and (optional) Label fields, and click Save tailored values in store.
The Merchant Center does not support image uploads. To upload an image, use the Product Tailoring API.
Publish tailored data
If the default—fallback values—is selected, the tailored data is not published and the default (original) data is available for the Product on the storefront. To publish the tailored data, select store-based values from the drop-down.

Delete tailored data for a Product
You can only delete tailored data for a store if the key for the tailored data was not set during the creation of the tailored data.
To delete the tailored data for a Product, remove all provided values and click Save tailored values in store fields.